The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hussein Calls Gay NBA Player After He Comes Out… But Wouldn’t Call CIA or DOD When Consulate Was Under Attack

"So, its national "Call A Gay Day"? I must have missed the memo. Is there anything this asshole doesn't comment on? Oh wait, only the important things like jobs and the economy. But calling a gay basketball player? It's called priorities and getting them Straight. But on the night of 9/11, after the US Embassy in Cairo was stormed, and after hearing that the US Consulate in Benghazi was under attack, Hussein did nothing, called no one. He can't be bothered with such silly matters like 4 American's working for his administration being killed, when he has a party to go to the next day. I bet Chris Stevens at the consulate in Benghazi wishes he would have gotten a call from Hussein, before being tortured and slaughtered. But this gay basketball player, coming out of the locker room, well that deserves a call from the Commander in Briefs. Think about it, the guy 

announced he is a homosexual. He didn't announce he found a cure for cancer. Why does this warrant a call from the President? Maybe he called him to ask him if he wanted to shoot some hoops next week after he gets done playing 18 holes. Pathetic. But then this is Hussein's gift to the Leftist Media. Now they have their talking points memo for the week. While the low information media is talking about the gay NBA player, Hussein will not have to worry about any

Christy Cream says Hussein 'kept every promise that he made' on hurricane Sandy disaster relief.

"So Christie Creme, Hussein gave you "everything you asked for"? Well, tell that to the people that are still homeless and waiting for aid. Where did all the money go? I'm glad at least you went on BSNBC to make such a ridiculous comment. We know nothing that comes out of that libtard station is the truth. So you say President Hussein “has kept every promise he’s made” in helping the state recover from Superstorm Sandy. Well, as for the other promises he made fatboy, you’re on your own. I'm looking at pictures of the devastation that were taken a couple of days ago, and it looks no different than the day you and Barry hugged and french kissed each other. After seeing these pictures and reading most of the articles related to Sandy today, I think you can officially be labeled as just another run of the mill libtard ass kissing piece of shit, El Gordo. And saying presidential politics was the last thing on your mind that day, bullshit. Your nothing but a political whore. You say you disagree with Hussein on 95% of the issues? Yeah right. Fix the typo, 

should have been 59%. The 95% was probably your body fat. I wonder if Bush was still president and this was going on if you would be talking this way? I don't think so. You would be

Monday, April 29, 2013

Communist goals that have been met in America, and those that are ongoing (hopefully, this will freak you out)

"I have been wondering what do we need to do to stop the communist take over of our country, and believe me, that is exactly what is happening. In a blog posting from the Fine Report, they talk about a book that was written in the 1960's called "The Naked Communist". In this book, it revealed the goals of what the communists thought it would take to take over America. Listed below is a partial list of those goals from the book that is so evident today it's frightening. So, 

back to what I think needs to be done to stop this traitorous transformation on our country. We need to take back the GOP. That's right, its our only hope. It's the only way we can fight back against those in the Democrap Party that is hell bent on supporting the most corrupt, evil, dangerous, and socialist president in the history of our country. Let's face it, there will be no help from the democraps to stop this transformation because they are all socialists anyway. So how do we take back the GOP? First, send Boehner packing. He is nothing but a panty waste. He caves

Late Term Abortion Clinic to Mother: FLUSH BABY Down the Toilet (Video)

"Those on the left have no shame, no God, no morals, no happiness, no structure, no personal respect, and no conscience. This is heart wrenching. The pain those little babies must have felt. These people are vile creatures. But they are also Hussein supporters. That speaks volumes. For a human life to be discarded into the sewer. Libtards, I understand now, just what you think of a baby, it is sewage, it means nothing and it is easily disposed of. Never forget, these are the same warped morons who want rights for animals protected. We hear the voices for the Gays. We hear the voices for the Muslims. We hear the voices for gun controls. We hear all the other bullshit from the American Left, but no voice for a baby who is treated like garbage or human waste. Who will be there Voice? Who? Just think how many of our leftist politicians support this and want the income of the American worker used to pay for it. And all you people that don't like it, tough shit.  

Just another day in the world of the party of Satan, a liberal democrap. And the media, when

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Baby Killer In Chief Says: “God Bless Planned Parenthood… We Got To Spread The Word, Particularly Among Young Women” Need More Proof This Man Is Evil?

"What is it about the 6th Commandment, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" doesn't this genocide supporting bastard understand? How dare he ask God to bless an organization that promotes killing innocent children. He is mocking God. If you never understood what was meant by taking God's name in vain, now you do.You want to ask someone to bless this killing machine organization, ask your god, Allah. Or your pedophile prophet, Mohammad. Or your future landlord, Satan. Leave my God out of it and don't dare bring God in the same sentence as planned parenthood again, moron. This guy is pure evil. I just can't come up with another word for him. His supporters believe he is sincere. I too believe he is sincere, sincerely evil and dangerous for America. He supports killing babies. To him, they aren't of any value. Snip their necks. Watch them move, then die. This poor excuse of a human being doesn't deserve the air that he breathes. Here is a guy who said he

Never Had a Dinner.

.....Neva had a Dinner.

"The Shite House Correspondents Dinner. What a collection of the the most corrupt, treasonous, vile, libtard assholes on the planet. First, let me make this perfectly clear, I DID NOT watch this elitist garbage. Having said that, this circle jerk of a dinner reminded me of when Red Buttons would go on the Dean Martin Roasts, you remember that, a show with actual comedians who were funny, not a bunch of morons that take their profession and make jokes about it. Hell, we don't need a dinner for that. We just need to watch these shit for brain "journalist" every night and they show how the way they report the news is the biggest joke going. But getting back to red Buttons, he would do a routine called, "Neva Had A Dinner". Yuo know, something that was entertaining. I think if Mr. Buttons were alive today, and went to this libtard barbecue, his routine would go something like this:

"Think of all the items that neva had a dinner:

The Economy, that grows slower than Joe Biden's IQ, Neva had a Dinner.
Benghazigate, that what does it matter if four Americans died because of incompetent leadership from our Liar in Chief and lying Secretary of State, Neva had a Dinner.

This and That. Other interesting reads.

Obama, Clinton Campaign Officials Convicted of Election Fraud

Shock and surprise: Diane Feinstein’s husband’s company lands big high-speed rail contract

Pigford: NYT Pegs Obama for Vote-Buying Scheme

NYTimes Confirms: Massive Fraud at USDA in Pigford; Breitbart Vindicated


Saturday, April 27, 2013

Whats With The Quick Mirandizing Of The Terrorist Eric?

"Eric Holder is not a friend to America. He is part of the Democrap plan to overthrow the government of the United States and protect those that are hell bent on destroying it. That's right, give Miranda to these killers, who probably used our tax dollars they collected in welfare, to buy the supplies to blow We the People up. Protect them, fools? Why not? It's all part of their plan. I don't know about you, but I live for the day that this whole Nazi Administration has been read their Miranda Rights. Holder continues to protect those who would kill and maim US citizens. You can bet if the bomber had been a white, evangelical Christian, he still would not have been mirandized. The fact that they rushed in this proven Muslim sympathizer judge to mirandize this terrorist, there is something they need to cover up. Has to be. The timing of the judge coming into 

the hospital to do this is very suspect.  The FBI was getting Dhokhar's cooperation or so we are told and they hoped to get more information. from him. Holder intervened and ordered the judge

Congresswoman on Gosnell: ‘May God Forgive Us’

"Finally a member of Congress with the courage to speak out. The words she spoke were never more true. Wish the other members of Congress had the balls to speak out as this lady does. No  
matter where you stand in the abortion debate, it’s come to the picture below. This was a developed child capable of living, under normal conditions, outside the uterus. This was a live baby. The killing of this baby was murder, and no different than killing a kid with explosives at a marathon. The government-sanctioned killing of countless numbers of American children simply because they are born alive, is genocide. Pure and simple. The debate over abortion is irrelevant. This was a child alive outside of the womb, who was killed for the convenience of the mother,  
baby boy b
perhaps for financial reasons. The killing was no less a murder than a Mafia hit for financial reasons. This kid was murdered no differently than a person of any age having an axe smashed on the back of their head. Left tolerated, our government will now in fact be legalizing the murder of

Friday, April 26, 2013

Tommorow: Did Holder Initiate the Legal Process For Boston Bomber To Shut-up And Lawyer-Up?

"You may be shocked. And then, considering this administration, maybe not. Read tomorrow" MC

Poll: Pelosi Most Hated Congressional Leader…You Don't Say.

"Really?! Can you imagine that? Unbelievable isn't it? Not only most hated, but, most ugly. All those facelifts didn't seem to help, she still looks like a dried up prune. The 11% that like her more than likely don't know who the Wicked Bitch of the West is but probably vote anyway. And we know who they are, don’t we. Just put aside for a moment the popularity part and think about the "ever heard of" numbers. Pelosi, 11%, Boehner, 14%. Imangine, these morons are deciding your taxes, your health care, over half of your paycheck, and less that 1 in 7 have ever heard of them. Can you imagine that. I mean no one with a brain would actually vote for these morons if they knew them. So I guess that explains it again, idiot libtards. You can’t fix stupid. I will never forget

Pressure Cookers Pulled from Shelves. What's Next?

"Oh so know we are going to need to show ID and pass background checks to buy a pressure cooker. We also need to see if you have ever been on any meds. We will also need to finger print you and give you a six month waiting period. And, if you fail any of these requirements, you will never, do you hear me, never get a f**king pressure cooker. Oh, and we also need to check out what tools you have, because if you dare to also have nuts and bolts, whoa, you are one suspicious character. Why you could be a copycat terrorist, wait, not a terrorist, ah shit, I forget what Hussein is calling these freaks now. Anyway, it doesn't look good that you will be allowed to have a pressure cooker in your possession anytime soon. After all, Government knows what is best for you. We have to protect you from yourself and protect others. I mean, why do you have to own one 

of those? Is it a high-capacity pressure cooker? There only purpose is killing people, ya know. You better register it, attend a training course, and get a concealed pressure cooker, cooking permit. If 
you have children, you better keep it unplugged, and buy a safety lock for it. I'm sure there's a libtard somewhere who will mandate putting a pressure release valve on these things, so that no

You Might Live In A Country Founded By Libtards If....

1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally,… you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots Libtards.
2. If you have to get your parents permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion,… you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots libtards.
3. If you have to show ...identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book, but not to vote, … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots  libtards.
4. If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Hussein Attends Gosnell Supporting Planned Parenthood Fundraiser To Help Celebrate The Murder Of US Citizens.

"So let me get this straight, a crazy guy comes in with a gun and kills 20+ children in a school and we try to take away the gun rights of all, but Planned Parenthood, who murders ten's of thousands of children each year holds a fundraiser, attended by the Murderer in Chief who will give the keynote speech? Well, ain’t that special? I’m sure he’ll ask everyone to give a rounding 

applause for the judge that let our latest serial baby killer, Kermit Gosnell, go free. In the upside down world of progressivism, this is normal. Will Obortion tell all those women that he doesn’t mind if babies are half out of the womb when they have their spines snipped in half? Somehow I don’t think that will come up. I wonder if his backdrop will be dead babies lined up 4 or 5 deep as with his other photo ops. Intellectually lacking, morally unstable, and pretending to be a Christian, Obortion continues to show what an embarrassment he is as president and as a human being. Planned abortion fundraiser Thursday, push gay marriage agenda Friday, Muslim prayers on Saturday, and photo ops at church on Sunday. That's our "Christian" president. The infanticide president parties and raises cash with the blood of babies on his hands, but at least he doesn't use them as props, yet. Will this baby killing President acknowledge the fact that Planned

Democrats Fundraise Off of Victims of Boston Bombings. And Your Shocked?

"Disgraceful and in poor taste"? What's new? This is a democrap administration we're talking about. Democraps are incapable of understanding what is in poor taste, due to their vile character. They haven't been able to stop themselves from turning memorials and funerals into Democrap pep rallies for nearly 2 decades. Were you shocked when  Democraps campaigned while eulogizing one of their own. Not so shocked anymore. What do you expect of disgusting tyrants with no souls? Disgraceful and in poor taste are two of the Democrat party's most favorite traits. They pride themselves on it. The worst your hardship is, the more they can make off of you. Why use a 25 year old guy with his legs blown off when they can use a dead 8 year old instead? A dead 8 year old is definitely worth a few more bucks, from each person, than a mangled adult. They're probably just pissed it wasn't a 3 year old, carrying a new puppy. They could have really cashed in on that. They are nothing put heartless POS. And then there’s Chief sitting Bullshit, Elizabeth

NBC Idiot Tom Brokejaw: U.S. Partly to Blame For Boston Terror

"Looks like Tommy Boy is having one of those "I am a libtard asshole and I always blame America first" moments. Or maybe he's been drinking again. No, just being the same detestable, establishment, libtard stooge that he`s always been. Brokejaw ponders the following: “What prompts a young man to come to this country and still feel alienated from it, to go back to Russia and do whatever he did? And I don’t think we’ve examined that enough.” Well I have examined it asshole, and I think the reason why these deranged, psychotic, mentally deranged bastards did this is due to people like you Mr. Brokejaw. People like you who bash this country day in and day out. People like you Bill Aryes, Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Hussein and just about every extreme left democrap, boot licking, Nazi loving, America hating libtard who tells the world, and their fellow citizens how awful this country is, how evil this county is, how racist this country is how unfair this country is, on and on and on. Damn it you people make me so f**king sick. I blame you Brokejaw, and your type who “prompt this young man to come to this country and still feel alienated.”You of all people, who wrote the book, "The Greatest Generation". What happened Tom, what caused that break in the pattern. Most likely you did the "Greatest Generation" for

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Benghazigate Congressional Report: Hussein Inc. Lied About Video, Shillary Knew About Inadequate Security. Shocking!

"So the White House ” changed talking points ”. This must be the new phrase for the old “they lied.” I miss the old, traditional America where telling lies was considered immoral and grounds for termination. When one cannot trust one’s own government, where will this lead? A security lapse? Forgetting to lock your door, that’s a lapse. Having your fly down after taking a piss, that’s a lapse. Leaving four Americans high and dry in the middle of a firefight for 7 hours inside one of the most volatile countries in the world, that’s intentional. I can’t believe after over six months this is the shit we have to listen to. It has been proven that they asked for more security over and over before the attack. It has been proven that they had ample time to send in a rescue team or

Washed Up Susan Sarandon Says War on Drugs “Racist” And Thinks Legalizing Would “Save Our Ass”

“Oh these f**king libtards. When they can’t make their case, out pops the race card. Is there anything, according to the left, that's NOT racist? Seriously. I thought this witch drove her car off a cliff. Too bad it was a movie. The worm crawled out of her hole, must be movie promotion time.  
That’s right, it is. You’re in Robbie Redford’s movie. The one where he glorifies the Weather Underground terrorists. Perfect movie for a libtard like you. Sarandon is just another Hollywood twit that carries all her brains in her drawers. Her solution to the world's problems is to ignore the law, smoke dope, have sex in the street and do away with marriage. What outstanding logic these libtards have. Legalize drug use, which causes violence, poverty and death and fast track to boot, in the name of fairness. I guess she feels it’s better or fairer that we allow minorities to kill themselves with drugs because it’s racist to put them in jail. My, aren’t Libtards extraordinarily “deep” thinkers? Maybe if you consider a parking lot puddle, "deep". When I was young I believed wisdom came with age. Then along comes Susie, another burned out, has been, washed up celebrity libtard, to further prove that I was wrong. Really, when is this old piece of shit going 

to get lost. You know Susie Q, as an admitted drug user yourself, you have yet to do any jail time.

The Stupid Things Libtard Marxists Say

Here are todays gems:

The police action in Boston was a "hysterical dragnet." Boston’s dead were "canaries" that "have to die" because of America’s “fantasy of global domination. In some respects, the United States has been fortunate not to experience worse blowbacks, and these may yet happen…to whom evil is done/do evil in return.

UN Human Rights Council “expert” Richard Falk

"The mortuary pictures of the older brother of the two are extremely disturbing, raising questions as to whether the Boston Police Department captured him with too much force. I understand the explanation offered by Katharine Q. Seelye, William H. Rashbaum, and Michael Cooper.  Yet, it does not ring true.  A picture is worth a thousand words that will keep our ears ringing as we recoil from this photo.  Images have a way of searing themselves into our memory in a way that can’t be undone.  We have an emotional memory, not just a rational one that is exemplified by words."
City University of New York Professor Ruth O'Brien 

“The war on drugs is ridiculous, because you’re only getting—you’re spending a huge amount of money. It’s completely racist. You’re picking up everybody at the lower level because mandatory minimum drug laws let you trade in to get off, so if you don’t have anyone to trade in, if you’re at the bottom, you’re going to jail"
 Susan Sarandon
Actress Susan Sarandon

“There are a couple of things to remember here, David, I think for all of us, with the death of Osama bin Laden, Islamic rage did not go away. In fact, in some ways it’s more dangerous. This is a perfect example. There’s a lot that we still need to know about what motivated them, obviously, and the fact is that that Islamic rage is still out there. But I think that there’s something else that goes beyond the event that we’ve all been riveted by in the last week. We have to work a lot harder (to understand) a motivation here.What prompts a young man to come to this country and still feel alienated from it, to go back to Russia and do whatever he did? And I don’t think we’ve examined that enough. I mean, there was 24/7 coverage on television, a lot of newspaper print and so on, but we have got to look at the roots of all of this, because it exists across the whole subcontinent and the Islamic world around the world. think we also have to examine the use of drones that the United States is involved (in), and there are a lot of civilians who are innocently killed in a drone attack in Pakistan, in Afghanistan and in Iraq. And I can tell you having spent a lot of time over there, young people will come up to me on the streets and say we love America, (but) if you harm one hair on the head of my sister, I will fight you forever. And there is this enormous rage against what they see in that part of the world as a presumptuousness of the United States. I think everybody has to take a deep breath, report what we know."
 Former NBC News anchor Tom Brokaw

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Take: Face it America, Your President Is A Liar.

"I’m sure there will be some that will think the title of this post is horrendous. It may be, but it is true. I have been contemplating writing this for months now, but after last week, between his Rose Garden tirade and that pathetic speech about the captured terrorists, I need to get this off my chest.

The man, our president, is a liar. He is a liar and that is the truth. His lies are many. Fast and Furious, Affordable Care Act, Benghazi, Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, Gun Control, Immigration, Sequester, etc. He has lied about them all and more. He is a sociopath that, in my opinion, I base on what he has said and actually done. I do trust one thing about Hussein, and that is he will never tell us the truth. At best he will exaggerate and stretch everything that is uttered from his purple lips and expect us to believe it as the gospel truth. Are we even sure Barrack Hussein Obama is his real name? Who knows? He is a proven pathological liar, and we Americans cannot have a person like this representing our country to the rest of the world leaders, or making laws concerning us. If you have no credibility and no integrity, you are only destroying what we as a nation have built. Hussein’s words mean nothing anymore. I absolutely can't bear someone calling this evil thug ‘Mr. President’. Truth has never been part of his agenda. He is the poorest

The Foundation For Hussein's Actions

"This post is from the Black Quill and Ink Blog.This is a must read." MC

Hussein is not stupid, he knows exactly what he is doing.

I’ve made it no secret. I believe Barack Obama is a colossal fraud and that his true mission leading up to, and during his reign as president, is far more sinister than most people are willing to believe.
Arguing about the legitimacy of Barack Obama always gets mired in minutia — single issues – because people don’t stand back and look at the big picture. We argue Reverend Wright, or Bill Ayres, or socialism or the suspicious birth certificate, and so on. The left accuses the right of dirty politics. The right accuses the left of protecting a non-patriot.
To understand the real person behind that endearing facade is to know every segment of his life and look at him in a mosaic. Mosaic art is made of many tiles fitted together. Each tile has shapes and colors but no form. It’s those formless tiles that we waste time arguing about because none of them show the big picture. But in order to know the truth we must see all the tiles in place, for then they are no longer just shapes and colors, they show the entire mural of who and what Barack Obama really is.
So let’s start with one tile after another and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle.
1) Obama’s mother had an affair with and married an African-Kenyan, a Muslim.

2) There is also plethora of literature to suggest that Obama’s father was a committed communist at the time he and Obama’s mother were involved in their relationship.

3) Obama’s mother divorced his father, and then remarried to another man who was also a Muslim and citizen of Indonesia .

4) Barack Obama lived mostly in environments dominated by Islam until he was ten years old.

5) Obama’s religion was listed in his Indonesian school as “Islam.”
With an Islamic father and stepfather, and registered as an Islamic, it is reasonable to assume he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination and teachings.

6) He went by the name Barry Soetoro,” during the years he was adopted by his stepfather.

7) After age ten, his mother left the stepfather and Barry Soetoro returned to Hawaii where he was cared for by his maternal grandparents.

8) Obama’s grandparents were known to have strong political/socialist leanings.

9) Obama’s close mentor during his high school years was Frank Marshall Davis, an ardent member of the

The Earth Day "BULLSHIT".

"Wow, the Earth day anniversary. Yeah, let's celebrate all the lies that were told on this day back in 1970. If you don't remember the wackos that spewed their lies back then, I will remind you by listing them below. And guess who decided to join in on this Earth Day bullshit. Yep, our Sec. of Sate, John "Lurch" "Traitor' Kerry. He decides all the fear bullshit that was spewed in 1970 wasn't enough. He has to lie and spew some more. What an asshole this guy is. This is part of what he said:
“The United States joins countries around the world today in commemorating Earth Day. Ever since I was involved in the first Earth Day in Massachusetts, way back in 1970, this has always been a day to reflect on our environmental challenges and our responsibility to safeguard our God-given natural resources on a fragile planet we share with the rest of humanity and which we must protect for future generations,” reads Kerry’s full statement. ….“The science is screaming at all of us and demands action. From the far reaches of Antarctica’s Ross Sea to tropical wetlands in Southeast Asia, we have a responsibility to safeguard and sustainably manage our planet’s natural resources, and the United States remains firm in its commitment to addressing global environmental challenges.”
Can you believe it. This moron, like Al Gore and the rest of the environmentalist wackos, want to pass off these lies so the can continue  spend our future generation into a debt they couldn't possibly repay, while they all become rich. What liars.
So, what were the climate alarmists talking about “way back in 1970?” I’m glad you asked – Freedom Works has a handy little list of the dire warnings from people like John Kerry.
Behold the coming apocalypse as predicted on and around Earth Day, 1970:
  1. “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”  — Harvard biologist George Wald
  2. “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation,

US Army Tells Troops to Scrape Bible Verses Off Their Weapons

"The Military no longer has any Honor under this president. The Administration is hell bent on removing 'God' from this "One Nation Under God." Leftists see themselves as gods and want people to worship them and their almighty statist power hungry leader. This is just one more tradition-crushing, act of Godlessness from the Worst President Ever. The national nightmare continues under this Allah loving president. I find it hard to believe Hussein would have the time or inclination to concern himself with something this trivial, since most of his time is tied up with golf and vacations? But I guess this is serious enough to bother him. It's just gonna get worse.

BIDEN: Corn Syrup, Coal Power More Dangerous Than Terrorism

Mr. Peabody, set the Wayback Machine to 2007.

BILL MAHER: Senator Biden, forgetting about the upcoming Iowa Caucus for just a moment, which would you honestly say is more like to contribute to the death of your average American: a terrorist strike, high-fructose corn syrup, or air that has too much coal in it?

BIDEN: Air that has too much coal in it, corn syrup next, then a terrorist attack, but that is not to diminish in any way the fact that a terrorist attack is real. It is not an existential threat to bringing down the country, but it does have the capacity still to kill thousands of people. But hundreds of thousands of people die and their lives are shortened because of coal plants, coal-fired plants, and because of corn syrup.

One. Heartbeat. Away. From. The. Presidency.

Stand up, Chuck!

From the: BadBlue News Service.

Monday, April 22, 2013

DICK Durbin Says Immigration Reform Will Make U.S. Safer.

"So this anti-American, libtard POS wants us to believe that Immigration Reform will make us safer? And we should believe this bootlicker, why? This is the same asshole who compared U S soldiers, who actually protect We The People, to Nazi's, the KGB, and Pol Pot. You think for one f**king moment that he cares about the safety of the citizen's of this country. Democraps like this turd care only about getting the votes of these criminals.  The continuing problem to all this is the Nazi propaganda media, who keeps giving these idiots face time and fail to challenge them. Those who do not search out the real facts on any of  these issues assume these so called "leaders" are working truly keeping the best for America first. These politicians include the likes of McCain, Schumer, Graham, and all the rest of the democraps and Rhinos. Based on all their track records, and how long they have been all been in congress as well as being in positions of leadership, versus the current state of country and how we got here, it amazes me how they can possibly be taken seriously as it relates to any real solutions to our problems. Real American's aren't buying into this bullshit. Enforce the laws on the books and secure our borders, and then, only then will the American people even consider immigration reform. Dickhead Durbin continues to prove that Illinois continues to produce the worst of the nations politicians. Illinois, you know, the state that produced Hussein, Rahm Emmanuel, Jesse Jackson Jr., and Blagojevich. What a track record. Getting Dickhead Durbin and his other radical libtard scum out of congress will make America safer. He doesn't care that radical Islamist continue to infiltrate this country. No sir, Turbin Durbin, along with his Imam in the Shite House welcome them with open arms. Practically
delivers the bombs himself. Hussein and Durbin, two traitorous dogs if that I ever seen. Durbin is the sleaziest, most condescending parasite to ever serve in Washington. His pandering to illegal immigrants is not for them or their families, this is about getting new Democraps. That's all this is. A political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than

Two Boston Bombers Did Not Have Gun Permits. What!!! Can't Be.

"What? Terrorist don't follow the rules? How can that be? And can you believe that hey didn't have gun possession permits? Probably didn't have bomb permits either. Their "Application to Detonate an Infernal Device at a Public Event" was probably held up on the chief's desk. Ya know, if only we had had a law or two regulating gun possession. Muslims always obey the laws of the infidel even though they may have been enacted outside of the Shariah and allah's instructions. Gee, but I thought a background check would've stopped these two. What went wrong? According to the libtards, background checks can prevent tragedies like Newtown, but I guess the Boston bombers got their improvised explosive device background check, right? After

Sunday, April 21, 2013

My Take: Libtard Media Didn't Get Their Wish.

“Well libs, you didn’t get your wish. It wasn’t a white guy or a tea party member. Oh what difference the facts make! So it turns out they were Chechen brothers, Islamic Fanatics after all, and with brown eyes. Damn, that sucks. Poor Libtards, so many shocks in one week. And with a couple more coming no doubt. It’s not fun when you have to let a crisis go to waste because it blows holes in your agenda. The one who is going to have a crisis of conscience is Hussein’s Teleprompter. And Hussein is gonna have a tough time using this to push both Gun Control, Amnesty and still claim the war with Islamic terror is over. He is gonna have to pick one or the other, poor chump. He ain't gonna get a good nights rest for awhile. Oh who am I kidding, this incompetent buffoon could care less, he has no shame and he will just lie whichever way he
pleases, and the media will back him up no questions asked. Won’t be long before the speech from Hussein apologizing for America being responsible for making these poor terrorists do this. Of course we made them do it. We made them jealous of a way of life that doesn't involve raping kids and women, murdering kids and women for no reason, and the many other reasons that our way of life is just better than theirs. It's our entire fault, and they are victims. At least that's what Hussein and his bootlicking circle of friends (Biden, Hillary, Muslim Brotherhood, Jarret, Reid, Piglosi, etc.) want to brainwash people to believe. Actually, the Koran is to blame. Not America.
Such horrible passages and commandments in that book. Truly a vile, immoral religion with a murderous pedophile as their prophet. If only the entire region would find Jesus. Wouldn't you agree? Can I get an Amen? After all, it's not a religion. It's a doctrine of hate that promotes

Fox News Destroys Libtard Media In Boston Bombing Ratings! Terror Attack Ratings Prove Fox Is Now 'The Most Trusted Name In News'

“SHOCKING? Not really. Anyone with a half functioning brain has noticed that CNN and BSNBC don't report the news, they make it up according to whatever their liberal bias wants to be true. The libtard media makes a lot of excuses for what is happening in the news, they do not report the news. I guess "Fair and Balanced" is so much better to Americans than "Leaning Forward and Bending Over” for Hussein is. I got to admit, I occasionally watch CNN just to see Wolf Blitzkrieg drooling all over himself, praying he stays employed. And watching Tingles spit all over his desk and guests is kind of funny too. Then you have Megan Kelly and Brett Baier. Come on. Who can even come close to them?  Not that lineup on BSNBC. Martin Bushit, Tingles
Matthews, Al Sharpnuts, Tingles Matthews part 2, this new girl Chris Hayes, and that same guy Rachel Maddcow, and then there is Larry Odumbass pulling up the rear(end)? Are you kidding? Sprinkle in a little Andrea “Crypt Keeper” Mitchell and Up-Chuck Todd, and this station is un-watchable. Unless you’re a libtard of course. After all, BSNBC have a little bit of everything in their hosts. Racists, lesbians, brain drunk ex-alcoholics, dark skinned Englishman, and some gays sprinkled in. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Ah yes, a libtards dream team. And then you have CNN, or Constipated Neutered Nagging from the left. Don’t want to waste too

Say Hello To The Terrorist You Didn’t Hear About Last Week

"The irony is making my leg tingle. With all that went on last week, remember the letters containing Ricin that were sent to members of congress and even President Hussein? Before we found out that this wasn't related to the Boston Bombings, it was a big deal to the libtard media hacks. Could this be part of a bigger plot they asked? Who could this be? Oh the humanity! Well

Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Take: Terror suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a pot smoking Hussein supporter. BSNBC, CNN and the rest of the libtard propaganda group owes the Right an apology.

"So we have a pothead Muslim with a funny name and ties to bombers on the loose in our country. And that terrorist kid. Well isn't this a coincidence, Barry too is a pot-head who loves Barry. And they are both Muslims who hate this Country, lots in common wouldn't you say. So he's a liberal, he's a member of the liberal group, and he is responsible for the carnage in Boston. Whoa, and he must have listened to Chris "Tingles" Matthews and all the other libtard clowns at MSNBC as well. Maybe, just maybe, we need to pass legislation banning liberal-left wing cable TV, so this won't happen again. Maybe we also need to analyze Hussein's speeches. His speeches are usually full of cruel and often hate towards real Americans and at Conservatives. Hmmm,
maybe it's Hussein's words that seems to incite bombings towards Americans.You see, two can play their game. The assholes at BSNBC couldn't help themselves on Monday. They had to tie this to "Right Wing Extremists". Had to be them. Had all the earmarks in their warped minds. Well, now it's time for a little actual, factual payback. Let's take a look at the violent history the left seems to forget about when jumping to conclusions about the Right. Let me start by saying the vile libtard leftist assholes on BSNBC have the balls to accuse the right of all this violence, but it doesn't occur to them that their idol associated himself with terrorists right from his young, power grabbing start. Remember his friend Bill Ayers. How about this description of him from Wikopedia, "a former leader in the movement that opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He is known for his 1960s radical activism as well as his current work in education reform, curriculum, and instruction. In 1969 he co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group  that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and

This is why.


Another racist emboldened by Hussein “immediately relieved of all duties” after racist comment.

"What, a racist African-American. There is no such thing as a racist African-American. Just ask Rev Al and Rev Jesse. They will tell you so. So whats the excuse, she was hacked? Hacked my ass. If her account was hacked she better report it as a crime. Then be ready to face charges if she has filed a false police report. Karon, you just gave the word dumbshit a new meaning. Racists are so damn stupid. And a counselor who doesn’t have command of the English language. She must be an affirmative action hire. This bitch should be banned from all schools in any capacity. It is this type of mentality that has been brainwashing our youth for decades. There should be Zero Tolerance for these types of people. Just like there would if a white teacher said something stupid like that. Disgusting. If it were reversed and a white person made this statement about blacks it would be considered hate speech. And these are the people "edukating" our children. Send this to


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3