The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, September 16, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

John McCain (D-AZ) Introduces Bi-Partisan Bill To Halt Trump Transgender Ban…

Via The Hill:
Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Ariz.) is backing a bipartisan bill that would block President Trump’s ban on transgender people serving in the military.
“When less than one percent of Americans are volunteering to join the military, we should welcome all those who are willing and able to serve our country,” McCain said in a statement.
“Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve—including those who are transgender,” he said.
McCain, committee ranking member Jack Reed (D-R.I.), committee member Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) introduced the bill as stand-alone legislation on Friday.
Gillibrand and Collin earlier introduced the bill as an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. But the amendment is not expected to get a vote amid a larger dispute of which amendments will make it to a vote.

McCain may have been born legitimate, but he'll die a bastard. So, "Any member of the military who meets the medical and readiness standards should be allowed to serve"? They don't meet the medical standard. They are severely mentally ill. It's really that simple. The military is not a place for social experimentation! I'm sure Johnnie would've loved to share a foxhole with damaged goods when he was in the military. But then knowing him he probably would. Seems odd that a "combat veteran" would suggest that it's a good idea to place weapons in the hands of, and weapon systems under the control of a small portion of the population who doesn't want to be the sex they were born with, and have such a high suicide, and suicide attempt rate. And this rate will do nothing except climb higher under the stress of combat. But then McShame doesn't give a damn about what he's doing as long as he keeps trying to hurt Trump. He  doesn't care at all what happens to the people who serve in it. McCain is a dishonorable piece of shit. He screwed the American people with his no vote on the repeal of the Obamacare, and now, having not done enough damage, he's going after the military. He's the worst type of American.

This was never about their life choice. It's about not putting the military and the taxpayer on the hook for their medical costs. $20 trillion in debt and we need this bullshit? McCain says, “When less than one percent of Americans are volunteering to join the military, we should welcome all those who are willing and able to serve our country". 
Yeah, if this is what you want:

Let the "peaceful" rioting and looting begin!

Protests erupt after ex-cop Jason Stockley found not guilty in black man's death.

(CNN) At least 23 people were arrested during protests Friday in downtown St. Louis after a judge found former police officer Jason Stockley not guilty of first-degree murder in the 2011 shooting death of black motorist Anthony Lamar Smith.
After the verdict, protesters and activists gathered outside the courthouse and marched through the city's downtown for hours. Some could be seen locking arms and praying together, while others held signs, chanting, "No justice, no peace."
Stockley, then a St. Louis officer, fatally shot Smith, 24, after a police chase in December 2011 over a suspected drug deal. After he pleaded not guilty to a murder charge, he waived his right to a jury trial, meaning the ruling was left to the judge. On Friday, a judge found him not guilty. Stockley had said he acted in self-defense and believed Smith was reaching for a gun in his car, but prosecutors accused the officer of planting a silver revolver to justify the shooting.

Read more fake news from CNN here....

So, as usual, the media tries to paint a picture of an upstanding citizen minding his own business and then all of a sudden, BAM, out of nowhere a nazi white supremacist Policeman executes this very very nice man. Wrong!  The lying fake media purposely does not tell readers that Anthony Lamar Smith is a heroin dealer, out on parole from a weapons charge, who helps fuel the heroin epidemic around the country. Not nice CNN. To the media he's not a heroin dealer, just an undocumented pharmacist minding his own business. 

Why would anyone, black or white, be upset with the death of this career criminal? "This not-guilty verdict of a police officer who violently killed a citizen is another slap in the face to the black community in St. Louis,” Missouri state Rep. Michael Butler said in a statement. “And a shot in the heart to the family of the victim,” he said of Smith. Oh yes, I'm sure his family loved their drug dealing, heat packing felon family member that almost ran an officer over, then sped through a populated area endangering the lives of everyone in his path. To them I say sorry for your loss, and sorry for your embarrassing excuse for a family member..This dindo nuffin was a drug dealer, poisoning our society for his own personal gain, and he got what he deserved. Race has nothing to do with it. The police were doing their job of protecting us from this scum. But, as is typical, the courts make a ruling based on facts in evidence, then these racist, anger fueling politicians and those who want only “justice” that suits them, disregard the facts and begin their after hours 100% off sale, and act like animals looting and burning. Why any cop, black or white, would want to risk their livelihood and their life protecting a community that clearly doesn't want it is beyond me. The judge made the correct decision on this one. Justice prevailed today!

Amazon Deleting One Star Reviews Of Hillary Clinton’s Book

Via USA Today:
Amazon was on the defensive end this week after receiving criticism for deleting negative reviews of Hillary Clinton’s new book.
The online retail giant acknowledged its decision to remove one-star reviews of Clinton’s memoir, What Happened, claiming they have the right to uphold reviews from legitimate customers.
“In the case of a memoir, the subject of the book is the author and their views,” an Amazon spokesperson told Fortune. “It’s not our role to decide what a customer would view as helpful or unhelpful in making their decision. We do however have mechanisms in place to ensure that the voices of many do not drown out the voices of a few and we remove customer reviews that violate our community guidelines.”
For the week of Sept. 3, What Happened is sixth on the most sold non-ficition list. As of Friday morning, Clinton’s memoir had five out five stars from 609 reviews.
ReviewMeta, a website that analyzes the authenticity of Amazon reviews, said that 25% of reviewers of Clinton’s book were “suspicious,” a designation it gives to reviewers who have only reviewed one title.

Five stars? Maybe if you could buy it with EBT?Tim e to crank up damage control for the wicked commie witch. They have to protect the Queen Bitch at all costs! Voter fraud and now review fraud, wonderful. I'm betting Amazon never done this for a Mark Levin, Ann Coulter, Sean Hannity, or Michael Savage's books. And you can be damn sure that Amazon wouldn't be deleting one star reviews if the book had been written by Trump instead of Shillary about last fall's campaign. I read the cover, and that's enough enough for me. Those 5 star reviews aren't "legitimate" reviewers either! That one 5 star review by V. Foster might have given it away. 

Let's just see this for what it is, a giant liberal piece of shit taking care of a bigger giant liberal piece of shit. They never change. Amazon is not allowing anyone who has not purchased Hillary's book 'from Amazon' to comment. That is not the case for any other book they sell, whether written by a politician or not. This is not an unusual move and shows that Amazon is owned by a leftist in Jeff Bezos, with fascist beliefs.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3