The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mooch’s Food Police Program Celebrates Forcing Kids To Eat Vegetables

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) extolled a local elementary school in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. for making its students try broccoli gratin, Tuscan kale, and beet hummus, as an example of the department’s efforts to fight obesity.Clinton Elementary School held a “taste test” to preview food that will soon appear on the lunch menu, and was highlighted by USDA for its healthy eating efforts.The Poughkeepsie City school district received a $100,000 grant from the USDA for its “farm to school project,” which it is using to add items such as “butternut squash puree” to school menus. The funding was authorized by the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which was championed by First Lady Michelle Obama.

"I have an idea for what she can do with that sweet potato she's holding in her hands. This "food police" shit really annoys me. In most other parts of the world, the poor people are thin and the rich are fat. Not here. Can you show me a family in America who are poor and gets food stamps that have thin kids. These adult gimmee's kid's get not only lunch in school, but breakfast and dindin too. And in addition to that, the gimmee's are getting EBT money for "food". The little gimmee's are so hungry, that the food Moochelle's food police has for them to eat, ends up in the garbage. The teachers end up taking fruit such as apples, bananas home with them because the little gimmee's won't eat them. Here we are spending $5 million a year to support school gardens, insisting that third graders just need to try kale, chard, and collard greens in order to like them. Because we know kids always respond well to being forced to do pretty much anything right? If the Mooch says you will eat just fruits and veggies, thats what the little gimmee's will do. Yeah right. "OK, no one can go out and play until they finish their Kale surprise". And  yeah, the results of her "Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act" is getting rave reviews. The program is so unpopular, the name is being changed to the "No Longer Hungry But F**king Starving To Death Kids Who Refuse To Eat Bark, Lint, and Gravel Act". She's a prime example of Communism at its finest. 

The Mooch has now implemented a law that prohibits for parents and friends against bringing

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
 "As Obamacare is being implemented, Americans can’t afford to pay for it. We can’t even sign up for it on the impossibly cumbersome websites, but the IRS will fine us for not doing so anyway! Obama gave his pals, and Congress gave themselves, tickets off this train wreck via waivers. Cruz and Lee fought for us to get the same relief the big guys got. The media and disloyal politicians turned on them and, divided, we lost. Now we little guys are stuck on this train, which will soon collide with hardship and real-world economics that don’t pencil out. Friends, by the time the electoral stars align for this hoped-for GOP hat trick the country will be out billions, if not trillions, more of our tax dollars and will have already begged D.C. to relieve us of this corporatist nightmare even if it means a socialized single-payer system. And once there, do you think we’ll ever go back and strip this “entitlement”? Unarguable history proves otherwise.

The only credible plan of action was to do everything in our power to delay the implementation of Obamacare – defund it, postpone it, whatever – while at the same time work to elect a majority to repeal it. That is what Cruz and Lee and those Tea Party aligned House Members were doing. There was no other credible alternative plan to seize the constitutionally appropriate opportunity to legislatively close the purse strings to stop the juggernaut of full socialized medicine." --Sarah Palin


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