The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, April 28, 2013

Never Had a Dinner.

.....Neva had a Dinner.

"The Shite House Correspondents Dinner. What a collection of the the most corrupt, treasonous, vile, libtard assholes on the planet. First, let me make this perfectly clear, I DID NOT watch this elitist garbage. Having said that, this circle jerk of a dinner reminded me of when Red Buttons would go on the Dean Martin Roasts, you remember that, a show with actual comedians who were funny, not a bunch of morons that take their profession and make jokes about it. Hell, we don't need a dinner for that. We just need to watch these shit for brain "journalist" every night and they show how the way they report the news is the biggest joke going. But getting back to red Buttons, he would do a routine called, "Neva Had A Dinner". Yuo know, something that was entertaining. I think if Mr. Buttons were alive today, and went to this libtard barbecue, his routine would go something like this:

"Think of all the items that neva had a dinner:

The Economy, that grows slower than Joe Biden's IQ, Neva had a Dinner.
Benghazigate, that what does it matter if four Americans died because of incompetent leadership from our Liar in Chief and lying Secretary of State, Neva had a Dinner.
The Sequester Bullshit, that a president would want the American people to suffer so he can say I told you so to a pack of false claims the sequester would do, Neva had a Dinner.
Fast and Furious, when our racist Attorney General sold weapons to drug cartels that resulted in the death of thousands of people including an American border agent, and then covered it up with the help of our Traitor in Chief, Neva had a Dinner.
Our Homeland Security, whose policies don't keep us safe, and who buys bullets at a rate thousands a day and says it's not because we want to deplete the amount of ammo the American people can buy or that we are just preparing in the case of a revolt, Neva had a Dinner.
The FBI, who it appears everyday to look like a modern version of the Keystone Cops, Neva had a Dinner.
The Justice Department, who blatantly breaks the law instead of upholding it, and is run by a Black Panther loving, racist Attorney General, Neva had a Dinner.
Voter fraud, which was evident during the last election, and still voter ID's are not supported by the The Democrap party because they won't be able to have their low information sheep vote more than once or even if their dead, Neva had a Dinner.
Hussein Phones, that we taxpayers pay for so the Democrap mooching, welfare supporters can have a free cell phone, Neva had a dinner.
And last, but not least, tax payer funded rewards to Hussein's campaign donorslike Solyndra, that goes bust, Neva had a Dinner.

Yeah, that would have been more entertaining. I actually want to vomit every time I see these jackasses. I really do. While tax paying, American, men and women throughout this nation struggle and are worried about the basics, these caviar eating pieces of shit give us the middle finger and toast one another. It is unbelievable. And then you have Tom Brokejaw come out and speak out against it. Well listen up Tom Tom, you are nothing but a world class hypocrite. You helped create this pile of communist horseshit and you are a big time Dicktator Hussein ass kisser. So now, all of a sudden, you are all concerned about the image of the propaganda media of which you are the senior leader? Do us all a favor Brokejaw, shut the f**k up and go away. You and all your pathetic minion's. All of you, dressed up looking like the dinner should have been held on the Titanic. Too bad it wasn't. Maybe if journalists did their job and stopped covering for Hussein and his Reich, they would earn a bit of respect. Until then, the media is nothing more than a propaganda tool for corruption and when someone like Brokejaw spews a little hissy-fit, it doesn’t fool any of us who know their breed operates." MC

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