The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables


General John Kelly Slams Congressman Gutierrez For Calling Him a Liar

In response to President Trump's decision to end DACA last week, Democrat Congressman Luis Gutierrez went after Chief of Staff General John Kelly by calling him a liar and a "disgrace" to his uniform. 
“General Kelly, when he was the head of Homeland Security, lied straight to the faces of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus about preventing the mass deportation of DREAMers.  Now as Chief of Staff, this former general is executing the plan to take away their lifeline and taking steps to criminalize young people who live and work here legally. General Kelly is a hypocrite who is a disgrace to the uniform he used to wear.  He has no honor and should be drummed out of the White House along with the white supremacists and those enabling the President’s actions by 'just following orders.'"
Democrat Congressman Luis Gutierrez
Kelly issued a response to Guitierrez and other "irresponsible congressmen" like him. 

“As far as the congressman and other irresponsible members of congress are concerned, they have the luxury of saying what they want as they do nothing and have almost no responsibility. They can call people liars but it would be inappropriate for me to say the same thing back at them.  As my blessed mother used to say ‘empty barrels make the most noise. The congressman has a right to his opinion.”

General John Kelly

I would pay to see the Congressman and the General have a face to face right now so the Congressman can call the General a liar and a disgrace to his face. It would be funny to see a grown man pee his pants, and I am not referring to the ex Marine. Makes you wonder how someone so stupid can be elected to the House of Representatives. Then again, there are about 400 other ones just like him. For example, Hank Johnson, Sheila Jackson Lee, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer...the list goes on and on. And what's the common denominator, yes, democrats. And, like this yapping chihuahua, quite literally the most ignorant people walking the face of the Earth. In 'Luis Gutierrez' delusional mind, he believes that former 'community organizer' Barry Obowel's E.O. that enacted DACA is the law. Not too bright, is this illegal Gutierrez guy. Doesn't know law from shinola. 

Luis, you are a disgrace and I would love to see you impeached for having more loyalty to your namesake country than to the USA, then thrown out of the country ASAP. Imagine the nerve of this slimy moronic do-nothing Gutierrez criticizing the accomplished American Hero John Kelly. If it weren't so disgusting, it would be comical. Gutierrez is not fit to breathe the same air as General Kelly. This POS Congressman dares smear a Marine general, who dedicated his life and lost his son in defense of this nation! This POS doesn't even deserve to live in this country. He stands with illegal criminals and plays to his worthless base, who don't deserve the title "American." I'm so tired of these pricks. This human garbage has had nine years to make this a law, and has punted along with the rest of the do-nothing congress. If anyone is a disgrace it is this lazy POS who won't do his job. What a piece of human filth. He has admitted his loyalty is to the illegal immigrant community, not the US. Of course, the same thing is true of many of his fellow leftists. Since it has never paid off to attack the President,  now it's the chief of staff hetries to take on. Earth to Luis, neither President Trump nor General Kelly care about an irrelevant asshole like you. I love and respect this man, General Kelly, and I mean man in every possible positive sense of the word. You just don't mess with a man who spent most of his life in the Marines. You responded very well, General, and proved yourself the better man.

Bill Nye Blames Powerful Hurricanes On Climate Change, Real Scientist Shuts Him own

Via The Blaze:
With two major hurricanes striking the United States in just two weeks, many liberals and climate change alarmists have pointed to man-made climate change as the reason such powerful storms are striking the U.S. so closely.
One of those alarmists is television host Bill Nye, of course.
Over the last several years, Nye, the former host of a 1990’s children’s television show, has become a leading crusader in warning against man-made climate change, denouncing anything other than his own version of science and truth.
To Nye, any anomalous weather is a sign of climate change. So with record-setting Hurricane Irma coming on the heals of record-setting Hurricane Harvey, Nye was quick to connect the dots and conclude climate change.

Bill Nye, the climate pedofile, still thinks he's talking to vulnerable children he can bullshit all day long. In the case of liberals, that is all too true. But for the rest of us, he's a fraud and a con man, and he's just riding the climate hysteria to make some money before he is no longer payed any attention. Ya know, like lately. Sorry Bill, but Pope Gore is not stepping down while there's still money to be made. The wind is out of your climate storm moron. Billy boy is no scientist, but he did stay at a holiday inn express once, and he did save 15% by switching to GIECO. 

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Can't make it up.


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