The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Friday, July 21, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Friday 7/21/2017


My Opinion: McCain: I’ll Be Back, “I’ve Been Through Worse”:

Via Fox News:
U.S. Sen. John McCain, who has been diagnosed with an aggressive brain tumor, told Sen. Lindsey Graham over the phone Wednesday that he’s “been through worse,” and then went on to discuss health care and other policy issues.
McCain talked about the long road ahead regarding treatments, but said that he’s been though wars. Graham said McCain– who is resting at his home in Arizona– sounded resolved and determined.
“The disease has never had a more worthy opponent,” Graham said.
McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam for more than five years. Injuries from being tortured left the longtime Arizona senator unable to lift his arms above his head.

No sir. Don't bother. Just retire gracefully. There is no need for you to come back and screw us any further. I know, how can I say those things about the good Senator McCain under these circumstances. Because I am not a hypocrite. I have despised him as much as I did Ted Kennedy. Have written many critical posts about him. So I'm sorry, I am not going to praise him now. This guy has been bought and paid for, for decades. He is a main player in the deep state and the deep state doesn't want to see him go because he represents their special interests. He is their one vote in the senate that can be the difference between feast or famine for them. It's never been about America, Arizona and his constituents, it is all about media-whoring and power lust. I always thought you were not to be trusted, but when you took the fore front with the Trump fake dossier, that was enough for me. It proved you were in it for yourself, and not the American people. Like we needed proof. 

I will hope McCain gets well. I hope he has many productive years ahead of him, but not in government. His interests are not for the American people. It's time to put Country first John. Now is the time for you to resign and let someone who truly loves America take your seat. It's time, Senator. Move on.

Poll: Just 6% Of Americans Say Russia Story Is “Important”…

Via Daily Wire:
The verdict is in: Nobody cares.
Bloomberg News released a poll on Monday and, of course, couched it in the worst possible terms for President Donald Trump.
“Americans Feel Good About the Economy, Not So Good About Trump,” said the headline.
“Almost six months into Donald Trump’s presidency, Americans are feeling fairly optimistic about their jobs, the strength of the U.S. economy, and their own fortunes. That should be welcome news for the president, except for one thing: The public’s confidence largely appears to be in spite of Trump, not because of him.”
Throughout the story, Bloomberg downplayed Trump’s role in the improving job market and thundering economy. We’ll get back to that later, but something glaring leaped out at us.

Really, 6% of Americans? Who knew that many people were employed by the corrupt media? My God, that's even less than 7% that thinks chocolate milk comes from brown cows! But even if it was 1%, it would not stop CNN Clueless Cuomo and partner Alkaline Cannoli, or Joe Scarblowme and Mika Bresnev from their 3 morning hours of nothing but Russia, Russia, Russia! While were polling, I'd like to know the percentage of people that actually like Putin. I kinda like Putin myself. He's much smarter than our politicians and media, and more honest too. So he kills his opposition. Hell, Democrats killed Seth Rich and no body cares. And what about he one's that committed suicide by shooting themselves twice in the back of their heads who were going to testify against Hillary? I really hope that some day soon this REALLY blows up in their faces.

Auntie Maxine 2020? Maxine Waters Makes Appearance In New Hampshire On Sunday

Via The American Mirror:
Is 78-year-old “Auntie” Maxine Waters seriously going to make a run for the White House in 2020?
Speculation is increasing as it’s revealed the California congresswoman and darling of Trump haters nationwide will be making an appearance in the early presidential primary state of New Hampshire on Sunday.
“According to an invitation, obtained by WMUR from Democratic sources, Waters will be in the state on July 23 for the picnic to be held at the Miller Farm in New Durham,” WMUR reports, where she will hobnob with the Strafford County Democratic Committee.
President Trump has been a favorite punching bag for Waters, who seems to spin a new conspiracy theory about his administration and aides every few days.
Waters has been intentionally antagonistic towards the president’s supporters, as well.
During a screed on the House floor in March, Waters played the race card and the patriotism card against supporters of the president.

She might be more qualified than Barry Obammy. Plus Pelosi says that MadMaxine is the best chance to beat President Bush in 2020. Someone needs to tell this brainless bitch that she is being used by the DNC, as a grenade thrower. Someone who can do or say almost anything and get away with it because she can hide behind her complexion. No one in the DNC really backs her; she's being used like they used Bernie Sanders. She's a fund raiser. Period. She is also a f**king clown. 

So now the possible field of Democats in 2020, with a collective IQ of 60, now includes Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, Liz Warren, Kamala Harris and Mad Maxine? Hell, they could easily lose all 57 States with that Bad Dream Team. Yes. I love it. I think Sheila Jackson Lee and Hank Johnson should also run. Let the people that still aren't paying attention to politics see just how dumb a percentage of their DC democrat representation really is. 

  • FORE!!!!

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