The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Saturday, December 7, 2013

December 7, 1941

“O God of our Father,
We guard in our hearts today the sacred memory of those who gave their lives on that day which will live in infamy. Bless us, O Lord, as we humble ourselves in Thy presence to remember our shipmates and friends who served our country so valiantly.
Let us not disgrace those who still lie in the quiet places through our indifference or forgetfulness. Rather, help us to always remember Pearl Harbor and help us to keep America alert. May we never forget that more than 2,000 of our sons, fathers, brothers, and friends were killed and more than 1,000 citizens of our land were wounded on December 7, 1941. Their sacrifices were not in vain. They defended America’s freedom and demonstrated America’s goodness.
Heavenly Father, we give thanks for the brave men who embodied your love by making this ultimate sacrifice. You have declared “greater love hath no man than this, than to lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13). May we be willing to follow their example when duty calls.
We also give thanks for those who survived the attack on our country and who went on with their lives in a way that portrayed honor to a watching world. They carried on with life even as they bore deep within them the haunting memories of what they witnessed, heard, and felt. Bless them with continued grace and mercy from your holy hand.
Guide us and direct us in all that we do. Let us live to bring glory and honor to Thee.
This we pray in the Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,

Libtard Jonathan Alter Suggests Releasing Criminals From U.S. Prisons To Honor Nelson Mandela

Via Newsbusters:
On Thursday’s PoliticsNation, MSNBC political an analyst Jonathan Alter played the liberal caricature by actually suggesting that, in light of former South African President Nelson Mandela’s passing, Americans should practice “forgiveness” toward “hundreds of thousands of people” who are serving life prison sentences. Speaking to host Al Sharpton, Alter suggested:
So my question tonight, Rev, is can we import that spirit of forgiveness and apply it to the hundreds of thousands of people incarcerated who, for the rest of their lives, you know, will be stigmatized by this. Could we figure out a way to forgive them, maybe expunge some of those records? Release some prisoners who, with three strikes and you’re out, you have, you have people who have been there for so many years.

"Just when you think the libtards on BSDNC can't say anything more stupid than usual, they do. Does this asshole realize, that we don't have any "political" prisoners? At least not yet. Give Obowel time though, he's still trying to figure out a way. Johnnie boy Alter is a real idiot. Tell you what, give us your home address, Jonathan. The first 150 or so prisoners we release in honor of Nellie will be let go on setup in tents on your front lawn. Who even needs prisons? We will just keep them all at Jonathan's house. Ya know, this could in fact be a good idea in that it might relieve some of the overcrowding in prisons, which should make sufficient room available for all the communists and socialists in the country. 

Is this really a good idea? In this man's disordered mind, apparently so.  Why not start with the release of the newly married Charlie Manson, then work our way down. Charlie can spend his first night out with little Jonathan. They can have dinner together. Hell, I'll even send Charlie a new set of steak knives for the dinner. But anyway, it's just like libtard communists that believe

BENGHAZI COMIX: Is This What Really Happened in D.C.?

From Doug Ross:

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

I love Christmas lights. They remind me of the people who voted for Obama. They all hang together, half of them don't work, and the ones that do, aren't all that bright. [RK]

Quote of the Day:
         “I think Joe Biden will go down in history as one of the best vice presidents ever, and he has been with me, at my side, in every tough decision that I’ve made,” Obama told Chris Matthews in an interview Thursday held at American University. “Hillary, I think, will go down in history as one of the finest secretaries of state we’ve ever had, and helped to transition us away from a deep hole that we were in, when I first came into office, around the world, and rebuilt confidence and trust in the United States.” - Barack Obama


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3