The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Via NBC News:
President Barack Obama said that he is “in a lot of ways” less liberal than former Republican President Richard Nixon and said Fox News Channel’s Bill O’Reilly has been “absolutely” unfair to him throughout his presidency in an interview that aired Monday night.
O’Reilly conducted a live and at times contentious interview with the president on Sunday ahead of the Super Bowl. An additional taped portion of the interview aired on “The O’Reilly Factor” on Monday.
During the sit-down in which O’Reilly asked about issues like the 2012 Benghazi attack and the troubled health care roll out, the Fox News firebrand asked the president if he felt his network has been unfair to his administration.
“Absolutely, of course you are, Bill. But I like you anyway,” Obama said

"For the first time in Barry's entire political life, a media person didn't kiss his ass. Still, O'Reilly could have been tougher and showed him what being "unfair" really is. But I guess it was better than nothing. After watching this "unfair" interview, he just confirmed that he is the liar the we all suspected he was the case all along. "Unfair" is the word libtards use when they aren't getting everything they want. It is 'unfair' you lied to America. Obowel uses the DHS, DOJ, NSA, IRS and any, at the moment, corrupt government department,  to investigate, audit, and imprison anyone who doesn't agree with him. So tell me, who is it again that's unfair, asshole? The only thing that's unfair is that we can't send you packing because the spineless cowards in congress don't have the balls to indict you for the crimes you and your reich have commited. Here's a news flash for you you clueless basatrd, Americans are watching Fox News because if you and your ass-kissing friend's in the media don't want to tell us the truth, they will. And as for Richard Nixon considered himself a "liberal". Nixon "may" have been a liberal, but he wasn't an America hating Fascist like you. And "What are we going to do when your gone"? You mean besides having one hellava f**king party and start flying the flag again, well we as a nation will start fixing all the destruction you created while in office.

Obowel has gotten soft balls question's thrown at him his entire presidency. Little different when the shit questions like "if you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be" that come from Orca Wimpy, Tingles Matthews, Telemundo, or any other libtard in the media are asked, ain't it your

Barry Says Not “Even a Smidgen of Corruption” Behind IRS Targeting Conservative Groups

Via The Hill:
President Obama in a pre-Super Bowl interview with Fox News said that there was “not even a smidgen of corruption” behind the Internal Revenue Service’s targeting of conservative groups.
“There were some boneheaded decisions,” he said. “Not even mass corruption. Not even a smidgen of corruption.”
He said the IRS treated the conservative groups the way it did because of confusion over how to apply the law on social welfare groups
“What happened here is you have a 501c4 law that people think is confusing,” he said. “The folks did not know how to implement it.”

"Let's raise the bullshit flag. “What happened here is you have a 501c4 law that people think is confusing,” Barry says. “The folks did not know how to implement it". But thats only when it came to conservative groups, right? F**k you Barry. I think that this stupid statement is going to come back to haunt you Barry. Just like so many other bullshit statements that have come from your lying lips. Apparently Obowel and his whole Reich either don't know anything, weren't told anything, or are totally confused by some things. What the hell good are they? A 'smidgen', like Moochelle has a 'smidgen' of a butt. Face it, you targeted them asshole. You threatened them, intimidated them, and harassed them because you are a corrupt, racist, sob. Americans see you for what you are, a lying, demented sociopath. You should be hauled out of the Shite House in handcuffs and put in a cell. 

“There were some boneheaded decisions,” he says. “Not even mass corruption. Not even a smidgen of corruption". Has any other president use the term "smidgeon of corruption"? "Smidgeon"? Words like smidgeon are used by adults when speaking to children, which shows

Moochie Tells Children To be Like Dogs.

First Lady Michelle Obama has planted a garden at the White House, shown us that she can do a mean set of push-ups (hence those incredibly toned arms),

Via Free Beacon:
First Lady Michelle Obama on Sunday encouraged kids to be more like their puppies in order to achieve a healthy lifestyle.
Mrs. Obama drew some criticism for politicizing the annual “puppy bowl”when she made an appearance with White House dogs Sunny and Bo, using the platform to tell children that puppies drink a lot of water, so they should, too. [...]
“The First Lady reminded everyone that playing with your pet is a great way to get active,” the initiative said.  “She even joined in for a touchdown dance to celebrate with the students and puppies.”
“This year’s pups showed us that getting active and lapping up plenty of water are important ways to keep our bodies healthy and energized,” Mrs. Obama said.  “And as our family has seen with Bo and Sunny, going outside to walk and play with your pet is a perfect way to get moving and have some fun every day.”
Keep reading…

"In other words be less then human. So I guess she means we should take naps during the day, lick our assholes, eat our own vomit, eat our own shit, run around the neighborhood humping everything in sight, biting strangers, and pissing on the floor and everything else in sight. Wait, I just described this administration. Except for the humping, that was the Clinton administration. Does this mean we shouldn't wipe our ass after taking a shit either? Dogs rely on someone else to feed them, house them, and provide them with health care. Democraps like that sort of thing. Difference is dogs are at least grateful for the stuff we do for them, unlike the Democrap LIV base. Of course it would also be nice if we could take the libtards down to the vet and get them neutered, but apparently we're not allowed to do that.

So kids should drink more water because thats what dogs do? Are you serious? What the f**k else do dogs drink Moochie? Tell you what, when my dog can go grab a sprite, beer, or glass of milk to

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

  The IRS sends their auditor (a nasty little man) to audit a synagogue.

 The auditor is doing all the checks, and then turns to the Rabbi and says, "I noticed that you buy a lot of candles."

 "Yes," answered the Rabbi.

 "Well, Rabbi, what do you do with the candle drippings?" he asked.

 "A good question," noted the Rabbi. "We actually save them up. When we have enough, we send them back to the candle maker and every now and then, they send us a free box of candles."

 "Oh," replied the auditor somewhat disappointed that his question actually had a practical answer.? So he thought he'd try another question, in his obnoxious way...

 "Rabbi, what about all these matzo purchases? What do you do with the crumbs from the matzo?

 "Ah, yes," replied the Rabbi calmly, "we actually collect up the crumbs, we send them in a box back to the manufacturer and every now and then, they send a free box of matzo balls."

 "Oh," replied the auditor, thinking hard how to fluster the Rabbi.

 "Well, Rabbi," he went on, "what do you do with all the foreskins from the circumcisions?"

 "Yes, here too, we do not waste," answered the Rabbi. "What we do is save up all the foreskins, and when we have enough we actually send them to the IRS ."

 "To the IRS ?" questioned the auditor in disbelief.

 "Ah, yes," replied the Rabbi, "directly to The IRS ...And about once a year, they send us a little prick like you.” 

Quote of the Day:

       I believe in a strong financial sector that helps people to raise capital and get loans and invest their savings. That’s part of what has made America what it is. But a free market was never meant to be a free license to take whatever you can get, however you can get it.

BARACK OBAMA, speech, Apr. 22, 2010
“That’s the government’s job".


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