The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I Double Dare You Vlad! Don't Make Me Do Nothing.

obama is a coward

White House Issues Dreaded Sternly Worded Statement In Response To Russian Fighter Jet Buzzing U.S. Warship

Re: Russia is the lone super power now....Obama is a coward

"Does this mean Russia is going to get another sternly worded letter from Sir Links-a-Lot. I'm sure this worries Vlad as much as those other "warnings" did. Putin knows Barry's a wuss and isn't going to do a damn thing. As a matter of fact, Putin is probably pissing himself with laughter. Jaybird Carney comes out and says "I can assure you that Russia’s provocations and further transgressions will come with a cost. Certainly if they go further down the road in attempting to destabilize Ukraine, the costs will continue to grow.” Translation: "We're gonna do more of the stuff that didn't work the first time". Cost's will continue to grow my ass. Maybe Jaybird will get so mad he will take down the Russian propaganda he decorates his home with. Yeah, that'll show em. Meanwhile, American sailors are put in harms way because Barry believe's his threats will scare Vlad so much, he will stop every naughty thing he is doing. I'd bet that the sailors are not even allowed to defend themselves. What the Commander in Grief should have said was that he has authorized US ships to protect themselves when hostiles invade their space. Let Russia figure out what that means. But no, not President Yellow Stain. These are just incompetent clowns. Unfortunately they'll probably get a bunch of good men killed." MC

Obama coward

Deal With It Christians

 First Openly Gay Episcopal Bishop Leads Shite House Easter Prayer Breakfast
Via TPM:
At the close of the White House’s Easter Prayer Breakfast on Monday, President Barack Obama unexpectedly turned the floor over to Gene Robinson, the first openly gay Episcopal bishop.
Robinson tweeted about the impromptu prayer.

Obama Hates Christians.JPG

"Hey, why bother with the real message and meaning of a Christian holy-day when you can push

Obama Lip Moving Alert , Notify Pinocchio

this is the new Hitler dining with Kerry for the

Obowel Says He And Pope Francis Share Same “Understanding” of Jesus…

Via Charlie Spiering:
On 60 Minutes Sunday, CBS aired an interview with President Obama about his impression of Pope Francis after he met with the Pontiff at the Vatican in March.
“He’s a wonderful man. He projects the kind of humility and kindness that is consistent with my understanding, at least, of Jesus’ teachings,” Obama explained.
Obama also praised the Pope’s simplicity and spirituality.
Keep reading…
51st place entry in Eyewitless News: The New Pope

"In other words, he's lying again. It looks like his understanding of the teaching of Jesus ranks

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

 "Fitting as it was to find Eric Holder speaking in front of a “No Justice” sign, his whining about how poorly he’s been treated compared to other attorneys general, and therefore that there must be some racism involved, is pathetic, even by his lowly standards. (Imagine complaining about “divisive” tactics while sitting next to Al Sharpton!)

...back in January 2009, when I was trying to convince people that Holder should not be confirmed because he was unfit to be attorney general and would prove to be a disaster, I asked how he would have fared under the Democrats’ Gonzales standard — the “if he’s not dishonest, he’s incompetent” test — on the basis of which they ran Alberto Gonzales out of town. It’s still a question worth asking. If the Gonzales standard had been applied to Holder, he would not have gotten the job, much less kept it as long as he has." --Andrew C. McCarthy


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