The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

CNN Commentator Marc Lamont Hill Praises Convicted Cop Murderer On Twitter:

Via Free Beacon:
Liberal CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill praised a convicted cop murderer and wanted terrorist in a series of tweets Sunday.
Hill celebrated the 70th birthday of Assata Shakur, who changed her name from Joanne Deborah Chesimard, calling her a “queen.” He also wrote two quotes from Shakur with the hashtag “#AssataTaughtMe” beneath them.
In actuality, Shakur is a convicted bank robber and murderer. In 1973, she and two other members of the Black Liberation Army opened fire on a pair of New Jersey state police officers, wounding one and killing the other execution-style. The fallen officer left behind a widow and two children.
Four years later, Shakur was found guilty of first degree murder, assault and battery of a police officer, armed robbery, and several other crimes. She was sentenced to life in prison.

Seriously, at this point it would be news if a black liberal actually said something tolerant and classy. A black liberal praising a cop killer is not news, it's the status quo. Marc Lamont Hill used affirmative action and government provided loans to graduate from Columbia University. Now he is using his degree to become a racist commentator on America's preeminent fake news cable channel CNN. So on CNN fake news, we have a birthday and a cop killer celebrated. They don't even try to hide it anymore, they are enemies of the nation and should be treated as such. Hill's defense of Shakur and other cop killers eventually lost him his job at Fox News. But this is CNN, so he is secure. Nice to know that CNN employs someone who actively supports one of the FBI's Ten Most Wanted, a cop killer. Nice job, Marc, you just keep that bright light shining on CNN. There is no rational hope for this cable network, period. 

Take this any way you want, but in my humble opinion, more and more democrat/liberal blacks are proving that they are just openly racist. They voted for Obama cause of his color, they have no moral compass and equate a cop killer as a social icon. Can you say sick! Liberals, black and white, always support and revere the criminal and despise the victims mainly because they always believe that it is always the victims fault for either being in the wrong place or doing the wrong job, or having the wrong skin color, or ideology or whatever f**king else they come up with. To Marc Lamont Hill, may KARMA turn around and bite your racist ass. Marc Lamont Hill, still a complete asshole, some things will never change!

Wisconsin Boy With Rare Disease Sworn In As Police Officer

Via Fox News:
When members of the Wildwood, N.J., community heard that Ethan Kranig, a sick 9-year-old who always wanted to be a police officer was planning on visiting their beach town, locals pulled out all the stops.
Kranig from Prescott, Wis., who was diagnosed with the rare disease ectrodactyly ectodermal dysplasia, was officially sworn-in Monday as an honorary police officer with the Wildwood Police Department.
Police Chief Robert Regalbuto gave Kranig the oath of office and was touched by the emotional event.
Regalbuto said he’s seen “nothing like this before… and I’ve been with the department for 28 years.”
A Wildwood resident, Christine Six Brown, helped to coordinate Kranig’s trip, but it was John Lynch, a local who works with the city’s tourism department and is known for giving back to the community, who spearheaded the event.

 I love these children and military or law enforcement stories. This is "what we're made of". This is what are law enforcement hero's are made of.  God bless our police. 


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