The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Crazy Uncle Joe Apologizes For Barrycare: “We Were Under The Impression It Was Ready To Go”

VICE PRES. JOE BIDEN TO CNN: “We were under the impression that it was ready to go. We had the president, to his credit, almost seven weeks out was saying, ‘is it going to be ready?’ and to be told by the pros that, ‘yeah, this is all ready to go, all in line.’ Neither he or I are technology geeks and we assumed that it was up and ready to run, but the good news is that although it’s not, and we apologize for that, we’re confident that by the end of November it will be and there will still be plenty of time for people to register to get online.”

"Oh no, it's Crazy Uncle Joe! You know they're in trouble when they bring out the uncle. I guess they have to bring him out and parade him around once in a while, then put him back in his white jacket and cell. Guess that "BFD" now stands for Big F**king Disaster, eh Joe? Crazy Joe says he's not a "technological geek"? Wait, no way. Joey's not a technology geek? My God, what'll it be next? The sun doesn't rise in the south? Like I believe anything this f**king moron has to say. There are things floating in toilets with greater intellects then Biden's. 

Joey says, "We had the president, to his credit, almost seven weeks out was saying, "is it going to be ready"? And to be told by the pros that, "yeah, this is all ready to go, all in line". Okay, so who's lying now? Supposedly only Se. Syphliss (hardly a "pro" and she said so as much today) had access to Barry about this, and only a handful of times. Was Barry actually talking to "the

Men Often Need Maternity Care Says Secretary Syphilis

"So, the Abortion Queen of Kansas said a lot of stupid things at the hearing yesterday, but this has got to be among the top 5. So what this dunce is saying is that Barrycare is soon to be like cable TV. It just sucks that I have to pay money for crap like BSDNC or AlJiz, so I can get the channels I watch. Now with this farce, we all must pay for Pelosi's maternity care. What a revolting thought. I think I'll pass. I think its time to put down the crack pipe and stop self medicating Secretary Syphilis. Explain to me how maternity care applies to couple past child bearing years? Oh wait, stupid me, I see this is where I am wrong, I'm trying to bring logic into all of this. Maybe it depends how you define what maternity is. The fact is all men MUST have maternity care for no specific reasons other than to help offset the cost of maternity care paid by women. Do men get covered mammograms and PAP smears, too? We need a small group of pregnant men to stand behind Hussein in their maternity clothes in the Rose Garden to prove that not everyone in this regime is a liar. The insurance companies must love selling a product many people will never use. Truth is, having men paying for maternity care, takes care of the 72% of children in the US that are born out of wedlock. Enjoy paying for birthin babies guys. The only must is that this disaster must be repealed. It is too big of a disaster. 

So we have state mandated health forced on to taxpayers that do not want it and that covers them for stuff that is a physical improbability to occur ever. Big government logic, fu**king love it! Yeah, sign me up. This turd is even better than "cash for clunkers". How much you wanna bet the

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day: 

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 
        "Even the most reliably hacky Obamacare supporters have at least conceded that people are losing their old plans because of Obamacare. They spin it with the notion that these new plans are way better, so why would you have liked that dumb old plan anyway (which fit within your family’s budget and served you well)? But the act of spinning requires at least some reckoning with the truth.

What level of denial and/or mendacity is necessary [for Valerie Jarrett to deny] this? What confidence that the media will be there to cover your lies? This is the mindset of the people surrounding President Obama, and because no one’s ever held accountable for screwing up, this is the mindset of those who are “fixing” Obamacare’s problems.

In this case, I think Jarrett’s confidence in media to toe her line is misplaced. The dam seems to be breaking, at long last, on this falsehood. But who could blame her for thinking it’d hold up? This is the level of compliance she’s used to. --Mary Katherine Ham


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3