The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, November 6, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Monday 11/6/2017

Bush Sr, Jr Admit To Not Voting For Trump, Sr. Calls Him A ‘Blow Hard,’ Says He Lacks ‘Humility’

Any Questions???

Via Daily Mail:
In a new biographical book out in just weeks former Presidents George W. Bush, President George H.W. Bush give scathing assessments of Donald Trump.
In ‘The Last Republicans’ the father son presidential team, give their insights on politics in America. In an interview with Bush Sr. he says of Trump in May of 2016 ‘I don’t like him. I don’t know much about him, but I know he’s a blowhard. And I’m not too excited about him being a leader.’
George W. Bush echoed his father’s sentiments when he told the author Mark Updegrove, ‘As you know from looking at my family, humility is a certain heritage. That’s what they expect, and we’re not seeing that (in Trump).’
Updegrove explains he came to the tome’s title after the junior Bush said he feared he would be the last Republican president- and not just because of potential Hillary Clinton win at the time- but ‘because Donald Trump represented everything that the Bushes abhorred.’


This wailing of old RINO's does not interest me at all. You two sellouts never said a word while OVomit was tearing the country apart. And your love affair with the Clinton's spoke volumes. We saw right through you two globalist, illegal immigrant loving frauds. Your problem was the American people "got woke" and realized it was time for a change before another Bush could help in the destruction of America, so enter Trump. That's right, read our lips " No more Bush's". Both of your legacies will be that of two failures that lead directly to two people getting in the White House to screw over the nation.  That's right, you cemented your legacies as total globalist blowhard frauds by voting for a traitor to America in Hillary, rather than a man that put America first. The value of your judgment and opinion is not in question. It just sucks. Bush #1 gave us Billy Boy, Bush #2 gave us Obowel, and Bush #3 would have definitely given us Maxipad. Boy did we ever escape a disaster. And I'll gladly take a "blowhard", over lying globalist politicians anyday.

George W. stayed silent for the eight years Hussein Obama blamed him for anything and everything and George HW and Barbara stayed silent for the eight years that Obama trashed their son, but now they are attacking Trump who did nothing to them? I have to admit at one point I would have followed George W. to the gates of hell, but he has really disappointed me since he left office. He's proven to be just another globalist. Trump is NOT one of them. Which is why they hate him. And his supporter's love him. When will these people understand that the absolute safest bet is to invest in traditional America. We always come first. Yes, I'm really disappointed in the Bushes. I'm done with that family forever.

Reaction To The Texans Not Signing Colin Kaepernick Is Hilarious

Ahh, liberal tears and outrage. I have to laugh. The Texans already lost half their fan base from last week's bullshit stunt, they didn't want to lose the rest! Besides, the owner decided there are already enough racist thugs on his team, he didn't need another. 


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