The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, April 29, 2013

Late Term Abortion Clinic to Mother: FLUSH BABY Down the Toilet (Video)

"Those on the left have no shame, no God, no morals, no happiness, no structure, no personal respect, and no conscience. This is heart wrenching. The pain those little babies must have felt. These people are vile creatures. But they are also Hussein supporters. That speaks volumes. For a human life to be discarded into the sewer. Libtards, I understand now, just what you think of a baby, it is sewage, it means nothing and it is easily disposed of. Never forget, these are the same warped morons who want rights for animals protected. We hear the voices for the Gays. We hear the voices for the Muslims. We hear the voices for gun controls. We hear all the other bullshit from the American Left, but no voice for a baby who is treated like garbage or human waste. Who will be there Voice? Who? Just think how many of our leftist politicians support this and want the income of the American worker used to pay for it. And all you people that don't like it, tough shit.  

Just another day in the world of the party of Satan, a liberal democrap. And the media, when
Sandra Fluke was called exactly what she is, a slut, there was non-stop media hysteria. All the Libtard news channels expressed outrage over this. Yet, accusations of babies having their heads severed, a major human rights story if there ever was one, doesn't make the cut. The deafening silence of the media, once a force for justice in America, is a disgrace. It's criminal. Someone should go on the floor of the Senate cesspool, and ask every damn one of them if they thought that the atrocities that were committed in Nazi Germany were diabolical, and if it was right to prosecute the Nazi's for crimes against humanity? Ask them, and if the answer yes, I read a blog and in it was the story of Gerhard Kretschmar, a child born blind and with limbs missing. Hitler, as per a request from the boy's father, agrees to authorize the killing of Gerhard Kretschmar. After the 5 month old child's death in July of 1939,  Hitler quickly initiates a Children's Euthanasia program and upwards of 5,000 youngsters are killed due to "defects." Is this any different than what is being allowed to happen in America today. These leftist politicians are equal to Nazi's in both their language and actions. All these politicians that support this, along with every member of Planned Parenthood, should be tried for crimes against humanity, then hung. These people are 

not human, they have no souls, just empty bodies walking around eating, sleeping, and voting for creatures like themselves. Dinners for partial birth abortions and Presidential speeches from a pulpit praising GOD for a group that murders babies. Take a bow, Democraps. You must all be so proud." MC

“If it comes out, then it comes out. Flush it. … if anything, you know, put it in a bag or something or somewhere and bring it to us.”

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