The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

My Take: Face it America, Your President Is A Liar.

"I’m sure there will be some that will think the title of this post is horrendous. It may be, but it is true. I have been contemplating writing this for months now, but after last week, between his Rose Garden tirade and that pathetic speech about the captured terrorists, I need to get this off my chest.

The man, our president, is a liar. He is a liar and that is the truth. His lies are many. Fast and Furious, Affordable Care Act, Benghazi, Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, Gun Control, Immigration, Sequester, etc. He has lied about them all and more. He is a sociopath that, in my opinion, I base on what he has said and actually done. I do trust one thing about Hussein, and that is he will never tell us the truth. At best he will exaggerate and stretch everything that is uttered from his purple lips and expect us to believe it as the gospel truth. Are we even sure Barrack Hussein Obama is his real name? Who knows? He is a proven pathological liar, and we Americans cannot have a person like this representing our country to the rest of the world leaders, or making laws concerning us. If you have no credibility and no integrity, you are only destroying what we as a nation have built. Hussein’s words mean nothing anymore. I absolutely can't bear someone calling this evil thug ‘Mr. President’. Truth has never been part of his agenda. He is the poorest

The Foundation For Hussein's Actions

"This post is from the Black Quill and Ink Blog.This is a must read." MC

Hussein is not stupid, he knows exactly what he is doing.

I’ve made it no secret. I believe Barack Obama is a colossal fraud and that his true mission leading up to, and during his reign as president, is far more sinister than most people are willing to believe.
Arguing about the legitimacy of Barack Obama always gets mired in minutia — single issues – because people don’t stand back and look at the big picture. We argue Reverend Wright, or Bill Ayres, or socialism or the suspicious birth certificate, and so on. The left accuses the right of dirty politics. The right accuses the left of protecting a non-patriot.
To understand the real person behind that endearing facade is to know every segment of his life and look at him in a mosaic. Mosaic art is made of many tiles fitted together. Each tile has shapes and colors but no form. It’s those formless tiles that we waste time arguing about because none of them show the big picture. But in order to know the truth we must see all the tiles in place, for then they are no longer just shapes and colors, they show the entire mural of who and what Barack Obama really is.
So let’s start with one tile after another and put them together like a jigsaw puzzle.
1) Obama’s mother had an affair with and married an African-Kenyan, a Muslim.

2) There is also plethora of literature to suggest that Obama’s father was a committed communist at the time he and Obama’s mother were involved in their relationship.

3) Obama’s mother divorced his father, and then remarried to another man who was also a Muslim and citizen of Indonesia .

4) Barack Obama lived mostly in environments dominated by Islam until he was ten years old.

5) Obama’s religion was listed in his Indonesian school as “Islam.”
With an Islamic father and stepfather, and registered as an Islamic, it is reasonable to assume he was subjected to Islamic indoctrination and teachings.

6) He went by the name Barry Soetoro,” during the years he was adopted by his stepfather.

7) After age ten, his mother left the stepfather and Barry Soetoro returned to Hawaii where he was cared for by his maternal grandparents.

8) Obama’s grandparents were known to have strong political/socialist leanings.

9) Obama’s close mentor during his high school years was Frank Marshall Davis, an ardent member of the

The Earth Day "BULLSHIT".

"Wow, the Earth day anniversary. Yeah, let's celebrate all the lies that were told on this day back in 1970. If you don't remember the wackos that spewed their lies back then, I will remind you by listing them below. And guess who decided to join in on this Earth Day bullshit. Yep, our Sec. of Sate, John "Lurch" "Traitor' Kerry. He decides all the fear bullshit that was spewed in 1970 wasn't enough. He has to lie and spew some more. What an asshole this guy is. This is part of what he said:
“The United States joins countries around the world today in commemorating Earth Day. Ever since I was involved in the first Earth Day in Massachusetts, way back in 1970, this has always been a day to reflect on our environmental challenges and our responsibility to safeguard our God-given natural resources on a fragile planet we share with the rest of humanity and which we must protect for future generations,” reads Kerry’s full statement. ….“The science is screaming at all of us and demands action. From the far reaches of Antarctica’s Ross Sea to tropical wetlands in Southeast Asia, we have a responsibility to safeguard and sustainably manage our planet’s natural resources, and the United States remains firm in its commitment to addressing global environmental challenges.”
Can you believe it. This moron, like Al Gore and the rest of the environmentalist wackos, want to pass off these lies so the can continue  spend our future generation into a debt they couldn't possibly repay, while they all become rich. What liars.
So, what were the climate alarmists talking about “way back in 1970?” I’m glad you asked – Freedom Works has a handy little list of the dire warnings from people like John Kerry.
Behold the coming apocalypse as predicted on and around Earth Day, 1970:
  1. “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.”  — Harvard biologist George Wald
  2. “We are in an environmental crisis which threatens the survival of this nation,

US Army Tells Troops to Scrape Bible Verses Off Their Weapons

"The Military no longer has any Honor under this president. The Administration is hell bent on removing 'God' from this "One Nation Under God." Leftists see themselves as gods and want people to worship them and their almighty statist power hungry leader. This is just one more tradition-crushing, act of Godlessness from the Worst President Ever. The national nightmare continues under this Allah loving president. I find it hard to believe Hussein would have the time or inclination to concern himself with something this trivial, since most of his time is tied up with golf and vacations? But I guess this is serious enough to bother him. It's just gonna get worse.

BIDEN: Corn Syrup, Coal Power More Dangerous Than Terrorism

Mr. Peabody, set the Wayback Machine to 2007.

BILL MAHER: Senator Biden, forgetting about the upcoming Iowa Caucus for just a moment, which would you honestly say is more like to contribute to the death of your average American: a terrorist strike, high-fructose corn syrup, or air that has too much coal in it?

BIDEN: Air that has too much coal in it, corn syrup next, then a terrorist attack, but that is not to diminish in any way the fact that a terrorist attack is real. It is not an existential threat to bringing down the country, but it does have the capacity still to kill thousands of people. But hundreds of thousands of people die and their lives are shortened because of coal plants, coal-fired plants, and because of corn syrup.

One. Heartbeat. Away. From. The. Presidency.

Stand up, Chuck!

From the: BadBlue News Service.


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