OK Joe, party's over. Take the rest of the day off.
"I guess the 'Leader" of the Free World can’t find anything better to do today. This was an Easter egg roll wasn't it. No mention of Easter from what I could see. Just a time for Moochelle to use her eat healthy kids act. Do you think it is possible for Mo and Ron not to suck all of the fun out of children’s lives for once? Don't be surprised if in keeping with the libtard message, instead of gathering candy filled Easter eggs, these progtard next-generation’s are collecting spring spheres filled with condoms and birth-control pills. Or maybe even a rape whistle. I mean really, mascots with names like Colby Carrot and Eric Eggplant helped drive home the healthy eating message. Are you friggin kidding me? How about adding this message was brought to you by Sas Squash, played by Moochelle Hussein. I would give anything to hear one of those five year olds say “Excuse me Mrs. Firstest Lady. If you’re the Queen of Health why is your coolie so damn wide?”