The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Saturday, April 20, 2013

My Take: Terror suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a pot smoking Hussein supporter. BSNBC, CNN and the rest of the libtard propaganda group owes the Right an apology.

"So we have a pothead Muslim with a funny name and ties to bombers on the loose in our country. And that terrorist kid. Well isn't this a coincidence, Barry too is a pot-head who loves Barry. And they are both Muslims who hate this Country, lots in common wouldn't you say. So he's a liberal, he's a member of the liberal group, and he is responsible for the carnage in Boston. Whoa, and he must have listened to Chris "Tingles" Matthews and all the other libtard clowns at MSNBC as well. Maybe, just maybe, we need to pass legislation banning liberal-left wing cable TV, so this won't happen again. Maybe we also need to analyze Hussein's speeches. His speeches are usually full of cruel and often hate towards real Americans and at Conservatives. Hmmm,
maybe it's Hussein's words that seems to incite bombings towards Americans.You see, two can play their game. The assholes at BSNBC couldn't help themselves on Monday. They had to tie this to "Right Wing Extremists". Had to be them. Had all the earmarks in their warped minds. Well, now it's time for a little actual, factual payback. Let's take a look at the violent history the left seems to forget about when jumping to conclusions about the Right. Let me start by saying the vile libtard leftist assholes on BSNBC have the balls to accuse the right of all this violence, but it doesn't occur to them that their idol associated himself with terrorists right from his young, power grabbing start. Remember his friend Bill Ayers. How about this description of him from Wikopedia, "a former leader in the movement that opposed U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He is known for his 1960s radical activism as well as his current work in education reform, curriculum, and instruction. In 1969 he co-founded the Weather Underground, a self-described communist revolutionary group  that conducted a campaign of bombing public buildings (including police stations, the U.S. Capitol Building, and the Pentagon) during the 1960s and
1970s in response to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. He is married to Bernardine Dohrn, who was also a leader in the Weather organization.". What a guy. What a role model for the left. See any similarity. Is there a pattern? Maybe these terrorists took Ayer's "Bomb Making 101" class. You won't hear anything like this on BSNBC. And how about the Unabomber? Remember
that leftist kook? No, it's the "Right Wing Extremists". They have a history of violence you know. And how about Hussein's membership to that anti-American Marxist hate filled, racist church of 20 years. Not a word. They turn a blind eye to the fact that he is a supporter of Islam due to his being raised a Muslim as a child. He only references God when it's politically correct. Let's face it, he sees God every time he looks in the mirror. Remember that the Democrap Convention that wanted to take God out of their platform? I do. So Hussein's ass kissing news channel can't say that this was what it was, a radical Islam supported terror attack. Shit, Hussein himself couldn't bring himself to say it was an act of terror. It can't be the religion that their Messiah believes in that could have done this. So, I ask those democraps again, what's the name of their religious group? If it's not Rearend Wright's racist church where he and Moochelle attended for twenty years, where their teachings include hate for the whites, and it's not the mosque where Hussein prayed and studied the Koran teachings, despite lying in 2007 to the contrary, then who could it be. I guess we'll never know. So, BSNBC, I'm sure this was an unexpected, stunning twist of
events (not really), that the idiots who decided to mame and kill are Hussein supporters. You probably went home every night crying, pleading that it wasn't Islamic terrorists. After all, as Oallah said, they are on the run.  So, I believe it is time to call-out all these extremist left-wingers. Starting with BSNBC. Starting with Tingles who said, “Normally, domestic terrorists, people, tend to be on the far right, although that’s not a good category. Just extremists. Just call them that.” Also on Monday, Matthews suggested to early reports (later proved inaccurate) that the John F. Kennedy presidential library also had been bombed. “Going after the Kennedy library, not something at Bunker Hill, not something from the freedom trail or anything that kind of historic, but a modern political figure of the Democratic Party. Does that tell you something?” Yeah, it tells me something Tingles, it tells me that you are the biggest dick in America. You are vile and should have that tingled leg amputated in memory of the marathon victims, then shoved up your
ass. Sorry. And former Hussein adviser and now BSNBC guest David Axelrod made it clear. “Tax day? Was it someone … ? You just don’t know,” he said. Salon writer David Sirota, in which he expresses the hope that "the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American." CNN’s Chris Cuomo asks, once it became known who the terrorists were, “Everybody is saying good things about this person, how can you be a good person and a terrible person at the same time?” If Chris Cuomo still has a prominent position at CNN when this is over, they're in serious, serious trouble. On ABC’s Good Morning America, for example, reporter Pierre Thomas reminded guest Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center (which tracks hate groups) that Timothy McVeigh and Branch Davidian leader David Koresh, both of whom usually are cited as members of the far right, made their attacks on government personnel and property in April, even though it was years ago. “For those who hate America and know something of its history, Monday had particular meaning. In Massachusetts, Monday was a state holiday: Patriots Day,” Thomas said. “The real Patriots Day is April 19. That is the date that counts for people on the extreme right in the United States.”Asshole. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer also tied Patriots Day to the bombing. “One intriguing thought here … it is a state holiday … in Massachusetts called Patriots Day, and who knows if that had anything to do with these twin explosions?” He followed with: “We don’t know the source, and we want to be cautious. We don’t want to overly speculate on what happened.” This just in to the propaganda room, you just did moron. Then along came CNN’s Anderson Cooper. He said he didn’t know, but he speculated that the fact that the attack coincided with “Tax Day,” when federal income taxes are due, may have played a role. CNN national-security analyst Peter Bergen was questioned by host Jake Tapper about the explosions, and Bergen said it reminded him of the Oklahoma City bombing, for which Timothy McVeigh was arrested, convicted and executed. Further, he said, it brought to mind other “right-wing” attacks. “Right-wing groups trying to attacking, for instance trying to attack the Martin Luther King parade in Oregon in 2010,” he said. “So, if it is a device of some kind, you know, we shouldn’t leap to conclusion about where it’s coming from.”

So there you have a few examples. You have libtard professors, educationalists and journalists that are the leftist anti American foot soldiers who look to control and change the culture of this country, and once you control the culture you can shape the thought of rising generations and change the country in a way where it can never be changed back again. This effort by the left has been underway to break down basic rules of morality and move our culture in a direction designed to destroy it. A large part of this agenda is to make us immoral people. All these leftist ideas work together to break down the value and sanctity of all human life.
This country was founded on the Judeo/Christian principles. The left validates the Judeo/Christian world view by what they attack. The left only has a problem with religion, Biblical Christianity in particular. The left realizes in an effort to destroy our culture they have to go after the very things our Judeo/Christian culture honors: morality, belief in God, faith, the importance of family, sanctity of life, and sanctity of marriage. Thats why they continue to lie and demean those on the right who believe in the values that they hate. The left, socialism, is devoid of righteousness, devoid of God, so it is no small wonder they want to rid the entire world of those with moral, christian values. A lot of  the libtard media commentators say a lot of vile things. But as the saying goes, "It is better to be thought a fool, then to open one's mouth and remove all doubts."

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