The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, September 21, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Thursday 9/21/2017

Obama Says GOP Trying To Repeal Obamacare Is “Aggravating”

"Aggravated"? Really? He's finally right about something. It is aggravating. Imagine how "aggravated" Conservatives, Republicans, TEA Partiers,  Legal Gun Owners, Christians, Taxpayers, and some golfers were during the eight years of Obama-Llama-Ding-Dong's f**king Presidency! People paying nearly 20% of their f**king income to health insurance premiums is aggravating to you jackass. Hey Hussien, is your aggravation affecting your golf game, 4 or 5 houses, or the millions you got for your book deal? Does it moron? And by the way Barry, remember that time you said the people that drove the car into the ditch do not get to complain about how the problem gets fixed? Let me remind you:

Remember it now Barack? Karma is a bitch, ain't it? You know what's really aggravating is that virtually the entire taxpaying population hates obamacare and wants it repealed, and our worthless RINO congress is fighting tooth and nail to keep it. That's aggravating. 

Schumer Upset Trump Referred To North Korean Dictator As “Rocket Man” During UN Speech…

So mocking Jr. is "Dangerous"? Then why the hell have you Democrats mocked and insulted President Trump at every opportunity? That's not dangerous? Shove it, Chuck. If anyone, anywhere, at anytime gave you the impression that they cared what the hell you thought, it had to have been a complete misunderstanding. So sorry you were lead astray by it. Nobody cares. I know you want everyone to call Kim Jung Un Great Leader. But that ain't gonna happen. Hey Chuck, you should be happy that is all that the President called that potbellied dog eating kook. He could have called him a 'worthless Schumer'. Now that's a real insult. 

So this "rocket man" insult bothers you Chuck. It didn't bother you when Obama won the presidency and Moochele said that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country, or how she hated waking up in a White House built by slaves, or how Obama lectured how Americans have racism in their DNA, or the ' all this for a flag? ' comment. It is OK to call a sitting AMERICAN President a bigot, racist, nazi, white supremacist, islamophobe, etc. I know Chucky, when people talk about wiping out America, you're supposed to send them pallets of cash in the middle of the night. Chucky, you are nothing more than a dancing seal for the DNC power brokers. Bark, Chucky! Clap! Chucky. Hey, Chucky, just don't cry about it, because, I've never saw Kum Un Chin cry. Just sayin'.

Today's Featured Video

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell Completely Lose It

What we have here, ladies and gentleman, is one miserable excuse for a human being. Isn't it great watching a flaming liberal asshole be a flaming liberal asshole! This is what happens when an BSDNC 'personality' has to lie 24/7 and then try to remember what lies he has been told to tell. Must be a real bitch when you can't look your kids in the face and your friends know you lie more than the folks on The View. Poor bastard is hearing things and just can't face his own lies anymore. His hate for Trump is destroying him and I love the breakdown many like him are having. Mistaking the voices in your head with the voices in your ear piece should give the bosses a clue as to your mental state. Guess they like nuts on the air.
Hey Larry, Seroquel 200 mg twice a day,and if the voices don't stop in a week we up the dose. Leftists like Larry would be happier booked into asylums and kept sedated there so they can live out their lives watching Hillary and Obama speeches 24/7/365 and continuing their dreams of living in fantasy socialism. 

PS. By the way Larry, that woman's voice in your ear was probably Madmaxine Waters yelling "Peach Mint".


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