The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

DEMOCRAT SOROS FUNDED Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016!

Records just released by the Center for Responsive Politics show that Republicans Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, and Lindsey Graham all received money from a hedge fund that was started by liberal billionaire, George Soros. See link below:

Who among us is surprised? They all are in on it. Want to know who really controls everything, follow the money. Always has been, always will be. Anyone who bucks this trend, like President Trump, war is declared upon them. I don't think this is news to any thinking conservative. We knew the snakes. Is everyone clear now that these six are not on our side? Now we know why it's hands-off Soros as he financially backs all these thugs to riot and destroy property. No one in the government is going to prosecute this Nazi collaborator for inciting riots because they've all been bought and paid for. These are, without exception, horrible, evil. people. They are in it solely for themselves. e neThis is how nations go down. A backstabbing RHINO is lower than any liberal. Wisconsin, Ohio, Arizona, South Carolina all better wake up and get a decent replacement come election primary.

This is just the tip of the iceberg for they are all TRAITORS to their country. Trump and us Deplorables havver been more focused. This answers so much has to why they wish to sabotage Trump. Well, they are in for a surprise because Trump is on to them has been from day one. Lots of Draining of the Swamp is coming.

Bennett won't join NFL Patriots in visiting Trump

If the New England Patriots receive the traditional Super Bowl winner's invitation to the White House, tight end Martellus Bennett won't be involved in the visit to see Donald Trump.
Bennett told the Dallas Morning News he would not be involved in the usual honor ceremony from the US President, all-but certain given Trump's public support of the Patriots and star quarterback Tom Brady.
"I'm not going to go," Bennett said. "It is what it is. People know how I feel about it. Just follow me on Twitter."
I'm sure Trump is rethinking his decision to run for president right now after this announcement. I mean getting the opportunity to have a conversation with a 4th grade mind doesn't come along very often. Maybe he can go and talk to Aunt Maxass Watters while the others are at the White House. That should be some conversation. MC

Yet Another Edition of "Liberal's Say The Darndest Things"

Today Featuring: Maxass Watters and Nancy Pelosi

Waters said "Putin invaded… Korea".
Pelosi thinks Bush is still President
Libtardation at it's finest. Keep Talking Democrats!


Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

A Liberal died and a friend went around collecting for a fund for his funeral. A woman was asked to donate ten dollars. "Ten dollars?" she said. "It only takes ten dollars to bury a Liberal? Here's a hundred - go bury 10 of them!" 

Quote of the Day:
“We’re all going to remember this for the rest of our life"
Tom Brady


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