The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Poor Taco Bell Workers See Hours Slashed Due to Obamacare Law

"It’s called Obama don’t care. That’s because that bastard doesn’t care how many businesses he screws over, how many low and middle income people lose their jobs or have hours cut. All he cares about is the power and control taken by the federal government. He won’t likely speak on it because the press is on its knees begging to ask tough questions like how was your golf game after a one week layoff?  He wants to kill this country as it was and remake it in his image. He got elected because of his skin color and he will go out and take on the accent or tone of his next audience and a bunch of morons too stupid to know they are being played will eat it up. I’ll wager a lot of these employees voted for Barry. I really have no sympathy. If they don’t like the reduced hours then they should start up their own companies. As expected, when a govt tries to mandate a perfect society, it never works. The govt can say everyone gets healthcare and it’s free but that’s impossible. The low info voter who is a product of our wonderful public school system neither understands history nor economics. It is a cold, hard shock to them when reality hits, but that's the way it goes. When will these people on the bottom end of the earning scale put 2 and 2 together. You voted for Barry. You asked for it. You got it. Live with it." MC

Thanks to Barack Obama and Democrats poor Taco Bell workers will suffer and lose work hours.
The Taco Bell in Guthrie, Oklahoma cut its employees’ hours due to Obamacare.

News9.com - Oklahoma City, OK - News, Weather, Video and Sports |

Thanks to Barack Obama the poor get poorer and the middle class gets poor.
News 9 reported, Via Menrec:
The Taco Bell in Guthrie cuts its full-time employees’ hours to avoid mandates under the new

Terrific!… Obama’s Treasury Pick Lew Can’t Count Either – He Said Obama’s Budget Would Not Add to Debt (Video)

"Well, you didn’t think he’d pick someone honest, did you? Lewe-Lou-Eye is a lieing SOB. Just another example of the contempt that these Libtards have for the American people and their intelligence. Because of the traitorous cover provided them by a cheerleader media and a compliant opposition party, they feel they can tell the most bald-faced lies and get away with it. Considering that Barry hired a TAX CHEAT as the previous Treasury secretary, is this an improvement? Who knows." MC

Terrific. Barack Obama’s pick for Treasury Secretary Jack Lew falsely claimed in 2011 that the Obama plan would not add to the US debt.

He was wrong.

Obama has added a trillion dollars a year to the national debt since he’s been in office.

Barack Obama has added nearly $6 trillion do the national debt since coming into office. (Heritage)
FOX News reported:
The top Republican lawmaker on the Senate Budget Committee fired a warning shot Thursday

Barack Obama on Geithner: “One of the Finest Secretaries of the Treasury” in History (Video)

"It has become pretty obvious now. Didn't think it. But there is only one explanation. Barry must still do drugs. Has to be. Really? What the hell is this asswhipe smoking? This is our President? The leader of our military? Please, God, help. Look at Tiny’s face, he doesn’t even believe the BS the POS is trying to push. Just like Bubba Clinton being named father of the year, it’s f**king comical. Maybe Tiny Tim Geithner is the best tax cheater we’ve ever had as Sec of Tres. They both know they are pushing the bullshit, while standing there looking like a couple of lying tools to the intelligent masses, and heros to the libtards. Their followers are all a bunch of morons who can’t look at facts and see what they mean. They are a couple of real, 100%, US made assholes".  MC

In a White House press conference today Barack Obama said with Timothy Geithner they had begun to bring down the deficit. Obama also said Geithner was one of our finest secretaries of the treasury in US history.
“And we’ve begun to reduce our deficit through a balanced mix of spending cuts and reforms to a tax code that at the time we both came in was too skewed in favor of the wealthy at the expense of middle class Americans. So when the history books are written Tim Geithner is is going to go down as one of our finest secretaries of the treasury.”

For the record… The latest fiscal cliff deal passed last week will add another $4 trillion to the deficit. Obama and Geithner also set an international record for running four straight years of trillion dollar deficits.

Chris Christie is now more popular with Democrats than Republicans

"Maybe that hug he gave to Barry felt really good, then he too drank the Kool-ade. So Chrispy Cream is more popular with the Democraps. So Fat Bastard wants to be a democrap? What a surprise. When you think alike, what do you expect. Go back on Saturday Night Live, or call Springsteen and pat his liberal ass. Maybe the democraps are mistaken him for Michael Moore". MC

You reap what you sow. Chris Christie sucked up to Dear Leader during Hurricane Sandy, then bashed House Speaker John Boehner, and now the Democrats are swooning over the big guy.
Republican Gov. Chris Christie is more popular with Democrats nationally than with members of his own party,according to a poll released today.
The poll, by the Democratic firm Public Policy Polling, found 51 percent of all respondents view Christie favorably while 23 percent see him unfavorably.

Among Democrats, 52 percent have a favorable impression of Christie while 23 percent have an unfavorable

High School Teacher Suspended After Allegedly Stomping on American Flag, Telling Students ‘It Doesn’t Mean Anything’

"I wonder who he voted for? This is liberalism, the disease, featuring contempt and hatred for anything moral, respectful, traditional, or American. The disease has infected our schools, courts, and our elected representatives. I remember a time when people stood up for the flag, freedom, liberty and the red, white and blue symbols for duty, honor and country. It’s a symbol alright. It’s a symbol representing the brave men and women that have died or been severely wounded in order to give this fool the right to pull his stupid stunt. His teaching certificate is nothing, it’s just a piece of paper, let’s burn it and see how quickly a piece of paper suddenly gets “meaning. What does the American Flag have to do with teaching English anyway?  Did I miss something when I went to HS? Bill Ayers, is that you? Where could this teacher have gotten this hatred for the flag. Maybe he saw that Mrs.Barry Obama said “all this for a flag”? So why should the teacher care if the wife of our POS President doesn’t care for what it stands for? If you libtards want to make a point go to military base in the morning and do that. No, you wouldn't think of doing that you pathetic cowards. In addition to this POS suspension, he should be made to go get a few lessons from the local VFW on flag etiquette. The right thing to do is to show the children why we should respect the flag; bring in a veteran or two to talk about their experiences and sacrifices. Then let the kids make up their own minds. He does have the right to express himself and his opinion under the 1st Amendent, but so do I. I would express myself by kicking his ass for disrespecting my flag. Do us all a favor and please choose a country you feel is better and get the HELL out. And take the rest of your libtard buddies with you." MC

A South Carolina teacher has been suspended after he allegedly threw the American flag on the ground and stomped on it in front of his honors English class. He reportedly told students the flag was “only a piece of cloth” and didn’t “mean anything.”
 S.C. High School Teacher Suspended After Allegedly Stomping on American Flag During Lesson
At least one parent calls the actions of the Chapin High School English teacher disrespectful and unpatriotic, WIS-TV reports. Officials at Chapin High School, located in Chapin, S.C. hope to have a permanent replacement for the teacher for the remainder of the year while an investigation is carried out.

One parent, Michael Copleand, says he heard his teenager talking about what her English teacher did with

OF COURSE HE IS: Obama Considering ‘Executive Order’ to Deal With Guns

"I will never be denied my Constitutionally guaranteed God given rights. Any Obama Executive action will be illegal since WE THE PEOPLE have delegated 17 enumerated powers to the Government and none allow one man regardless of who he is, even Barry Hussein, to infringe on those rights. And Joe "Bite Me" Biden is a just another POS traitor to America, who thinks that if he aligns with Barry and his cronies, that it will save his lily white ass. If that's what he thinks, then he is even a bigger moron than I know he is. Biden is an ignorant plagiarizer. A fool, but a perfect clown for the Muslim commie POS. This country needs to eliminate these terrorist, aka the domestic enemy called the Democrat party. Also for those that say we shouldn’t have armed guards at school. Many already do, but  I bet there are very few if any high school football games that don’t have armed police at those school events. What’s the difference? The most heavily guarded scum in this Country are the ones that think they can disarm the rest of us. I have no idea what Obama and his nazi’s think they will accomplish with this nonsense but I will be watching to find out." MC

This is what Obama does.

He thinks our system of government is beneath him. He thinks the Constitution is an impediment to his goals. He criticized Bush’s use of signing statements, now he uses them. He criticized Bush’s spending and then quadrupled it. He criticized Bush’s handling of the war on terror, now he has his own personal kill list. FISA? The Patriot Act? These same ideologues have reassured the American people over the past 40 years that they had no intention of ever:
  • Telling the American people how to live;
  • Limiting access to medical care;
  • Attempting by fiat and legislation to dramatically limit gun ownership;
  • Shifting near unlimited power to Washington D.C., by ignoring the concept of federalism;
  • Deliberately bankrupting the country;
  • Placing the private sector under the thumb of bureaucrats;
  • Monitoring without search warrants American's private conversations and communications;
  • Allowing unrestrained illegal immigration in order to affect the voting patterns in their favor.
All lies.

Why should anyone be surprised that he’s now using the tragedy of Newtown to further his political goals? The left’s reaction to Newtown was – Hey a maniac committed an unspeakable horror with a gun! Quick, take away everyone’s guns!

The obvious question that keeps coming up is, what if Bush had done this? What if Bush or any other Republican President continually danced around congress by issuing executive orders?

Madame Tussauds Exhibit or...?

There is no better argument for term limits than this picture:

Frightening thought: these are just two of thousands of career politicians who've grown rich at the public

Wow, just Wow – No Joke, Bill Clinton Named “Father of The Year” by National Fathers Day Council…

"LMAO, Yep spit out my coffee when I read the headline! And just when you thought it could.t get any more disgusting. Why am i not surprised? They wanted to keep the bar kind of low, you know. It’s a typical Progressive technique. So to all you worthless, deadbeat dads out there, hang in there. There is always next year." MC

Speechless….  I guess.   Bill ‘Bubba’ Clinton must have just bumped out Snoop Dog…

The National Father`s Day Council announced today that it has selected President Bill Clinton, Founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and 42nd President of the United States, as a 2013 “Father of the Year” Award recipient.

The awards will be presented at the 72nd Annual Father of the Year Awards in New York City on Tuesday,

Another Reason To Loathe the Left

"I thought I covered this enough yesterday, but then I saw this from the NY Slimes. First, give Brent a break, that girl hot. Offended Libs? Too f**king bad. Second, no apology necessary for a slimy lib begging to go down on a fag, on CNN New Year’s eve. That is just fine then? Maybe the lib slut Kathy Sniffen should have thought about where Anderson "Out of the Closet" Cooper's package had been before she tells the world she could do this all night. Just sayin. Let me get this straight, if it’s not appropriate to focus on someone’s looks, why has she “done” her hair, put on make-up, earrings and put on that sweet, sweet outfit? Can anyone of you litards answer that? Hey Sue, just because you haven't seen a naked male since accidentally seeing your brother in the shower in 1981, don't take it out on us. To liberals like professor turttleneck (Oh yeah, that's hot), it’s only appropriate to comment on someone’s looks if they have the looks of a certain disgusting water buffalo like Debbie Wasserman Schultz. And why didn’t Sue Carter have a hissy fit when Obama called Debbie cute? Huh? These “Lib professors” are so full of shit. Ugly women always complain because they’re jealous. The moment that the hot Ms. Webb appeared on the Today Show, and said that Musberger’s comments not only didn’t bother her but that she found them flattering, every single dried up old gray haired, libtard lesbo hag needed to STFU. The truth of the matter is, Sue Carter, Libtard, with day old coffee breath, and that dykey look, is alone tonite, knowing that no man is interested in her dismal, permed, Rachel Maddow looking ass. What a grey, boring  world the left would have us live in. And by the way, the quarterback's mother ain't to bad either." MC

I’m no fan of Brent Musberger, in fact, I can’t stand games that he covers. But the left, as they often do, makes me become fans of people because of their treatment of them.

Have you seen this clip?

Of COURSE the humorless, uptight, look-for-anything-to-complain-about left has a problem with Brent.
From the NY Slimes-

“It’s extraordinarily inappropriate to focus on an individual’s looks,” said Sue Carter, a


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