The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Monday, June 26, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Monday 6/26/2017

Today in History June 26
363Roman Emperor Julian dies, ending the Pagan Revival.
1096Peter the Hermit's crusaders force their way across Sava, Hungary.
1243The Seljuk Turkish army in Asia Minor is wiped out by the Mongols.
1541Former followers murder Francisco Pizarro, the Spanish Conqueror of Peru.
1794The French defeat an Austrian army at the Battle of Fleurus.

No, White Friend - You Weren't "Embarrassed" by Barack Obama. Really!

The following story, "No, White Friend - You Weren't 'Embarrassed' by Barack Obama," was originally published on JohnPavlovitz.com.

You weren't "embarrassed" by Barack Obama. You were threatened by him. You were offended by him. You were challenged by him. You were enraged by him. 
...No, if you claimed to be "embarrassed" by Barack Obama but you're not embarrassed by Donald Trump - I'm going to strongly suggest it was largely a pigmentation issue. And as an American and a Christian committed to diversity and equality and to the liberty at the heart of this nation - that, embarrasses me.
Read the entire story here if you can stand it: JohnPavlovitz.com.

I'm embarrassed for this racist moron who thinks he's a journalist. No, I wasn't embarrassed by any of the things you mentioned in your bullshit article, just at Barry Hussein's constant apologies for our country and the fact that he was totally inept as a leader and that he was elected solely for the color of his skin you asshole. I was embarrassed by his friendship with admitted terrorist Bill Ayers. I was embarrassed by the way he was embarrassed of America. I was embarrassed by the hatred of this great country by his mooching wife and his pastor of 20 years, and then claimed to never have heard his pastor use antiamerican hateful and racist rhetoric. I was embarrassed by his inability to say "radical Islam." I was embarrassed by his jumping to conclusions in so many police shootings. I was embarrassed by his heading to the golf course seconds after an American was beheaded. I was embarrassed by his love for leftist failed policies, and his economic ignorance. I was embarrassed that he had never really held a real job or had any substantial responsibility before running for president. I was embarrassed by his appointing several open admirers of Mao Tse Tung to positions in our government. I'm embarrassed of the fact he is a filthy disgusting LIAR. I was embarrassed when a plane full of cash landed in Iran. I was embarrassed when an American President issues a "red line" and did nothing when it was crossed. I was embarrassed when Obama told business owners "you did not build that". I could go on and on but it would take most of next week to list everything that Obowel did to embarrass everyone in this country. For eight years we were the laughing stock of the world, because of this idiot The embarrassment ended on January 20th, 2017, and I am feeling much, much better now. 

This article is embarrassing, just as embarrassing as the Barry's presidency. What was embarrassing about Obama was his shameful liberal agenda and his America hating friends and associates. It had nothing at all do with color. And in closing, let me assure you that I was equally embarrassed by his white half just as much as his black half.


From Newsweek:

Bernie Sanders’s wife, Jane Sanders, has reportedly hired lawyers following a federal investigation into her time as president of the now-defunct Burlington College in Vermont. She is accused of fraudulently obtaining a $10 million bank loan that was purportedly used to buy 33 acres of land for the school. But, the full story is a little stranger than that.
Read more

They must be guilty because wasn't it only a couple of days ago that the 'mainstream' media was telling us 'why would you need to hire lawyers if you didn't do anything wrong'? So now we are going to see non stop 24/7 coverage by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, the LA Times, Washington Post, and any other "news" outlet that can be named. There will be panels of ten people all salivating and speculating in an effort to do anything to make Sanders look bad. They will make up complete fabrications that will have to be retracted later. It will be a complete daily bombardment in order to... Oh wait, he's a democrat, so it will be completely ignored. She took money from the school that the school received from student loans and bought some houses. And Bernie says student loans should be forgiven? Oh the irony. Liberal corruption at its best. Fraud is the underlying core of the democrat party.

So the media finally couldn't hide this any longer. Thank God. Providing Fraudulent Information to obtain a loan is usually a FELONY. Let's see if it still is.


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