The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, April 26, 2013

Poll: Pelosi Most Hated Congressional Leader…You Don't Say.

"Really?! Can you imagine that? Unbelievable isn't it? Not only most hated, but, most ugly. All those facelifts didn't seem to help, she still looks like a dried up prune. The 11% that like her more than likely don't know who the Wicked Bitch of the West is but probably vote anyway. And we know who they are, don’t we. Just put aside for a moment the popularity part and think about the "ever heard of" numbers. Pelosi, 11%, Boehner, 14%. Imangine, these morons are deciding your taxes, your health care, over half of your paycheck, and less that 1 in 7 have ever heard of them. Can you imagine that. I mean no one with a brain would actually vote for these morons if they knew them. So I guess that explains it again, idiot libtards. You can’t fix stupid. I will never forget
how this despicable witch marched down the sidewalk with that huge gavel through all the Patriots who had gathered at the capitol to protest Hell Care. She held that club so high, taunting people. The f**king cut throat hag showed the American public she was going to pound the table and cram that 3000 page monstrosity of rules, regulations, demands and threats down our throats no matter what "WE the People" wanted. And all the while 67% of Americans did not want debt-ridden piece of shit bill. And she smiles with a face that only the Botox industry could love. 

BTW, what happened to the 400,000 jobs Husseinacare was going to produce? If you look at what California has spawned and sent to Washington, one wonders if the gene pool needs a thorough cleaning. Feinstein, Boxer, Pelosi, Black Ass Caucus far-left Barbara Lee, Henry “The Nostril" Waxman, George (Another far-leftist) Miller, etc. Check out the Democratic Socialists of America and see the names listed. Yep, Pelosi keeps good company. This bitch is pure evil. Heartless and power mad. Eight years of her seriously imbalanced, treasonous leadership is about all a person can stand. She should hang for treason. And when they hang her for Treason, the executioner should say to her "Hell, well you're about to find out what's in it." Then send her on her way. Her and all the rest of the treasonous assholes in Congress. It's damned pathetic that so many Americans have no idea who our Congressional "leaders" are. I got to admit, that I used to be able to name all of the President's cabinet, but with Barry Obortion, they really don't matter, so hell with them. Some of you may have heard of, like John “Traitor” Kerry or Chuck “U” Hagel, you know, names that usually remind me of the old cruel saying, "Hire the Handicapped, They're Fun to Watch". But back to witch hazel, evil people like Pelosi feed off the hatred people direct towards her. She basks in the glow of disgust. No doubt we could fill a book with some of the outrageous comments Princess Pelosi has made over the years:

1.      “Every week we don’t pass a Stimulus package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs.” Yeah, she actually said that.

2.      “I’m confident…I’m hopeful that we’ll have a (health care) bill as a Christmas present for the American people.” This, after polls were showing a majority of the American people were against it, after several weeks of bruising (for Democraps) town hall meetings in which citizens voiced their opposition to the bill, and after hundreds of thousands showed up in Washington to protest the bill.

3.      “You go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, you go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people.” Too bad her parachute opened.

It's frightening that there is anyone that isn't aware of who she is or what she represents. It amazes me that people can’t see the harm she is inflicting on our country. Nasty Pelosi is dangerous to our country, but you know what, stupid people are dangerous to our liberty.” MC

Via The Hill:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) is the most well-known but least-favored of the four Congressional leaders, according to a new poll.
The Gallup poll released Wednesday found that only 11 percent of those surveyed said they had never heard of Pelosi, making her the best known of the four top Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate. But Pelosi also topped the list in unpopularity. Forty-eight percent of those surveyed said they have an unfavorable opinion of her while 31 percent have a favorable opinion.
By comparison, 14 percent said they had not heard of Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio). The poll found that 41 percent have an unfavorable opinion of Boehner while 31 percent have a favorable view.
Twenty-two percent say they have never heard of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). Twenty-six percent said they have a favorable view of McConnell, with 34 percent holding an unfavorable view.
The numbers are similar for McConnell’s counterpart, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). The poll found that 21 percent said they had never heard of Reid and 27 percent had a favorable opinion of the top Senate Democrat while 38 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion.



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