The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, January 26, 2014

We Need “Electoral Reform” To “Lessen The Grip of The Tea Party” Says Commie Schmuckie Schumer

Via CNS News:
Although the tea party’s influence is “undeniable,” it is not inevitable — and it must be crushed for the good of the nation, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) argued in a long political speech on Thursday.
“They’ve won elections, stymied Democratic priorities and taken a sledgehammer to programs that are important to tens of millions of Americans,” he complained.
Among other recommendations, Schumer suggested an IRS crackdown on funding for tea party groups; and, “We have to look at electoral reform,” he said.
“Our very electoral structure has been rigged to favor tea party candidates in Republican primaries, even when the district or the state may not be that red.”
Schumer said “the tea party machine” has a particularly strong influence on Republican primaries, partly because the far right turns out to vote; and partly because of gerrymandering — “where Republicans have learned to capture state legislatures and then use innovative technology to draw districts where a Democrat could never be elected.
“Hence, the Republican House member only has to look over his right shoulder and moves much further to the right than the average voter in his or her district would want.”

"Yeah, okay Scmuckie. Why don't you just have Dingy bring up a bill to outlaw the TEA Party? Better yet, why don't you outlaw all parties other than the Democraps? After all, that's what you really want, isn't it? Do you seriously think that's going to stop the movement that's growing? Do you honestly believe that's going to scare us off? You have to understand something here, asshole, we're fighting on behalf of Americans, not against them like you are. We want to restore our country and Constitution, not destroy it like you're trying to do. No, Schmuckie, it's you democrap's that need to be crushed for "the good of the nation" and be resoundingly pounded into oblivion. Just a word of caution here, Chuckles, if you do try something like that, don't be surprised when tens of millions of patriotic Americans come knocking at your f**king door. It's just insane how you can say this shit and get away with it. I would like to be free of the libtards, but guess what? Our country doesn't work that way. It is undeniable that the country would be much better off if the democraps were a thing of the past. Their leftist policies have brought ruin and grief to the people who were to benefit from their so-called generosity, at the expense of the people they took the funds from. And by the way, didn't the left recently say the Tea Party is of no consequence, it's on it's way out? Now the left is shitting down both legs, scared to death they're going to get their asses kicked in 2014. Scared shitless, aren't you, Smuckie? As a wise man has said, "listen to the left and they will tell you what they fear". Clearly they fear the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, likely in that order.  Anything that gives Chuckie indigestion should be supported. Hey Smuckie, you are an ASS, and you make me sick.

Any candidate that campaigns on 'reaching across the aisle' will not get my support or vote. The time for that bullshit is over. The only time a Republican should 'reach across the aisle' is to smack one of these low-lifes into reality. The democrap's and their destructive agenda must be defeated, and the defeat must be crushing to the point that voter fraud and vote machine tampering cannot undo the will of the people. I doesn't occur to the Schmuck that a majority of the people see the direction the country is moving and are trying to head off this looming catastrophe. This is serious business. When asshole's like Schmuckie, Cuomo, DeCommieo, and

One Year Anniversary

"Happy Anniversary to the Murderer of Benghazi" MC

The one year anniversary of Hillary Clinton’s testimony before congress on Benghazi was marked by Citizens United with the release of a short political ad

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day:

“I don't know why in the world House Republicans would move on immigration legislation in 2014,” said Representative Jeff Duncan of South Carolina.

Representative Jim Bridenstine of Oklahoma said securing the border is a far more urgent priority than discussing the citizenship of illegal aliens in the U.S. because of the savage violence at the border.

“We have on the border of the United States 100,000 dead bodies just south of our border,” Bridenstine said. “We focus on Syria because that’s where the president wants to focus, while we have a crisis on our own southern border. And it’s because we have an insecure border.”" --Matthew Boyle.


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