The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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We Are So Back

Monday, February 24, 2014

Pierced Organ Admits America Hates Him, Plans To Step Down From His CNN Show

Update: CNN Confirms Show Cancelled
“Look, I am a British guy debating American cultural issues, including guns, which has been very polarizing, and there is no doubt that there are many in the audience who are tired of me banging on about it,” he said. “That’s run its course and Jeff and I have been talking for some time about different ways of using me.”-Pierced Organ
“CNN confirms that Piers Morgan Live is ending,” Allison Gollust, head of CNN communications, told POLITICO on Sunday after an earlier version of this post was published. “The date of the final program is still to be determined.”

"Let's have a Tea Party. CNN has decided to "Forward" Pierced Organ into the old libtard dustbin of history at last? Poor Pierced, we didn't leave you, you left us years ago. This jackass thought he could come into the USA and con Americans into giving up their 2nd amendment right's, for no other reason than he knows what is best for us. Let's see, the last time we cared what a British Citizen thought was best for the USA was when, some time before 1776? You never did and never will understand our American culture Pierced. This is the price you pay for having an libtard elitist so-called education along with an libtard elitist mind set. I think CNN is cutting him loose because they know he's going to be a resident of a british federal prison before too long. Note the timing of it? It was only when it was announced on Fox that Pierced is under investigation again for phone tapping that CNN decided of a parting of the ways. CNN ignored all the bitter criticism towards him and declining viewing figures. I mean 50,000 viewers? More people watched "Bowling For Dollars" on Saturday at noontime back in the day than watched Pierced. And we're supposed to believe that it was his idea to fire himself? Yeah OK CNN. 

The question now is, what will Pierced do? Pierced says “Jeff and I have been talking for some time about different ways of using me.” Yeah, bend over. I'm sure Jeff has a good idea on how to use you. Pierced could go back home and stay there. Oh wait, they don't like him there either. Here's a thought Pierced, Venezuela could use some crack journalist right now. Why don't you call Sean Penn and go visit? Or how about a cabinet position in the Obowel Shite House. Then Organ is free to be the spokesperson for Obowel's anti-gun group. If that doesn't happen, I'm sure Al Jizeera has a slot for you. I hear Cuba is nice this time of year. Can't beat the healthcare either. So many options, but it's sad that we don't want him, and the UK will not take him back, so I guess if none of my above suggestions pan out, this Socialist/Communist POS will end up taking a news job in China or Russia. I for one am going to miss him. As Dennis Miller said, "He was judged by a jury of his Piers". When a person like Pierced spouts the lunacy of the left, the only possible outcome is damaging. I wish more of the most extreme of those on the left would be given a podium and microphone. The more they talk, the more damage will be done. 

So now Pierced, the anti-Constitutional, libtard immigrant can rant that "guns" sort of killed him, but without a single real shot being fired at him. Now he can go back to Londonstan and doesn't lose his head. Please let the door hit you in the ass on your way out of the country. And now that Pierced is gone, who will be the libtard flavor of the month to replace him? If CNN is

Another Edition of "Liberal's Say The Darndest Things"

Today Featuring: Tingle's, The Drunk Media Libtard 

Republicans Scare Voters Into Supporting Them By Portraying Obama As A “Secret Communist Infiltrator From East Africa”
-Chris Matthews

MATTHEWS: Like weeds they come back every year. Politicians who think the easy way to grab the hard right voter is to feed them the notion that the president of the United States as a secret communist infiltrator from east Africa. Well with spring coming it might be a good idea for the voters of Texas to do what you do with weeds. Pull ‘em, and throw ‘em in the compost pile.

"Matthews really ought to just put on a clown suit and big floppy shoes and become "Tingles the Media Clown." Nothing else would have to change. His words are perfect for the role. Tingles forgot to add a radical far-left, Muslim, anti-capitalist, America hating, lying, community agitating thug and a "secret communist infiltrator from East Africa" with a forged identity, aliases, falsified Selective Service Registration, non-verifiable SSN, an Ayers created life story and a sealed life's paper trail to the list describling Obowel. When will Softballs realize the thrill down his leg is piss? Listen you drunk media libtard fool, there's no need for anyone to scare any voters. Hussein is exposing himself for what he is. This POS thinks people are dumb, and can't see for themselves. Barry needs to be put on trial for treason, and you for helping him. Freedom of the press doesn't cover you helping a foreigner overthrow the United States of America. The punishment is execution, so you better think long and hard about who you're aiding asshole.
There's no statute of limitations on treason, and the tables are going to turn. You aren't invincible, you leftist drunk. We're not going away, and won't rest until you pay for what you've done to America. You're nobody Tingles. And your ratings show it.

When is this washed up drunk ever going to realize that nobody cares what he thinks or says? The fact that he's on BSDNC proves he's a media fraud. Chrissy's brain is just so fried from his

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

    “That awkward moment when Chicago calls for a total gun ban and doesn’t realize Chicago already has a total gun ban.”-Unknown


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3