The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, February 1, 2014

"A Hero's Welcome: Full Story". Every Soldier Deserves A Hero's Welcome

GOP Rep. Tim Huelskamp To MSDNC’s Rachel Madcow: “You’re A Cheerleader For The Administration, You’re Not A Journalist”

She's offended? Well tough shit. You are not only a cheer leader for the Obowel Administration, but also a dumb one. The truth hurts, but then libtards have never been big on facts since they found out they could lie their way to the top. This is what more conservatives need to do. Stop cowering before them. Speak truth to power and don't back down. At least we have another GOP rep with big balls. That was great. Classic libtard response, do a fake laugh and talk over the guest so they can't be heard. The Congressman did a great job of not letting her run over him with her yapping. Nice to hear someone call them on their bullshit. Nicely done, Tim. Rachel 's false eyelashes nearly pooped off her lids when Huelskamp called her a cheerleader. Nice job Huelscamp!

Maddow thinks Benghazi is a 'phony scandal' created out of thin air to hurt her boy-king, yet she

‘Executive Orders Are Legal,’ Obama Acting ‘On Behalf Of The American People’ Says Shelia Jackass Lee.

In reference to President Barack Obama’s pledge, during his State of the Union speech, to advance his agenda on climate change and the minimum wage by executive order, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said “executive orders are legal” and that he is “acting on behalf of the American people.”
At the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday evening, CNSNews.com asked Rep. Lee, “What about the Republicans criticizing the use of executive orders when it comes to climate change and minimum wage – his use of executive orders?”
Rep. Jackson Lee said, “As I was saying, [the address] was appealing to the needs of the American people. And, frankly, if the American people are crying out for relief – they’re crying out for unemployment insurance, or climate change or the Affordable Care Act and the president is mandated to do what he can on behalf of the American people – executive orders are legal and they will be addressed by the legal system if they are overreaching.”
Jackson Lee also said that the president “knows the Constitution.”
“Frankly, the president knows his confines,” Jackson Lee said. “He knows the Constitution.”
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"How can Texas be the great supporter of freedom and prosperity when they have an entire congressional district represented by this commie POS? What does that say about the people who keep voting this useless pile of shit every Election Day. These democraps have been perfectly well trained, haven't they? They cannot comprehend the idea that we are all free people and have a voice in our future. Isn't this the same bitch who, not too long ago, said "...the president knows his confines." Well, not nearly as well as he would know them if his "confines" were a 6' x 8' cell with a metal bed, a sink and a toilet. And to think she makes 200k / yr. from our tax $. Who is

Piglosi Declares She’s Running For Re-Election, “My Work Is Not Finished”…

Via Roll Call:
Think the spate of retirement announcements from senior House Democrats is going to drive Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi out of office?
Think again.
“I’m running,” the California Democrat said in a statement forwarded to reporters by her office on Wednesday afternoon. “I’ve already started the paperwork process. My work is not finished.
The statement appears to be an effort to tamp down efforts to read too deeply into decisions by two of Pelosi’s closest allies and fellow Californians — first George Miller and now Henry A. Waxman — to leave at the end of this year.


"This turd keeps floating to the top. And what's with that Charlie Manson look. This isn't a shock. I love the "I'm running" thing. Like the braindead libtard morons in her district wouldn't vote her in again even if she croaked. "My work is not finished!", declared the Wicked Witch of the West Coast. "Her job isn't finished"? Exactly when did being a national disgrace become a

NewsBusted 1/31/14

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

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Picture's of the Day:


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3