The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, April 27, 2013

Congresswoman on Gosnell: ‘May God Forgive Us’

"Finally a member of Congress with the courage to speak out. The words she spoke were never more true. Wish the other members of Congress had the balls to speak out as this lady does. No  
matter where you stand in the abortion debate, it’s come to the picture below. This was a developed child capable of living, under normal conditions, outside the uterus. This was a live baby. The killing of this baby was murder, and no different than killing a kid with explosives at a marathon. The government-sanctioned killing of countless numbers of American children simply because they are born alive, is genocide. Pure and simple. The debate over abortion is irrelevant. This was a child alive outside of the womb, who was killed for the convenience of the mother,  
baby boy b
perhaps for financial reasons. The killing was no less a murder than a Mafia hit for financial reasons. This kid was murdered no differently than a person of any age having an axe smashed on the back of their head. Left tolerated, our government will now in fact be legalizing the murder of
citizens, because of their age. Now imagine what this Baby Killer In Chief and his insane czars with their death panels have in store for the rest of us, when the reality of the cost of Husseinacare is realized. Considering the killing of a live child for simple financial convenience is now legal in America, what will be the problem with the government killing you if you get an illness that is expensive to treat or that they consider your age to old to really care? Will you have the political connections to get an Husseinacare bureaucrat to put you ahead far enough in the line for treatment so that you’ll survive? This is what our country is coming to in 2014, when Husseinacare kicks in full force. Where’s the outrage? But how can this moral deprived president be outraged when he looks upon babies as “punishment?” His only outrage is that Planned Parenthood is taking a hit which means of course that his pet communist projects will lose some kickback funding from them. This is a president who as an Illinois state senator voted against providing medical care to babies who survive an abortion. What would you expect.You, Mr. President, are nothing more than a criminal sociopath fraud who doesn’t possess an ounce of pity about this or any other deviant demonic act you and your party approve of. Maybe you ball lacking, spineless members of congress should stop with this tasteless shell game and start some proceedings against this Soros’s puppet president. Another reason is that the baby-murder on demand media, knows that abortion at any time, just because some woman wants to, is a sacred cow for the Left. They just want to this Gosnell story to go away, and will do their part by ignoring this story as a result.
If anyone ever had any doubt that the Media were shamelessly biased and evil, this should remove any such doubt. Unfortunately, most libtards are willfully blind or else boot licking Leftist Nazi's themselves. Anyway,
let's look at what the brave Congresswoman said:
“But Gosnell didn’t act alone, he had a host of silent co-conspirators who referred women to his practice knowing full well of the horrors that went on behind those closed doors. And, meanwhile, the State boards gave Gosnell a free pass for 17 years by failing to inspect his clinic.”
 So true. There are many others that are just as guilty for the murders, including Hussein

“When asked about Gosnell’s crime, our president tells us he has no comment. Where is your outrage, Mr. President? Are you too busy preparing your remarks for tomorrow night’s Planned Parenthood fundraising gala? My heart breaks that our country has reached a point by where we are all not outraged by a practice that ends a beating heart and takes the lives of the most vulnerable in our society.”
Outrage? How can you expect a person with no compassion for human life to be outraged? He surrounds himself with groups that promote death to innocent human beings. I guess they aren't old enough to vote, so "What difference does it make now".

“May God forgive us, I yield back my time,”
I am sure when you said that, most of the Democrap libtards in the Congress looked at each other and said, "Who"?

Thank you, Diane Black for standing up to this Reich. The innocent babies sacrificed will live on in Heaven. Please continue to fight this actrocity, and you have my prayers. The question that comes up in this regard is, how long will God withhold judgment on a nation that has supported committing such sin? Not only have we murdered a generation of children, but we continue to elect politicians who promote this evil. There will come a time that God will say, "That is enough!" We, America, are on a path to destruction if we allow this to continue. This nation needs to repent or we will suffer a fate like Sodom! This killing of these innocents is a sin against humanity that nations will be judged for. Hang on because God's judgments will come. God have mercy on us who know and don't cry in the streets and everywhere, about this!" MC

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