The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Saturday 9/23/2017

Senator John McCain (D-AZ) Votes Announces He Will Vote Against Obamacare Repeal Bill

Sen. John McCain may, once again, be the savior of President Obama’s signature domestic achievement.
The Arizona Republican announced in a statement Friday that he opposes the latest GOP legislation to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.
“I cannot in good conscience vote for the Graham-Cassidy proposal. I believe we could do better working together, Republicans and Democrats, and have not yet really tried,” McCain said in a statement posted on his website.
McCain now joins Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., as one of two Republican ‘no’ votes on the bill. Republicans cannot lose any additional senators and still pass the legislation with 50 votes and Vice President Mike Pence acting as the tie-breaker.

Was there ever any doubt that this traitorous bastard would be the pivot man in the Repeal circle jerk again? Just how much dirt does Barry have on you, Senator? Can't do it in'good conscience' Johnny. You wouldn't recognize a 'good conscience' if one punched you in the face. In McCain speak "I cannot in good conscience" means "I got enough kick backs from my insurance buddies to keep this POS law that forces you to buy their stuff". Arizona, why do you keep voting for this senile old traitor?

Jimmy Kimmel Calls GOP Senator From Louisiana “Inbred”

Via The Hill:
Late night television host Jimmy Kimmel continued his critique of Republican legislation to repeal the 2010 health care law on Thursday, calling Sen. John Kennedy “inbred.”
Speaking on his ABC late night show, Kimmel played a video of Kennedy in an interview on Fox News saying Kimmel is “a funny guy” but not a health care expert.
Kimmel said he did not claim to be a health care expert.
“I should not be the guy you go to for information about health care, and if these guys — like inbred John Kennedy — would tell the truth for a change, I wouldn’t have to,” he said of the Louisiana Republican.

Washed up leftist, late-night, television comedians, is there anything they don't know? Yeah, how to be funny. Sometimes I get mad enough where I just can't hold back. This is one of those times. F**K YOU Jimmy Kimmel. Your nothing but an elitist punk. Funny how the libtards go straight to insults whenever someone disagrees with them, isn't it? That's all they know. Kimmel is just a typical nasty, no class, low I.Q, liberal bigot. When they can't make a legitimate case for their opinion, they name call. I am really going to enjoy sitting back and watch his ratings tank. People are tired of this political bullshit. 

Bill Clinton Novel To Become TV Series…

Via Entertainment Weekly:
The former president and bestselling author James Patterson have selected Showtime to adapt their upcoming thriller, The President Is Missing.
The novel, set to be published in 2018, tells the story of a sitting U.S. president’s mysterious disappearance with the level of detail that only someone who has held the highest office can know.
We’re told the project was hotly sought after by studios and networks, with Clinton and Patterson doing a 16-meeting tour around Hollywood trying to select the right outlet. CBS chairman and CEO Leslie Moonves — who has a long-standing relationship with both Clinton and Patterson (the latter an executive producer on the CBS drama Zoo) — personally helped make the deal.
One surprise about the deal is that novel’s hook was presumed to be perfect for a theatrical film, or perhaps become a limited series. Instead, Showtime is turning The President Is Missing into a full-blown ongoing drama series.

I would say it should be called "American Horror Story". But we have to save that for when they make a movie about Barry Obowel. How about "The Island of Dr. More-hoes". Can you believe it, anything and I mean a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g to funnel money to the Clintons. Book deals for books that nobody buys. Fake charity and now a quasi movie deal. Honestly I don't understand why the gravy train has yet to run off the rails. Who is gonna play Billy Boy? For that matter who is gonna play Hillary? We already know they can get a jackass as a stand-in for Chlesea. Pathetic.


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