The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, November 10, 2012

NICE TRY Barry: 'Timley' Petraeus Resignation Won't Keep Him Off the Witness Stand, You Snake

Attemptingbuck-up-the-troops post in the wake of unexpected and disheartening GOP defeat, I prioritized battle cries of 'Impeach Obama over Benghazigate' and 'NO tax increases'. This seemed to be what a lot of other people were thinking too- alas, most doubted the resolve and determination of what 'leadership' we still retain in this party- and wondered
-as we always do- if anybody's even listening.

Yet lo-and-behold, here we are three days later and BOTH seem on the path to realization: to the surprise and delight of conservatives, Boehner and McConnell stepped-right-up to the mike yesterday and proclaimed 'NO new taxes'- *music* to
my ears and yours.

But the ignorance and stupidity of so many Americans that gave Obama a pass on Benghazi (+ all the rest of this lawless crew's shenanigans) has surely emboldened an already power-mad president, and with no more elections they have zero problem with screwing-over or completely destroying anybody that might nudge them in the direction of justice or any form of accountability.

Now that others who know-way-too-much (Hillary/Benghazi, Holder/Fast-n-Furious) look to be about to fall victim to Obama's post-election purge, Hero of Baghdad General David Petraeus has been hustled out the door (on a Friday, typical) just a week before he was slated to appear before Congress and testify re. the Benghazigate cover-up. The agency then immediately announced that acting CIA director Mike Morrell will take his place at the congressional hearings- isn't that special.

But that fishy-smelling dog won't hunt for South Carolina Congressman Trey Gowdy: he says that if the Obama regime thinks they can keep Petraeus from answering long, long overdue questions re. Benghazi under oath, they've got another thing coming:

I hope we don't have to subpoena a 4-star Gen, a former CIA Director; I hope he'll come voluntarily. If not, he will be subpoenaed-Trey Gowdy (R- SC)

Petraeus with Broadwell

Unsettlingly, it seems socialism and central planning are not the only elements of the Soviet system Bronco Bamma finds admirable: much as the KGB spied on their own citizens (and the Kremlin kept dirt on entire politburo/Communist Party, so as to be utilized in their political [or paranoia-driven] dismissal and/or arrest), Obama used the FBI to spy on Petraeus' personal life... does that bother anybody?

Yep, President Obama's got plenty of reason to fear David Petraeus: a principled, competent, and eminently practical man, he's likely to horror-of-horrors speak the truth about Benghazi. Perhaps Obama should have kept him at arm's length, where he had at least a modicum of control, but I do hope and pray the good general hangs Obama out to dry: just last week Petraeus appeared to be bus-chucking Obama over the Benghazi debacle/cover-up, so why would he show any more loyalty now? He's loyal to the country, law, and Constitution, not some metro-sexual Castro wannabe personally. But would Obama use Executive Privilege or attempt to classify the testimony in order to avoid impeachment?

As dismayed as patriots were at the election result and Obama's ceaseless luck-of-the-devil, there's still reason to believe justice will eventually catch up with this moral black hole, if for no other reason than the incredibly lengthy record of bad behavior. 

Be glad knowing that if the Republicans had not retained the House, this guy wouldn't even have to think about Benghazi again -the media can't forget it fast enough. BUT Republicans are still here, while our ossified leadership seem to be waking-up and have already deduced that Romney defeat =
TEA Party ascendance. It appears that they are attempting to dance to our tune- encouraging to see, that.

With the election behind us, there's still a scandal brewing that rivals Watergate: recall that Nixon also won re-election in '72, only to be brought down by his own tangled web of lies soon afterwards. 

A forced resignation within 12 months would be superb, and it shouldn't take long after that before Biden's locked-away in the rubber room, safely away from the levers of power. President Boehner could then make Rubio or Michelle Bachmann VP and Paul Ryan Speaker of the House... right?

If any in the Grand Old Party care to rise to the occasion on Benghazigate, there's history to be made, boys.. call it
'David vs. Goliath'

Rep. Trey Gowdy: Either Petraeus Will Come and Testify to Congress Or He Will Be Subpoenaed (Video)

 Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) told Greta Van Susteren tonight that Petraeus will be questioned before Congress despite his resignation today.
“The fact that he’s resigned and had an affair has nothing to do with whether he will be subpoenaed to Congress. I hope we don’t have to subpoena a four star general and a former CIA director. I would hope he would come voluntarily but if he won’t he will be subpoenaed. And none of what happened today is an offense to a subpoena… He’s either a witness in our case in chief or he’s gonna be a rebuttal witness if Susan Rice and others blame him for their failure of intelligence and failure of information. But there is no way we can get to the bottom of Benghazi without David Petraeus.”

CIA Analyst on Petraeus Departure: “TIMING IS TOO PERFECT… IT REALLY SMELLS” (Video)

Retired Lt. Colonel Ralph Peters accused the Obama Administration of holding on to the news of Petraeus’ affair until they needed it – right before he was to go before a Senate committee and get grilled on Benghazi.
The timing is too perfect for the Obama administration. Just as the administration claimed it was purely coincidence that the Benghazi consulate was attacked on 9-11. Now it’s purely coincidence that this affair surfaces right after the election but before the intelligence chiefs go to capital hill to get grilled…. It really smells.
Ralph Peters smells a Chicago rat.

Or maybe it was just coincidence.

Krauthammer: Petraeus sex scandal will drive media interest in Benghazi

On Friday’s “Special Report” on the Fox News Channel, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer said the resignation of CIA director David Petraeus was a regrettable situation that might ultimately help shed light on the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. Embassy in Libya.

“We will unravel all the threads of this in time,” Krauthammer said. “We’re just in the first few hours, but I think it’s worth noting what we do know. This is the end of a career of a truly great American. He did something that hadn’t been done by a general since the Inchon landing in the Korean War, when MacArthur by a maneuver managed to save a war that was being lost and save South Korea.”

“No one had done anything like that until David Petraeus did that in 2007 and 2008 in Iraq,” Krauthammer continued. “That was a lost war. It was headed for chaos, civil war, bloodshed and unending trouble for us. And he pulled off a surge that rescued the war. What happened after in Iraq and what happened after in Korea are other stories, but that is undeniable. It is one of the great achievements, and he pulled it off. He distinguished himself in Afghanistan. And whatever happens and whatever we learn, this is a real tragedy.”
Krauthammer added that Petraeus’ affair, which may have compromised national security, might actually have a silver lining.  

“The other thing I would add is what John Bolton said, and I think he’s absolutely right. There is no way that this is going to get in way of the Benghazi story coming out. In an odd way and sort of [a] discouraging way, now that the story is attached to a sex scandal, it will become a story that will be pursued by the media. … They were holding off to protect Obama before, and also perhaps out of lack of interest. But just given the nature of our journalism, it will now become the hottest story around. And you can be sure that even the mainstream papers, which did not show any interest whatsoever in this story up until the election, are going to get on it and now it will become — it will unravel.”


Eric Holder Failed to Disclose Wife’s Abortion Clinic

"Is this the most corrupt Administration or what" MC

The revelations about Attorney General Eric Holder and his connection to an abortion clinic are becoming worse as new information has come to light showing he failed to disclose his wife’s co-owning of an abortion business.
Just before the election, Human Events broke the news that Holder’s wife and sister-in-law co-own, through a family trust, own the building where a controversial abrotion practitioner operates. The Holder family transferred ownership to a family trust in 2009, eight months after President Barack Obama’s inauguration and a deed names Holder’s wife and sister-in-law as trustees.
Fulton County tax records show Holder’s wife and sister-in-law own the building, located at 6210 Old National Highway, College Park, Ga. A statement from the Georgia Department of Law shows the building was home to Old National Gynecology, the practice of abortion practitioner Tyrone Cecil Malloy.

Now, Human Events has an update, revealing that Holder failed to disclose his wife’s ownership of the building. The attorney general’s financial disclosure reports for 2008 through 2011 show Holder neglected to report his wife’s co-ownership.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch in Washington, D.C., said he was “surprised there is this trust out there and (Holder) hasn’t reported it.”
“It looks to me like the sort of thing that should be disclosed. If he and his spouse are gaining income off this trust, generally that would be subject to disclosure,” Fitton said. “I mean, if you have an ownership interest, you get the income. You may not be making the day-to-day decisions about the investments, but you are certainly benefiting from them.”

Holder did not respond to several requests for comment.

Dana Cody, an attorney and the president and executive director of Life Legal Defense Foundation, a pro-life legal defense organization in Napa, Calif., agreed that Holder should have “disclosed any financial interest he had in the abortion industry.”

Under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, high-level federal officials are required to “disclose publicly their personal financial interests to ensure confidence in the integrity of the federal government by demonstrating that they are able to carry out their duties without compromising the public trust.”
The law further requires disclosure of the “holdings of and income from the holdings of any trust, estate, investment fund or other financial arrangement from which income is received by, or with respect to which a beneficial interest in principal or income is held by, the filer, his spouse, or dependent child.”

Federal Workers Want Pay Raise in Obama's Second Term

With President Obama safely re-elected to a second term, federal workers feel comfortable to make their demands known. As debate rages over lowering the federal deficit, they want a pay raise.

As CNN's Money magazine reports:
[Union president Colleen M.] Kelley said her No. 1 issue right now is getting federal worker salaries unfrozen on Jan. 1, even if that means working out a deal later in the year and making pay hikes retroactive to Jan. 1.
In the midst of that, federal workers are also nervous about the fiscal cliff , which includes $1.2 trillion worth of spending cuts over a decade if Congress fails to act by Jan. 1. Some 277,000 workers -- 14% of the federal work force -- could lose their jobs in the next 12 months if the U.S. cannot avoid the cliff, according to a study by the Center for Regional Analysis at George Mason University.
A recent study by two scholars at the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation showed that the average federal employee currently makes significantly more than their private sector counterparts. As the authors wrote in the Wall Street Journal this past April, two additional studies supported their analysis:
When the public pay debate began to simmer two years ago, we were among the few analysts to show that many public employees—federal, state and local, including public school teachers—are paid more than what their skills would merit in the private economy. Our core insight was that public-sector pensions are several times more generous than typical private-sector plans, but this generosity is obscured by accounting assumptions that allow governments to contribute far less to pension plans than private employers must... The Congressional Budget Office endorsed a similar approach last month in a new report on federal employee compensation. The report—which congressional Democrats reportedly hoped would debunk our 2011 paper on federal pay—found that the federal retirement package of pensions plus retiree health care was 3.5 times more generous than private-sector plans, contributing to a 16% average federal compensation premium.
Even more recently, an analysis by two Bureau of Labor Statistics economists, published in the winter 2012 Journal of Economic Perspectives, concluded that the salary and current benefits of state and local government employees nationwide are 10% and 21% higher, respectively, than private-sector employees doing similar work. This study didn't even factor in the market value of public-pension benefits, nor did it include the value of retiree health coverage.
With the political power of the Obama administration behind their demands, it now seems likely that federal pay increases will go into effect just as the private sector begins a new round of cutting wages and jobs.

'Tsunami' of Regulations Expected After Obama Reelection

President Barack Obama's administration deliberately held off implementing burdensome regulations that favored environmentalists, labor unions, and dealt with Obamacare in the month leading up to the election because they would be politically unpopular.

Before Obama won reelection, the backlog of regulations suggested to many industry experts that if Obama won reelection, his administration would be "publishing thousands of pages of regulations in the coming months."

After Obama Victory – Ohio Businessman Reads Prayer to Staff Then Lays Off 156 Employees

It’s an Obama world…
After Obama won reelection an Ohio businessman read a prayer to his staff then went and laid off 156 employees.

The mine owner blamed Obama as the reason for layoffs back in August.

Elections have consequences.
The Washington Post reported:

For the chairman and chief executive of Murray Energy, an Ohio-based coal company, the reelection of President Obama was no cause for celebration. It was a time for prayer – and layoffs.
Robert E. Murray read a prayer to a group of company staff members on the day after the election, lamenting the direction of the country and asking: “Lord, please forgive me and anyone with me in Murray Energy Corp. for the decisions that we are now forced to make to preserve the very existence of any of the enterprises that you have helped us build.”
On Wednesday, Murray also laid off 54 people at American Coal, one of his subsidiary companies, and 102 at Utah American Energy, blaming a “war on coal” by the administration of President Barack Obama.”
Murray Energy is the country’s largest privately owned coal mining company, with about 3,000 employees producing about 30 million tons of bituminous coal a year, according to its Web site.
The company was the subject of an article in the New Republic that said the company had forced miners to attend a Romney campaign speech in southeastern Ohio in August. Murray denied the account. The New Republic also reported that Murray Energy employees have given more than $1.4 million to Republican candidates for federal office since 2007.
Robert E. Murray blamed Obama’s “war on coal” for the layoffs.
Deseret News reported:
The layoffs are necessary because of the president’s “war on coal,” the statement said. The slogan is one used frequently during the election by Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray, who was an ardent supporter of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
In its statement, UtahAmerican Energy blames the Obama administration for instituting policies that will close down “204 American coal-fired power plants by 2014″ and for drastically reducing the market for coal.
“There is nowhere to sell our coal, and when we can, the market prices are far lower,” the statement said. “Without markets, there can be no coal mines and no coal jobs.”

BREAKING: St. Lucie County, Florida Had 141.1% Turnout; Obama Won County

Out of 175,554 registered voters, 247,713 vote cards were cast in St. Lucie County, Florida on Tuesday. Barack Obama won the county.

When faced with the astronomical figures, Gertrude Walker, Supervisor of Elections for St. Lucie County, said she had no idea why turnout was so incredibly high. She was flabbergasted, saying, "We've never seen that here."

"Never seen that here"
Coincidentally (or not), St. Lucie County is also in Allen West's district, where 6,000 votes mysteriously "shifted" from Mr. West to his challenger.

Out of the 247,713 cards cast, somehow election machines counted 123,591 total votes.

Along with this questionable result, Mr. Obama also received over 99% of the vote in numerous districts in Broward County. In various districts in Cleveland, he received 100% of the vote. In Florida, Mr. Obama received over 99% of the vote in precincts where GOP inspectors had been removed.

As for the Presidential race, there's no connection between Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida, right?

In Florida: Obama Got Over 99% in Broward County Precincts

How exactly did he accomplish this? Well, in part thanks to Broward County Precincts L024 to L029 (though I'm sure it's all a coincidence that this happened to precincts all in order).

In those precincts combined, all in order, Mr. Obama won over 99% of the vote, defeating Mitt Romney 5,392 to... 54. Golly, how lucky! This especially impressive because in precincts L019-L022 (L023 doesn't exist) Mr. Romney did over 14 times better than in L024-L029, and the precinct after, did 30 times better.

But hey, is Florida that important in the race for the Presidency?

Latest White House Petition: Peacefully Grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the USA …Update: Texas Too

Here’s the latest White House website petition:
Peacefully grant the State of Louisiana to withdraw from the United States of America and create its own NEW government.

The petition needs 23,000 more signatures.
It looks like they’ll get it.
UPDATE: There’s a petition for Texas to secede too.

CONGRATULATIONS, DEMOCRATS: Interior Department Blocks Access to 1.6 Million Acres of Oil in the West

Could one of you Democrats please tell me how the middle class benefits from higher gas prices and fewer jobs?

The disconnect between the administration’s “All-of-the-Above” energy rhetoric and actual policy looks like it’ll continue now that President Obama was reelected. The Hill reports that the Interior Department plans to block 1.6 million acres of federal land from oil development...

...This type of development shouldn't be confused with extracting oil and natural gas from shale formations using hydraulic fracturing. This is more akin to mining.

Oil and gas production on federal lands has fallen, and based on this action, I expect that trend to continue.

America is the only nation on Earth that restricts access to its own oil.

And this plainly endangers our economic and national security interests.

BUY FREE OR DIE: A Conservative's Buying Guide to Automobiles

Buy Free or Die: Conservative's Buyer Guide: Automobiles

We can no longer be passive in our buying decisions, brands that we have known and trusted for years have chosen sides and chosen to lead our country in to socialism. This is the first post in a series to highlight which companies and states contribute to the decline of our American project that was started in 1776... we need to show these entities that we will not be sending our money to fund our own destruction.

The Autoworkers' unions in the United States are one of the largest contributors to the Democrat Party. The AFL-CIO head Richard Trumka said that he would like to have the Card Check legislation enacted in Obama's new second term. This would make labor unions almost impossible to stop, they would be present in every section of the country's economy. As such I am focusing this first post in the Conservative's buyers guide to Automobiles made in the United States... ...Any future automobiles that I buy will be from the list I have provided that are labeled non-union. Democrats suck and so do unions. Carry on.

If the unions are going to fight the taxpayers, then we are going to fight the unions.

In the past, I have owned a Chevy, a Mercury, a Chrysler, and a Cadillac.

But from now on my money will go only to companies that promote capitalism.

I look forward to Morlock's next buying guide.

by DR


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