The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, January 20, 2013

Sen. Chuck Schumer Says the NRA Is an Extreme ‘Fringe Group’

"Chucky is at it again, proving stupidity has no limits. This f**king guy is a total idiot. When you look for words to describe this asshole, liar and thief come to mind. 4.25 Million NRA members is not a fringe group. I see senate democrats as an “extreme fringe group”. Hey Chucky, I ask how many in this ‘fringe group’ are constituents that had voted for you? If any Senator dare make that statement back in the 50′s, he’d be run out of town and his political career ruined. Now, it’s cool to be a Communist (and an idiot). The real ‘fringe’ group we have to fear are these Democrats in Washington.Wasn’t it just a couple of months ago this douche bag was saying gun rights advocates were paranoid about his people taking our guns away? Did he just change his mind or is he a f**king liar? I’m guess Chuck is the latter. After all aren’t all libtards liars? It's in their DNA. Let me tell ya up-chucky, I think I speak for most of us that are Americans and sane, That We The People don’t really give a flyin’ rats ass what you or any other libtard think or have to say, every last one of you are a disgrace to the offices that you hold, (and hopefully for just a while longer.) You, your President, your libtards in the Democratic/Socialist Party are the extremist’s. For the life of me I can’t understand why these people are tolerated? It’s not like their intentions have not been made before everybody, that they do intend to destroy our Constitution. What more proof does one need? Chuck is a threat to our republic and he’s a POS libtard, lifetime politician who the idiots in NY will keep in office for life. Some body needs to get chuckie a swing set, all traitors need a swing set". MC

Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sat down with HuffPost Live Friday, where he made a noteworthy statement about the rapidly-growing National Rifle Association.
Responding to interviewer Alicia Menendez’s question about whether Schumer’s colleagues are “willing to admit” that the NRA is a “fringe group,” the senator responded: “Well they sure are a fringe group, but

Jesse Jackson

"I just looked up “dumbass, race baiting, retard” in the dictionary and guess who's picture popped up? When will this race baiting POS just f**king go away and do the world a favor? Hey Jesse, maybe you should start with Shitcagos inner cities and their gun problem, after all there is a major airport close. Maybe you can address this when you visit junior in the big house you jackass. That was really mean of Fox News. Why did they take this poor old man out of the dementia ward at the nursing home to babble on TV? Would somebody please interpret what this asshole, with a mouth full of marbles just said. We need sub-titles so we can understand. On second thought, forget the sub-titles, we don't want to understand. This guy should be arrested for murder. He's killing the english language. So, "gones" can shoot down planes. What's a "gones"? "Havta hold manafatorers mo responsibe for der poduct". What? "It his a threa to nananatitnal sucurity". Oh boy. No wonder why there is no transcript. The computer would start smoking when it tried to do a spell check. Poor old Jesse. The never ending struggle to remain relevant is the only thing keeping him going at this point. Jesse-jackass needs to go away to some "Chocolate City" and take Sharpnuts with him. No gun is a worse threat to the nation than a serial abuser of Affirmative Action laws. Go to hell, revrum." MC

Assault rifles can shoot down planes:

The National Razor Association must answer for this

"Let's start to ban all malls. Ban all razors. Ban all x-boyfriends. Can't we just limit the length of the razor blade and do background checks when people want to buy them? This senseless violence has to stop. Why hasn't New York pounced on this? Any person who is seen with a beard should be questioned to see if they are carrying a concealed razor blade because we know sure as shit they are definitely not using one to shave.When is Barry Husein going to hold a news conference about these senseless crimes? Where is the presidential commission on banning razors? We're all waiting with bated breath for his infinite wisdom. And the people in the area just stood and looked. Hey news media, why no description of the attackers? Police are looking for "two young women." Can you be more specific? For example: Were they Asian? Suspects must have been Swedish, they fit the profile. But anyway, no problem here folks. No evil assault rifles involved, so let’s just move along now. Just some nice healthy knife play. Nothing to be concerned about. Welcome to Obamanation." MC

A woman is recovering after she was attacked in a very public place and her face was slashed with a razor.
The incident happened Tuesday afternoon in Fayette Mall as shoppers walked by. You’re probably thinking how can this happen in a place as busy as Fayette Mall. Well it did, right out in the open, now police are looking for the two young women who cut up the victim’s face.

“She looked me dead in the eye and smiled at me,” said victim Nicole Kyaw of one of her attackers.


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