The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

CBS's Charles Osgood: 'Is Constitution Truly Worthy of Reverence in Which Most Americans Hold It?'

"I would post what I am really thinking, but I would probably be arrested. What amazes me is not that someone should hold such dangerous and twisted views, but that this someone is actually a professor of Constitutional Law at one of our premier universities! How did this happen? I question NOgood's loyalty to this Nation. No true American would make such an assinine statement. There was a time when slime like NOgood would be tossed off the air. The embossed CBS logo on Charles NOgood's business card obviously now stands for "Constitution Bashing Shithead". Chuck, you are now officially, a libtard idiot. These are disturbing times. The libtards, headed by their Marxist leader Hussein, are trying to destroy the America I grew up in. But be rest assured that "WE THE PEOPLE" are not surrendering this country and will without doubt end this traitorous episode." MC

Imagine you're getting ready to head to church one fine Sunday morning and on your television you hear a man say, "Let's give up on the Constitution."
Such actually happened when CBS News Sunday Morning aired a rather inflammatory commentary by a Georgetown University law professor teased by host Charles Osgood asking, "Is the U.S. Constitution truly worthy of the reverence in which most Americans hold it?" (video follows with transcript and commentary): 

CHARLES OSGOOD, HOST: Is the U.S. Constitution truly worthy of the reverence in which most Americans hold it? A view on that from Lewis Michael Seidman, Professor of Constitutional Law at Georgetown University.
LOUIS MICHAEL SEIDMAN, PROFESSOR OF CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AT GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY: I've got a simple idea: Let's give up on the Constitution. I know, it sounds radical, but it's really not. Constitutional disobedience is as American as apple pie.
For example, most of our greatest Presidents -- Jefferson, Lincoln, Wilson, and both Roosevelts -- had doubts about the Constitution, and many of them disobeyed it when it got in their way.
To be clear, I don't think we should give up on everything in the Constitution. The Constitution

Unreal… ABC’s “This Week” Has Sen. Menendez On For Entire Segment – Forgets to Ask About Underage Hooker Scandal

"ABC= All Barack’s Children. So, Martha Ratsass forgot to ask Child Rapist Bob about the hooker scandal. She did not forget. She is just a whore for the Democrap party. Should we be surprised. Obviously, the deal was that he would only appear if they didn’t ask anything about it. Why give ABC grief when they’re just doing their job? That is, covering up for a corrupt, Marxist regime. “WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?” Now you know the answer, Islamo-Nazi trash are running the country now. Journalism is dead. Their ability to be objective has vanished. Lets just go ahead and admit that the Alphabet media is really an arm of the Democratic Party and be done with the charade." MC

It’s an Obama world.
ABC’s This Week invited Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) on the show this weekend to discuss current issues.

On Friday the news broke that the FBI has been investigating top Democratic Senator Bob Menendez for

Barack Obama: Hey, We Do Skeet Shooting All the Time at Camp David

"This idiot even lies about what he does when he’s not at the SHite House. This sissy hasn’t shot at anything, even clay, his whole life. The only thing he shoots is the bullshit coming out of his mouth. All he knows is how to lie, which he does exceedingly well. Where’s the photo op? If Obama is always "skeet shooting", where are the pics? He would never let such an opportunity go to waste. He’s a good little commie. He’s a good little liar. The image of Obama "skeet shooting" is as silly as the one of him hanging lace curtains or riding a girlie bike w/ a straw basket and pink flowers. Give me a break. And by the way moron, you don’t “do skeet shooting” you shoot skeet, or trap. It’s like saying you “golfed a birdie on the last hole.” He is such a fake and now he’s proving, as if he hadn’t already, to be a liar.  Does anyone really believe this? I for one would love to see video proof of him handling a firearm. I would be willing to bet he has never touched a gun and has no idea how. Most likely he is afraid of them. Just another pathetic attempt to sound manly and relevant. Calling the village that lost its idiot, we just found him for you." MC

Maybe he meant squirt fights?

A photo of President Obama with a water gun, from Vice President Joe Biden’s Twitter feed.
Barack Obama told reporters he went skeet shooting at Camp David all the time.
The AP reported:
President Barack Obama says gun-control advocates should be better listeners in the debate

Democrats Petition White House For a Clinton Nobel Peace Prize

"If the Nobel Prize people will give this worthless award thing to a known Communist, Muslim street agitator, Islamist excuse maker, and Jew hater from childhood, lover of the death of Capitalism, killer of the U.S. Constitution, and destroyer of the greatest nation ever known to mankind, Barry Hussein, they’ll give that piece of crap to anyone. While we are nominating pathetic libtards for this award, how about a shout out to  Sen. Bob "child molester" Menendez to be rewarded for his outreach efforts toward the underprivileged youth of the Dominican Republic, many of whom either already were, or became as a result of his outreach, single mothers. Congratulations to Sen. Menendez. No need to mention his party; Bob’s modest that way.
Rather fitting I think, when you consider all the other liars, cheats, terrorists and their sympathisers who have been ‘bestowed’ with this left wing, insignificant award. The Nobel Prize is an award given for ‘Outstanding Socialist Behavior’, and I believe that Hillary, like Hussein, deserves it. But then again I also believe they deserve a prison cell to. Ah, but "What difference does it make", at this point in time, if Hillary was given the Nobel Peace Prize? It can’t be degraded much further than when it was given to Barry just for getting elected. Only Leftists can be proud of this farce." MC

The attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi came in two waves on the night of 9-11.
Four Americans were murdered in a coordinated attack by reportedly 400 Islamists.
It was a highly coordinated attack.
The bloodstained walls reveal that the US officials were dragged to their death.

There will be blood: A Libyan man explains that the bloodstains on the column are from one the American staff members who grabbed the edge of the column while he was evacuated, after an attack that killed four Americans on September 11tt. (Daily Mail)
Ambassador Stevens asked for more security in Benghazi but his requests were denied.
Now this…
Democrats are petitioning the White House for a Nobel Peace Prize for Hillary and Bill Clinton for their

McCain – “Republicans Must Become More Like Progressives To Win Elections”

"VOTES, VOTES, VOTES! It's all about VOTES! The Democrats have never cared about the country. They have bought votes for years with taxpayer dollars/handouts. Now the Republicans are starting. McCain and the rest of the Rhinos can go to hell. He's always been a sellout. The one that disgusts me the most was someone I had hopes for, Paul Ryan, but he's turned out to be an Amnesty Rhino as well. Paul Ryan is far better at talking the talk than walking the walk. Republicans are all pandering to the fact that if they give amnesty to the illegals, they will turn and vote Republican. They are sadly mistaken. This shows how stupid McCain and the rest of the Rhinos are. Prior to the 2008 election, McCain had done everything for the illegal aliens except kiss their illegal ass. The bill he and Car Splashin Teddy pushed was pitiful as far as a sell out. So who did most of the illegal people vote for in the 2008 election? Not him. Most voted for Hussein who had never done anything to further the cause of the undocumented criminals. Why? Because Barr offered more freebies. If the stupid Republicans think they are going to gain the Hispanic vote by legalizing the illegals, they are bigger morons than I thought. All they are going to do is legalize the illegal vote that is going against them now. What a bunch of jackasses. And, in 2012 Hussein was saying he deported more people than George Bush did. How did that get him the big Hispanic vote, I wonder.? So its not about the Constitution or the country or the rule of law. It's about your party. Your job security and your ego. John McCain you are a dirtbag. We don't have to accept amnesty ever. Come in legally or not at all. Follow the laws that are on the books already. We, the people, demand enforcement of our federal laws against illegal immigration, nothing more, nothing less. And that does not include amnesty, John McCain. How many f**king times are they going to run an amnesty program before they finally realize it only encourages more criminal immigration, and saps our economy. Hey John, you fought and sacrificed for this country, you were a war hero. You did all that because you believed in the Constitution and all it stands for. Why you would want to trample on it now, is very disturbing to me." MC

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said that the Republican Party has to accept a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as part of an immigration-reform package.

McCain said on ABC’s “This Week” Sunday that a group of bipartisan senators would be announcing


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