The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, October 8, 2012

Rumors Swirl: How Bad Will The Obama Foreign Donor Scandal Be?

Since last week, the news sphere has been buzzing about the possibility of an Obama campaign foreign donor scandal being the big October surprise of 2012. Since the Washington Examiner first reported the story last week, many are asking how the Obama campaign will handle foreign donation allegations expected to go public Monday in a major magazine and national website story. The Obama campaign has already tried to block the story from publication and although the details of the scandal are still under wraps, we do know taxes and unsecured credit card transactions are about to cause a major headache for the Obama campaign.
Just yesterday, we received news the Obama campaign raised a whopping $181 million in September alone, pulling the question of foreign donations even closer to the surface and putting Obama closer than ever to reaching a $1 billion fundraising number.
 U.S. President Barack Obama's campaign and the Democratic Party have raised $181 million in September for his re-election effort - their highest monthly total yet of the 2012 presidential race.

The president's campaign said Saturday that the money represents donations from more than 1.8 million people.
Stay tuned.....the story could come as early as Sunday night, rather than Monday morning as originally planned.

Is a donor scandal about to rattle the Obama campaign?

As Katie Pavlich posted on October 5, the Obama campaign is about to get rocked by a fundraising scandal involving “taxes and foreign donors.”  Pavlich wrote that since “billionaires like George Soros support him and considering Hollywood is partially controlled by European money, naturally Obama has foreign support. Obama’s economic philosophy is also similar to European style resdistribution of wealth, which is why French President Francois Hollande supports him.”
This development comes after Obama raised $181 million dollars for the month of September.  As Allapundit noted yesterday, that’s a lot of donors.  If there wasn’t anything to hide then why is the campaign trying to put a kibosh on the story.
Back in April, I stumbled upon a video that recorded an anomaly with respect to donating to Obama’s campaign online.  As the man in the video donates online, he notices that “the Obama campaign does not have the universal 3-digit security code feature for credit card transactions on their website. It appears that anyone, anywhere can donate to President Obama’s re-election campaign, all you need is a credit card number.”
He tried the same thing with the Romney campaign, but the donation was denied since it wasn’t verified.

Nidal Hasan, accused Fort Hood shooter…big Obama supporter.

Donation successful!
Paul Bedard of The Washington Examiner wrote on October 4 that:

Story Coming on Obama’s Donors — How Damaging Will It Be?

Many of us remember how “Doodad Pro” and “O.J. Simpson” gave money to Obama during his first presidential campaign. And how this was no accident. From 2008:
The Obama campaign has turned a blind eye to the possibility of donor fraud. Reportedly, during the heated primary battle with Hillary Clinton, the Obama campaign “turned off” many of the security features on its online donor page, allowing any person with a valid credit card number to donate using any name or address.
Typically, card merchants require a cardholder’s name to match critical personal details, such as an address or, at the least, a ZIP code.
And of course some of the money came from the credit cards of real people. It’s just that they didn’t authorize the donations.
Well, in the wake of news that Obama is headed towards raising $1 billion as a candidate this time around, there has been word of a new scandal regarding foreign contributions, which Katie Pavlich says could break as early as tonight.

An Incriminating Timeline: Obama Administration and Libya (VIDEO)

The latest incriminating information on the U.S. consulate attack in Benghazi, Libya indicates that the State Department turned down a request for additional security from concerned U.S. embassy staff.
New evidence shows there were security threats in Libya in the months prior to the deadly September 11 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. Despite these threats, the State Department left its personnel there to fend for themselves.
And when the terrorist attack did take place, the Obama Administration peddled the ridiculous story that an offensive, amateurish, anti-Islam YouTube video was to blame in order to avoid characterizing the murders of four Americans as terrorism.
On October 2, a letter was sent to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R–CA) and Jason Chaffetz (R–UT), Chairman of the National Security, Homeland Defense and Foreign Operations Subcommittee. The letter detailed 13 known security threats against U.S. facilities in Libya in the six months prior to September 11.
On October 10, the committee will hold a hearing on events in Libya and seek answers from the State Department. Also on October 10, The Heritage Foundation will host a public panel discussion on the events in Libya titled, “Intelligence and Security Failure: Attacks in Benghazi and Across the Middle East Reveal Ongoing Threat of Terrorism.”
To help follow the path to tragedy on September 11 and its aftermath, below is a chronology of key events:

THE BUSH-OBAMA DEBT CHART: "As God is my witness: I never thought that it would get this bad"

As God is my witness: I never thought that it would get this bad.  This illustrates just "how absurd it is to blame today’s huge national debt on George W. Bush’s spending on Iraq and Afghanistan."

I thought that after it was clear that the stimulus didn’t work, the Democrats would see sense.  I thought that after it was clear that the country wanted the government to concentrate on economic recovery, the Democrats would see sense.  I thought that when the American people went out and spanked the Democrats in 2010 like Romney spanked Obama at the last debate, the Democrats would see sense.

But they didn’t.

So vote every Democrat out that you possibly can.  Down to bedrock.

Earth Day, 1970:

 1970 Earth Day cartoon rebounds in the reality of 21st century California:
On the first Earth Day, in 1970, a cartoon poster appeared at rallies in all 50 states. It showed a rueful opossum picking up papers, bottles, cans, wrappers—the detritus of modern life. Superimposed on the image were the words WE HAVE MET THE ENEMY AND HE IS US.
That poster has stayed in print for more than four decades and remains as pertinent now as on the day it was created by Walt Kelly.

Flash-forward to today:


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3