The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Barack And Michelle Cost FAR More In Upkeep Than Britain’s Royals!

"Why Americans still love these Leeches with their lucrative live style, robbing and stealing money from all of us, is still mind boggling. This is why he wants a tax hike, to pay for the lavish lifestyle he and his family have acquired under false pretenses. His major concern is not the middle class or jobs, but fair weather on the golf course and vacations". MC

US taxpayers spent a staggering $1.4 Billion (yes, with a B) on the Obamas, according to author Robert Keith Gray in his new book PRESIDENTIAL PERKS GONE ROYAL!

Compare that to only $57.8 million the Brits shelled out for their royals, and you have to ask what is going on

Krauthammer: I Think the President Invoking Massacre of Children in Context of Fiscal Talks “Is a Sacrilege” (Video)

 "The office is occupied by a truly evil creature. Our narcissistic leader has no problem using the blood of little children to acheive his objective. He’s unwilling to recognize or identify the feelings of others because its always about what he wants. Obama is nothing but a political whore to most and a demigod to Liberals". MC

Charles Krauthammer let loose on President Obama tonight on Special Report after his disgusting antics today at his press conference where he used the Sandy Hook massacre to push for tax hikes.
I think the president invoking the massacre of children to essentially say the Republicans need to accept his terms of surrender in the negotiations is not just a non sequitur, I think it’s a sacrilege… He is excessively self-righteous. He talks about the other

Jake Tapper to Obama: “This Is Not the First Incident of Horrific Gun Violence of your 4 Years – Where’ve you been?” (Video)

"As a matter of fact, he HAS been on vacation and golfing. Gee. Don’t upset Barry. He’s been so busy destroying the USA. Well, MSM left-winger or not, Tapper just made somebody’s black list. No pun intended. I was expecting him to yell “Fore” after the question was asked and run off the stage. Did you see his face. WOW! There was no wiping fake tears there. All the shootings in Barry's home town did not seem to catch his attention, so why does this??". MC

ABC’s Jake Tapper blasted Barack Obama today at his press conference announcing a new gun control committee. Tapper pointed out that this wasn’t the first mass slaughter under his watch,
“This Is not the first incident of horrific gun violence of your four years – Where’ve you been?

PIERS MORGAN'S TOP 10 FIREARMS TIPS. Oh, did I say Piers Morgan? I meant the Founding Fathers

Gee, I wonder whose counsel is more valuable and timeless: that of America's Founding Fathers -- or of Piers Morgan?
If Piers Morgan, Dianne Feinstein, Barack Obama, and the rest of the progressive Left want to limit the right to keep and bear arms, then they must accomplish it the lawful way: by offering a Constitutional Amendment and then passing it.
10. “Firearms stand next in importance to the constitution itself. They are the American people’s liberty teeth and keystone under independence … from the hour the Pilgrims landed to the present day, events, occurrences and tendencies prove that to ensure peace security and happiness, the rifle and pistol are equally indispensable … the very atmosphere of firearms anywhere restrains evil interference — they deserve a place of honor with all that’s good.” --George Washington, First President of the United States

9. "[The Constitution preserves] the advantage of being armed which Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation...(where) the governments are afraid to trust the people with arms." --James Madison,The Federalist Papers, No. 46.

8. “And that the said Constitution be never construed to authorize Congress to infringe the just liberty of the Press, or the rights of Conscience; or to prevent the people of the United States, who are peaceable citizens, from keeping their own arms; …” --Samuel Adams, 1789

7. “...the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms" --Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789, Article on the Bill of Rights

6. "The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full posession of them.” --Zachariah Johnson, Elliot’s Debates, vol. 3 “The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the Federal Constitution.”

5. "Those who hammer their guns into plowshares will plow for those who do not." --Thomas

Can't make it up: Irony Alert: Super-Sized Anti-Gun Zealot, Michael Moore’s Bodyguard Arrested on Gun Charges

 "Oh the irony. Big fat f**kin Slob’s gunman caught with an illegal weapon. Oh shit! That fat libtard hypocrite thinks he deserves an armed guard but we poor gun loving American's can’t have them to defend ourselves? You get rid of your security first, fatboy". MC

As you may know, the virulently anti-gun (for you)  Michael Moore, like most Democrats, has been ghoulishly “not letting a crisis go to waste”  since the Sandyhook school shooting, last week.
Oh my – the joy in the misfortune of others is just too delicious, here: 

Leading House Democrat Tells Americans: “Turn in Your Guns”

"Thanks Sheila, your plea just caused a spike in gun sales. Keep it up. Between you, your liberal friends in the media and Barack Obama, it’s going to be a stellar year for arms manufacturers. Folks, better get your orders in before supplies run out. Why don’t you just go demand that the gangbangers and drug lords give up their guns. Like the ones sold to them by Barry and Holder. Oh, you don’t want to bring that up do you? Especially since the MSM has tried so hard to cover it up. This woman is worthless and has been for quite awhile. She says the most hateful things and doesn’t care–but then she’s a democrat, so all is good. You can have guns at dawn following the first night that no one was robbed, raped, or murdered by anyone. Until then, you can kiss my ass". MC

From my cold, dead hands.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee wants Americans to turn in their guns.
The Hill reported:

We Lost a Fine Man Today

RIP Robert Bork

Sam Donaldson Arrested DUI

"Can you imagine the coverage if this was Rush Limbaugh or any other conservative personality? If I were Sam, I'd sue for not allowing him to put on his toupee before his mug shot was taken". MC

WGMD Radio out of Delaware:
Former ABC News political reporter Sam Donaldson was pulled over on Savannah Road by Lewes Police on December 1 for a traffic violation. An officer says that he’d been drinking. Donaldson failed field sobriety tests, and was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Racism At The New York Times

The Indian American Republican governor of South Carolina has just appointed an African American Republican congressman to the US Senate seat being vacated by Jim DeMint.
How does the New York Times react?
By calling Congressman Tim Scott a token black.
WHEN Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina announced on Monday that she would name Representative Tim Scott to the Senate, it seemed like another milestone for African-


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3