The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Once We Had A President That Loved His Country.

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"Didn't see this mentioned on the Hussein networks. Give President Bush credit, low key and proving that he was a leader. There were some things GW did that I found questionable, but I never questioned his patriotism or his genuine concern, and his respect for the office. It's been five long years since he has been out of office, and now look what we got. What a difference. While GW honors our Wounded Warriors, Imam Hussein promotes Islam by giving F-16's and Abrams Tanks to our enemies the Muslim Brotherhood. Bush may not have been a perfect president, but he is a good, compassionate, patriotic man. I wish I could say the same about Hussein. But I can't. 

 Like I said. there were things GW did that I did not agree with, but I never doubted his loyalty to this nation. And Mrs. Bush had more class and taste in her little finger than Moochelle and her 26 assistants put together. President Bush has a good heart. He's a decent man. He loves America. Unlike the two POS currently occupying the Shite House now. I admire his work with the

Rearend Sharpnuts Owes The IRS 2.6 Million Dollars.

"Is it any wonder this racist didn't bad mouth the IRS? He owes them 2.6 million dollars. And, BSNBC has given this guy his own show? No wonder the rest of NBC's channels are trying to distance themselves from MSNBC. The channel is home to raving maniacs, loons, racists, and tax cheats. Why isn't this asshole racist in jail?  If I owed the IRS over $2 million my ass would be in jail. Apparently you get off the hook if your a race baiter.  Just think of all the hungry, that this fraud says he cares about and fights for, that could be fed, the homeless that could be housed,

Hussein Crime Family Fought To Keep Search Warrant Against Reporter James Rosen Secret

"Like the cockroaches they are, they do their best work under the cover of darkness. Fox should sweep their building, cars, and homes for bugging devices. These crooks will stop at nothing. The lies, secret warrants, false accusations, harassment of citizens are just unbelievable. When did we become Nazi Germany? I believe it was on January 20th, 2009. Eric Holder needs to be fired and brought up on charges. I'll bet that the surface has barely been scratched. Time to set up gallows on the White House lawn. 

Currently, the various scandals within the Obama administration have put Libtard's in defensive mode to protect an agenda built on lies. Each day brings with it a new scandal or a new angle to a previous scandal. Fast and Furious, Benghazi, the IRS, and the DOJ's seizure of phone records

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day.

Picture Of The Day: 

Joke Of The Day:

Quote Of The Day:

 "It is time for the political press corps to open themselves to the possibility that this administration is being run just the way President Obama wants it. Enough of this "if only the czar knew "/"if only Stalin knew" excuse-making, and the notion that all of this malfeasance, intimidation, harassment, cover-ups, story-revising, lying, blame-shifting, prosecutorial wild abandon, and strategic leaks are somehow occurring every time Obama leaves the room, perpetuated by a cabinet and staff that nefariously betray the good example he sets.
If Obama continually fails to take actions to suggest that he wants to cooperate, it's time to recognize that maybe he doesn't want to cooperate." --Jim Geraghty


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