WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Saturday, April 27, 2013
Whats With The Quick Mirandizing Of The Terrorist Eric?
"Eric Holder is not a friend to America. He is part of the Democrap plan to overthrow the government of the United States and protect those that are hell bent on destroying it. That's right, give Miranda to these killers, who probably used our tax dollars they collected in welfare, to buy the supplies to blow We the People up. Protect them, fools? Why not? It's all part of their plan. I don't know about you, but I live for the day that this whole Nazi Administration has been read their Miranda Rights. Holder continues to protect those who would kill and maim US citizens. You can bet if the bomber had been a white, evangelical Christian, he still would not have been mirandized. The fact that they rushed in this proven Muslim sympathizer judge to mirandize this terrorist, there is something they need to cover up. Has to be. The timing of the judge coming into
the hospital to do this is very suspect. The FBI was getting Dhokhar's cooperation or so we are told and they hoped to get more information. from him. Holder intervened and ordered the judge
to do this. Now no more questions get answered. Holder has no standing to "order" any judge to do anything. The federal courts are a seperate branch of government created by the Constitution. The Justice Department, headed by Holder, is a part of the executive branch which was created by a Congressional act. The guy is pond scum. Rumors in D.C. are that Holder did this to shut down the debate about whether to treat Tsarnaev as a national-security threat instead of an ordinary criminal defendant in the court system. Total Bullshit. Those are the administration's own rumors, floated to distract. There is no reason that the mirandizing could not have waited. NONE. Were Holder working with the FBI, he could have easily stalled for the 48 hours needed to get them both what they wanted. There was practically zero chance that this kid would be anything but a criminal defendant. No. This is deliberate obstruction. They are shutting that kid up. This is the most brazen act of cover-up I've ever seen. I guess Holder had to protect one of his fellow America haters! Gee, another act of treason by this administration. Aiding and abetting comes to mind here. Let's help the terrorist as much as we can. Screw America. Absolutely stunning. Holder is a disgrace and is obviously working for someone other than the people of this country. The fact is, Holder knows mirandizing always make people silent. Holder knew that's what would happen. The authorities have enough gathered evidence on this guy, that Dhokhar could have clammed up from word go and it would still be a walk in the park conviction. But that's not the f**king point. The point is, use his early cooperation to get the goods on other people. And our radical Attorney General and his terrorist boss, just made that a thousand times more difficult, if not impossible. And that was their intention. It's not hard to look between the lines here to see this for what it really is. There is a link someplace, something that would embarrass this administration or worse than that. It probably has to do with the Saudi boy that we all knew about from the start. Dhokhar could have said any little thing to give cause for further investigation and Holder knew it. He didn't want the dots connected. Conspiracy theory, sure, anybody got anything better, let's hear it. I wonder how the citizens of Boston feel about this? Holder and his boss just stuck a finger in your eye. I guess they'll take it, they voted for Hussein and sent that idiot Indian woman to the senate which proves they lack any common sense. Holder and Hussein are as much terrorists as to two bombers. They should be prosecuted along with
Tsarnaev. The biggest terrorist threat to this country isn't actually Muslim extremists, its the leaders of our government. Thank you democrap voters and those who sat out the elections. Job well done." MC
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