The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Sunday, December 2, 2012

FEATURED POST: Ma Pelosi: Give Obama Unlimited Power to Lift Debt Limit to Infinity

"Constitution? What constitution? Article I enumerates the powers of Congress. One being: “To borrow money on the credit of the United States.” If it is debt then it is borrowing. Congress has no authority to delegate this authority to the President. The most deranged person in contemporary American politics." MC

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi wants Barack Obama to have the ability to raise the debt limit to infinity.

She goes by the Constitution. She’s a Constitutional expert.

CNS News reported:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said on Friday that Congress should hand over to President Barack Obama the power to unilateral increase the limit on the U.S. government’s debt.
In effect, under the plan Pelosi is endorsing, the only limit on the national debt would be President Obama’s willingness to borrow money in the name of American taxpayers.
At a Friday press conference, a reporter asked Pelosi if she agreed with a proposal made by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner that Congress give Obama the power to unilaterally increase the debt limit.
“Yes,” she said.

Hillary Clinton Accuses Israel of Lacking Generosity and Empathy with “Oppressed” Palestinians (Video)

"Maybe she is getting her talking points from her muslim brotherhood connected chief of staff a/k/a Mrs Anthony Weiner. That must be it. Mrs Weiner must be calling the shots. Shillary is just an Obamawhore. Thats all she'll ever be. Oh, and “Lack of generosity?” Sounds like Shil is accusing Jews of being cheap. I declare dogwhistle anti semitism"! MC

Hillary Clinton accused Israel of lack of generosity and empathy in their dealings with the “oppressed” Palestinians.
Hillary made the comments at the 2012 Saban Forum on U.S.-Israel Relations.

From the State Department website:
And I will also say this. When Prime Minister Netanyahu agreed to a 10-month settlement freeze I flew to Jerusalem. We’d been working on this. George Mitchell had been taking the lead on it. And when Prime Minister Netanyahu agreed to a 10-month settlement freeze, it wasn’t perfect. It didn’t cover East Jerusalem, but it covered much of the contested area in the West Bank.
And I stood on a stage with him at 11 o’clock – Israelis always meet late at night, I don’t understand it – (laughter) – but 11 o’clock at night, midnight, and I said it was unprecedented for any Israeli prime minister to have done that. I got so criticized. I got criticized from the right, the left, the center, Israeli, Jewish, Arab, Christian, you name it. Everybody criticized me. But the fact was it was a 10-month settlement freeze. And he was good to his word. And we couldn’t get the Palestinians into the conversation until the tenth month.
So, look, I’m not making excuses for the missed opportunities of the Israelis, or the lack of generosity, the lack of empathy that I think goes hand-in-hand with the suspicion. So, yes, there is more that the Israelis need to do to really demonstrate that they do understand the pain of an oppressed people in their minds, and they want to figure out, within the bounds of security and a Jewish democratic state, what can be accomplished.
And I think that, unfortunately, there are more and more Israelis and Palestinians who just reject that idea out of hand: Why bother? Why try? We’ll never be able to reach an agreement with the other. But in the last 20 years, I’ve seen Israeli leaders make an honest, good-faith effort and not be reciprocated in the way that was needed.

RACIST! Hillary Clinton would rather have John Heinz Kerry replace her as Secretary of State than Susan Rice

Obviously, Hillary Clinton has to be a racist, if she’d rather have the crusty old white guy John Kerry replace her as Secretary of State than Susan Rice right? I mean that’s the media’s claim that anyone who favors Kerry (or anyone else) instead of Susan Rice has to be a racist. How about neither of these clowns> That’s who I’d vote for. Susan Rice has conflicts of interest with Iran and mislead the American people on Benghazi. John Heinz Kerry is an insult to all American veterans. Neither are worth a damn thing. The only bright side would be if Kerry is selected, it would get him out of the Senate. Maybe Obama leg humper Colin Powell would be better suited for hill the spot.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has reportedly taken sides in the ongoing question of who President Barack Obama will select to replace her: She wants Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) over embattled U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice.
“Hillary is not close to Rice, who is tough — but is not the friendliest person,” a “top White House source” told Chicago Sun-Times columnist Michael Sneed. “And Hillary’s brief comment recently that Rice had done ‘a great job’ was considered underwhelming and tepid.”

Another Solar Company Goes Bust – Got $26 Million in State Loans

It’s an Obama world.
Another solar plant that got $26 million in loans went bust this week.

WLOX reported:
Mississippi taxpayers may have only an empty Senatobia building and some solar panel equipment to show for nearly $26 million in loans provided to Twin Creeks Technologies.
The California-based solar technology firm is liquidating, and a company that bought Twin Creeks’ assets does not intend to take over its agreement with Mississippi. The contract called for Twin Creeks to invest at least $132 million and create at least 500 jobs.
The Mississippi Development Authority’s Kathy Gelston says officials are negotiating for Twin Creeks to repay aid above the value of the building and equipment.
The Director of Twin Creek Technologies donated $1,000 to Obama’s campaign this y

Thanks Barack. Wal-Mart to Drop Insurance for New Hires

"Lied? Of course he lied. And these liberal trolls who don’t know anything except what they hear on Rachel Maddow, believe it. I can’t wait until you libtards, and people like you, choke to death on the shit you’re shoving down everybody’s throat. And I hope you choke on it hard". MC

Remember when Obama told you, over and over again, that you could keep your insurance under Obamacare.

It was a lie. Obama knew it was a lie.
He knew Obamacare would replace private policies. That was the plan all along.
Wal-MArt announced this week they would end insurance for new hires.
The Huffington Post reported:
Walmart, the nation’s largest private employer, plans to begin denying health insurance to newly hired employees who work fewer than 30 hours a week, according to a copy of the company’s policy obtained by The Huffington Post. …
Walmart declined to disclose how many of its roughly 1.4 million U.S. workers are vulnerable to losing medical insurance under its new policy. …
Labor and health care experts portrayed Walmart’s decision to exclude workers from its medical plans as an attempt to limit costs while taking advantage of the national health care reform known as Obamacare. Among the key features of Obamacare is an expansion of Medicaid, the taxpayer-financed health insurance program for poor people. Many of the Walmart workers who might be dropped from the company’s health care plans earn so little that they would qualify for the expanded Medicaid program, these experts said.

Grim Milestone: Since the 9-11 2001 Attacks on America – There Have Now Been Over 20,000 Recorded Deadly Islamist Attacks Worldwide

 "What war on terror"?  MC

Coffins of three Shi’ite Muslims, killed in a bomb attack, are carried during their funeral procession in Sanaa November 29, 2012. (Reuters)
Grim Milestone:
The liberal media may have missed this but this week we saw the 20,000 recorded deadly Islamist attack since the 9-11 attacks in 2001.

Religion of Peace reported:
On a week in which two suicide bombers slaughtered over 54 Christian and Druze and Sunni extremists massacred nearly 100 Shiites in Iraq, TROP recorded our 20,000th Islamic terror attack since 9/11.  It happened to be the stabbing and dismemberment of a Jewish woman in her Iranian home by religious radicals intent on expanding a mosque.
Allah’s Apostle said, “The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. “O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.”
(Sahih Bukhari 52:177)

“Killing Jews is worship that draws us closer to Allah.”
CAIR-supported Hamas
Remember this the next time you hear some unhinged progressive try to compare Islam to Christianity or any other religion.


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