The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Monday, June 5, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Monday 6/5/2017

Trump pulled out of Paris climate deal because he's 'jealous' of Obama, Tim Kaine says

From the Independent:
Former vice presidential candidate and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine says that Donald Trump decided to pull the US out of the Paris climate accord because he’s jealous of Barack Obama’s achievements.
“Why did Trump really walk away from #ParisAgreement? He's surrounded by science deniers and fossil fuel junkies,” Mr Kaine wrote on Twitter.
The senator followed that up with speculation that Mr Trump is simply jealous of the man who inhabited the White House a year ago.
The president is “jealous of Obama accomplishments. But in the end, American innovative spirit is stronger than his insecurities,” he wrote.

Read More From The Idiot here...

Looks like Tiny Timmy's been snorting his son's pepper spray again. Sadly, this asswipe believes his own bullshit. 

John Kerry: Travel Ban Is “Worst Thing We Can Do,” Terrorists Are Alienated, Without “Opportunities”

Via The Hill:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday said Americans stand with the British people following an attack Saturday in London that left at least seven people dead.
“Every American feels as if we were attacked also,” Kerry said on NBC’s “Meet The Press.”
“There isn’t anybody in America today who doesn’t reach out and express our sorrow and our solidarity with the British people.”
But Kerry emphasized how difficult it is to prevent these kinds of attacks.
“The fact is, if people want to kill themselves, this is really hard for law enforcement,” he said.
“What we really need to do is focus more, I believe, not on a travel ban … it’s the worst thing we can do,” he continued, referring to President Trump’s efforts to temporarily bar nationals from six Muslim-majority countries from entering the U.S.


"Swift boat" Johnnie speaks again. I liked him better on the Addam's Family. So now, let's see if I have this straight: Lurch is saying there is little law enforcement can do to stop these mass murders?  OK, so let's keep bringing in more and more people who are likely to engage in such behavior because if we don't keep bringing them in they may miss the opportunity to kill us? Sounds about right for a liberal. And Trump is the crazy one? I wonder if this asshole realizes what he just said? I'm sure Nana Pelosi, MadMax Watters, and Chuck U Schumer understood perfectly. And they may repeat it at some point as if it was an original thought. What balls this asshole has to give advice now. Go get our money back from Iran, than just retire and shut the f**k up. The adults are in charge now and are trying to straighten out the mess you and Hillary made.

Today's Golden Douchebag Award Goes to:

Today's Winner:

Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin has come to the defense of Kathy Griffin:
“Kathy…F*ck them,” Baldwin continued. “F*ck them all. No 1 believes u meant 2 threaten Trump. Trump is such a senile idiot, all he has is Twitter fights.”

So who is Alec Baldwin and why should I be concerned about his random outbursts?  Is he one of the "actors" who left the country after President Trump got elected? From his appearance it looks like he is a washed up drunk, trying to make a living talking shit about President Trump, which by the way is really starting to get stale. Really nothing to see here folks, Alec just lost his mind again. But then you can't lose something you never had.

Pelosi: Trump Withdrawing From Climate Agreement Dishonors God, Hurts His Grandchildren


Image result for nancy pelosi gif

Dishonors God? Really!? What about someone who supports the killing babies in the millions. What does God think of you Nancy? Where were you when the Sisters of the Poor were looking for help to avoid being forced to adhere to the ObamaCare mandate that was in direct conflict with their heartfelt religious beliefs? Where were you, the house minority leader of the democrat party, when you voted GOD out of their platform? What exactly dishonors God? That's right you worthless POS. God really is honored by corrupt politicians and abortionists. Why do you hard leftists actually think you can "shame" people who believe in God, by invoking God, when we all know you are completely Godless? It's amazing sometimes how pathetically stupid you are. Get over it you idiot. And that includes your god Obama. He can bitch and moan all he wants, we don't really care though.

Today's Americana:

Americana are artifacts, or a collection of artifacts, related to the history, geography, folklore and cultural heritage of the United States. 

Many kinds of material fall within the definition of Americana: paintings, prints and drawings; license plates or entire vehicles, household objects, tools and weapons; flags, plaques and statues, and so on.

Today's Artifact:

Bob Hope, John Wayne, Ronald Reagan, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra


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