The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

BSDNC: White Men Can’t “Appreciate” How Awesome It Would Be To Have Hillary Clinton As President

A panel on MSNBC this morning dug into the extensive New York Magazine story on Hillary Rodham Clinton, with a focus on her likelihood as a presidential candidate in 2016. Guest host Mara Schiavocampo cited a quote from a source in the story saying that Clinton’s march to presidential contention is “like a force of history.”
When given a chance to opine on that matter, MSNBC.com’s Timothy Noah sought cold water, calling “overwrought” the “idea that she is being buffeted by the winds of history.” The process, argued Noah, is a touch simpler than all that: “If she runs, it’s because she wants to be president of the United States,” he argued.
Race and gender then penetrated the conversation, courtesy of panelist Keli Goff, of the Root. Here’s how she disputed Noah’s disputation of the whole history-mission thing:
I don’t entirely agree with that. I did a piece for the Root titled, “Could Hillary Clinton run as a one-term president.” And I interviewed a bunch of strategists. And initially when the piece ran, there were people very skeptical. Then she had her health woes and then people weren’t so skeptical after that. I think that Tim, with all due respect, as a white male perhaps it’s a little different to appreciate for some women and for some people of color what it means to have a historic figure that can make history. And there is no one else on the bench right now. There is no one else on the progressive female side of things who can actually break the glass ceiling the way Hillary possibly could. At 65 with health woes, she may not have eight years in her. She might have four, and I think a lot of feminists are going to pressure her to keep that in mind.

"So now it's racist for white men to be opposed to Shillary Clinton, a white woman. What would we ever do without you, BSDNC? Well, thanks to idiots like you Keli, we've made history for the last 5 years and it hasn't been pretty. Why do you libtards think that electing a president is some kind of game. How does this tool know what a white man can or cannot appreciate? Oh yeah, I always fantasized about having a mean-tempered, foul-mouthed, disgusting, insensitive witch, who put up with a philandering hubby, just to reap her reward at the end as president. Only the libtards would want a pathological liar as a president. As a white male, I'd have no issue with a female president. I just don't want that psychotic bitch Shillary in the People's House. These MSM douchbags seem to think that this one vile woman is the salvation of our country, only because she is a woman. Gotta watch the media now. They're on Hitlery's payroll, and will be for the next 2 years. Murder and Mayhem and Sex have perverted her history. She's the last person who should be leading our country. I suppose black women would like having a white woman president? I know the First Fatass wouldn't. Oh yeah, the MSM are fascinated with Moochelle too. Regardless of her qualifications, of which there are none. 

The only way this piece of shit Shillery can make history is by f**king up the USA even more than Barry Hussein has done. That's how. When I vote for someone it is because I have researched

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:   

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day:   

 "Apparently some White House staffers have a new nickname for the president: "Obam-me," because it's all about him and his big thoughts. I guess the second-term team is not quite as adoring as the first." --Peggy Noonan


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