"What, a racist African-American. There is no such thing as a racist African-American. Just ask Rev Al and Rev Jesse. They will tell you so. So whats the excuse, she was hacked? Hacked my ass. If her account was hacked she better report it as a crime. Then be ready to face charges if she has filed a false police report. Karon, you just gave the word dumbshit a new meaning. Racists are so damn stupid. And a counselor who doesn’t have command of the English language. She must be an affirmative action hire. This bitch should be banned from all schools in any capacity. It is this type of mentality that has been brainwashing our youth for decades. There should be Zero Tolerance for these types of people. Just like there would if a white teacher said something stupid like that. Disgusting. If it were reversed and a white person made this statement about blacks it would be considered hate speech. And these are the people "edukating" our children. Send this to
Chrissy Mathews and ask if this qualifies as a black being racist. He’d probably say she was hacked too. Somebody tell Chris “the Drooler” Matthews that there is ONE black racist out there. He won’t believe it though because he is blinded by stupidity and bullshit. And the libs say we're intolerant bigots."Glass houses" mean anything to you. Since Hussein was elected in 2008, he has allowed his media hacks, especially on BSNBC, to ease this dormant black racism to the surface where it destroys civil discourse throughout this once diverse society. Now it is his racist media, who are no longer the least bit reluctant to spew their vile hatred, saying that those on the right hate black people and don't care about black people. Remember "Gonna put ya'all back in chains"? The racist media hacks have been given Hussein's apparent blessing. "I'm gonna bring this country together". Another campaign promise down the f**king toilet. This woman is just another racist emboldened by Hussein. No surprise here. Racism is just another way the regime can divide us. Also shitheads like Sharpnuts and Jackass continue spending their time making sure the hatin’ on whitey show continues. BSNBC has even given Rearend Sharpnuts his own platform. I guess you could say that some blacks are now feeling they have the right to share their open racism in a sort of payback for all the stories they got from these two racist thugs as told to them like the bitter race hustlers that they are. And America, on the whole, is getting pretty fed up with it. And let's not forget, our Divider in Chief continues to open his door to them, as he did the other reverend, Wright. There is a difference in freedom of speech and making public, racist, and insensitive remarks, especially when you work along side children and the parents as a counselor. Just because there is freedom of speech doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences from dumb hateful remarks made from ignorant racists, black or white. To be fair, the same goes for white bigots. They are just as bad." MC
Read more: wfaa.com
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