"I got a question, doesn't anyone in the Shite House look at the f**king Doppler radar? I mean, how hard is it to take a look at the radar say, "Shit, maybe we ought to do this inside or at least set up a canopy". But no, it's better to have two well-trained soldiers stand up and hold a f**king umbrella during the Dicktator's speech. Pathetic. Interesting picture though. Two real Americans on either side, protecting the other two who have no love for America. I'll bet that Marine would rather be getting a prostate exam than standing in the rain listening to the Liar in Chief. That Marine has more honesty, integrity, and love of country in the tip of one strand of hair than Hussein has in his whole Crime Family.
Now that I think about it, have past Presidents required Marines to hold umbrellas like this? I would really like to know. Would they hold a conference in the rain and not inside? Wonder if this is a normal happening or something the dicktator just decided to do 'for the fun' of it. I hate looking at this picture. It's like seeing one of my worst nightmares suddenly come to life. Two