The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Sunday 9/17/2017

The Sunday Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL.
For Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen †


My Opinion

International Climate Officials Say Trump Administration Seeks to Avoid Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord

But White House spokeswoman says ‘no change’ in U.S. position on deal

Can I ask some questions concerning "Climate Change"? First, how do you "fight" climate change? What are the specific measures which will make the climate change in the direction these wise people determine is the best direction.  Two, what are the measurements for this which this will be monitored and available to everyone? Who are the 'wise people' that know all this and can make it happen? How long will it take, how much money? Who pays? Who gets fired if it doesn't work or goes in the wrong direction? In other words, what's the plan, the tools, and who is responsible for implementing it? All important questions I think. But, as is always the case, we can not question this leftist religion. We must believe in it and accept it or we will go to leftist hell. 

So, what increases climate change and deadly tornadoes and hurricanes? Could it be the increase in using fossil fuels. Fossil fuels change the earths temperature causing climate change which produces an increase in tornadoes and hurricanes right? It's a no brainer. But then I have to ask why the "climate change" prophets like Internet creator Al Gore, Leotardo Di Crappio, and other leftists lead in the use of deadly fossil fuels. Wouldn't they be leading by example if this "climate change" is really serious? No, because this whole deception is motivated by money. Our money, and they ain't sharin'. President Donald Trump's decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement was absolutley the right thing to do. And, with all do respect, he better stay out if he wants to keep my loyalty. Forget this waste of time and our money. You cannot change the climate, period. Stick to your guns Mr. President, that's why we elected you. 

Teacher Who Compared Trump Campaign Slogan To Swastika: ‘This Was Not Political’

Via Washington Times:
A Georgia high school teacher who was yanked from the classroom after comparing President Trump’s campaign slogan “Make America Great Again” to a swastika is speaking out for the first time since video of the exchange went viral.
Make America Great Again is a political slogan. Swastika is a political symbol. So yeah you idiot, it WAS 'political'.
Lyn Orletsky, a teacher of five years at River Ridge High School in Woodstock, was seen on video kicking two students out of her class after they refused to turn their shirts bearing the pro-Trump slogan inside out. She was also heard saying it had nothing to do with Mr. Trump, but the slogan itself, which she compared to a swastika.
 Did the Nazi's want to Make America Great Again? I sure don't remember that in history class.
Ms. Orletskytold the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an interview Thursday morning that she thought the shirts would be offensive to minority students in the class.
If making America great offends minorities then I'm sorry, perhaps it's them that should not be here.
“I told the boys, in light of everything that has happened [in Charlottesville, Virginia], I don’t think this is an appropriate slogan to be wearing at school. Could they please go to the restroom and turn the shirt inside out?” she said.
 Hey, teacher, leave those kids alone.
The video went viral and the Cherokee County School District reportedly became the target of threatening emails. The district apologized for the teacher’s behavior and announced that she would be placed on administrative leave indefinitely.

‘This Was Not Political’. Sure, and she's not a left wing nutjob. This leftist loon should never be allowed inside a classroom again. Let her go to work in a tollbooth. She brings up Nazism as a comparison to a campaign slogan, and it's not political? She's too stupid to be a teacher. It was not political to her, because in her warped leftist mind, Donald Trump is not her President. My patience has run thin, very, very thin, with these idiots. Our school taxes pay for this leftist bullshit. Remember that.

I have an idea? Why don't you libtards just stop worrying about how other peoples feelings might be hurt and let them take care of themselves, like grown ups do. OK? Because I don't think you give a rats ass about their feelings anyway, you just want to control everyone.

She no longer works for the school system. She got the boot. 

ESPN Head To Staff: ‘ESPN Is Not A Political Organization’

Via The Hill:
ESPN head to staff: ‘ESPN is not a political organization’
 Really, let us talk about Robert Lee then, shall we?

ESPN’s chief is defending the network after intense backlash this week, including a stream of White House criticism over anchor Jemele Hill calling President Trump a “white supremacist.”
“We have issues of significant debate in our country at this time,” ESPN president John Skipper wrote in a memo to staff on Friday reported by multiple media outlets.
“In light of recent events, we need to remind ourselves that we are a journalistic organization and that we should not do anything that undermines that position,” he continued, noting, “ESPN is about sports.”
“ESPN is not a political organization. Where sports and politics intersect, no one is told what view they must express,” he said.
“At the same time, ESPN has values,” Skipper continued, writing ESPN is “committed to inclusion and an environment of tolerance where everyone in a diverse work force has the equal opportunity to succeed.”
Yeah"Diverse and tolerant." Anti-white and anti-American.
Not fired                   Fired 

 And they say that with a straight face. Throw the flag,10 yards for bullshitting. Sorry ESPN, you became a political organization once you had enough leftists infest it. You fired Curt Schilling but refuse to fire Jemele Hill, who is a racist and a third stringer when compared to Schilling. Actions speak louder than words. 

Sorry ESPN, you're not fooling anyone. You've gone so far to the left viewer's can't find you on their TV screens anymore. You have become nothing more than a political arm of the Democrat party and use sports as a cover. Your just a bunch of elitist idiots who think you are better and smarter than the American people. Keep lying and telling us you are not political you bunch of no common sense leftist douche bags, and keep enjoying your way to the ratings cellar. Can't think of anyone that deserves it more.

PS. Not political? Waiting to see you televise President Trump picking his NCAA bracket.


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