The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Benghazi: Most Senior Marine in Congress Sending Letter to President Obama

Senator Roberts: Benghazi Failures Cause Many to Question Service in Harm’s Way

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) today sent a letter to President Obama urging him to set the record straight about his Administration’s failure to help Americans murdered in the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, because it has caused Americans serving in harm’s way, especially members of the armed forces, to question the sacred bond of never leaving a comrade in distress or danger.

Senator Roberts is the most senior Marine in the congress, is a former member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services and is a former chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The following is the text of the letter sent today:
Dear Mr. President:
During these final days of this coming election, I have been conducting town hall meetings in Kansas.

OMG!… Obama Administration Was Warned 3 Hours Before Benghazi Attack – Did Nothing (Video)

The Obama Administration was warned that radical Islamists were “gathering weapons and gathering steam” three hours before attack.
They did nothing.
Jennifer Griffin at FOX News reported:

Ed Morrissey added this at HotAir:
If this is the case, then why wasn’t the FEST team ready to intervene? Actually, the military and CIA did have their teams ready. Now it appears that the State Department, at least, had three hours’ notice of radical Islamist activity in the city “gathering weapons and gathering steam,” plus a very big warning about consulate security being compromised. Yet while the attack took place, no one gave the order for a military intervention. Even hours into the attack, the White House didn’t go any farther than order an evacuation effort at the Benghazi airport.
This “spontaneous demonstration” story is falling apart. And it’s interesting to see how it’s falling apart, too. Earlier, the White House tried to lay off the failure on the intel community, which sparked a flurry of leaks showing that the intel community had warned of this issue and wanted to respond during the attack. This week, the White House has started to shift blame to State, and now we’re seeing these leaks showing that State knew exactly what was going on.
This buck stops at the Oval Office, and it’s only going to be a matter of time before we get the leaks to show it.
Barack Obama was notified of the attack on the Benghazi consulate at 5 PM EST.

Military Endorsements

When you are active duty you HAVE to endorse the Commander-In-Chief

Look what happens when you’re retired.

General Colin Powell
General Wesley Clark
Admiral John Nathan, co-chair of Obama campaign
Major General Paul Eaton
Rear Admiral Don Gutter

Admiral James B. Busey, USN, (Ret.)
General James T. Conway, USMC, (Ret.)
General Terrence R. Dake, USMC, (Ret)
Admiral James O. Ellis, USN, (Ret.)
Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, USM, (Ret.)
General Ronald R. Fogleman, USAF, (Ret)
General Tommy Franks, USA, (Ret)

Sick… Obama’s Closing Argument: “Revenge!” (Video) ***Plus Romney's Response

President Obama settled on a new closing catchphrase today.
Against whom and for what, exactly???

As is often the case when he goes off-teleprompter, at a campaign stop in Ohio today, Obama revealed a side of himself we haven’t seen since Hurricane Sandy gave him the opportunity to play The American President for a few days. The old Divider-In-Chief returned with a vengeance when in the middle of an attack on Mitt Romney he told a crowd at a campaign rally to stop booing and, " Vote! Voting is the best revenge!"

What he obviously meant was that voting is the best revenge against Mitt Romney.
What kind of divisive, ugly rhetoric is this coming from a sitting president? It's easy to sympathize with the fact that Obama's record gives few reasons for anyone to vote for him; and that for that reason, he's been forced to attempt to destroy his opponent with a half-billion dollars in negative ads -- but now the President of the United States is publicly telling a crowd of Americans to vote for revenge. And not just revenge, but revenge against another American.
But what else are we to expect from apresident who spent weeks on binders, Big Bird, birth control, and bull shit -- the president whose surrogates have used the word "felon" to describe Romney and accused him of murder?  
This behavior isn't just unpresdiential, it's un-American.

What did you expect?

He was weaned on Alinsky, after all.

Mitt Romney's patriotic response:


Marathon CANCELLED** ~Priorities? NYC Marathon organizers asking Staten Island Hotels to Kick Out Hurricane Evacuees for Out of Town Runners…. *spit*


Thankfully at least one Staten Island Hotel owner has a sense of priorities in the right place.    Smite upon any hotels that are actually doing this, and double smite for Mayor Dumbass McBloomberg for allowing a marathon right now….

With Prog judgement like this, it’s no wonder Mayor Snobsucker endorsed Obama…

SEIU Organizer Forgets Simple Chant While Protesting Paul Ryan

Wisconsin Jobs Now, a front group for the SEIU protested Paul Ryan’s campaign stop on Wednesday in Racine, WI. The protest of about 12 people was lead by SEIU organizer Todd Stoner.

Stoner, as usual, interrupted and disrupted interviews I was conducting with his faithful crew, in an attempt to hide their complete lack of knowledge as to why they are really there. He warned them I was Breitbart News and I was a “big conservative.” Still, some of the protesters were willing to talk but failed to give coherent answers.

Protesters chanted and repeated the same old talking point, “Romney only cares about the rich.” In an embarrassing moment, another protest organizer on a bull horn duty apparently had problem with the synapses in his brain firing fast enough to remember the words to the chant he was leading just minutes before:
Lyin’ Ryan, he’s the worst, he puts corporate interests first.

How do you forget 10 words you chant over and over and over again?

New Jersey an 'Apocalyptic Vision' Two Days After Obama Photo Op

Two days after President Obama flew into storm-ravaged New Jersey on Wednesday for a 90 minute photo op with Governor Christie, parts of the state have descended into what one local resident calls "an apocalyptic vision." On Friday, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, this New Jersey resident described the situation there:

Christie threatens ‘Disaster Control Act’ order to guarantee nonunion utility workers can help restore NJ power

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie bristled at reports Friday that an electricians’ union stood in the way of some utility workers who wanted to help restore power to victims of Hurricane Sandy. He would use his emergency-management powers, he said, to guarantee that nonunion crews could help restore his state’s electricity grid without interference.
“I’ve been on the phone with PSE&G [Public Service Electric and Gas Company], JCP&L [Jersey Central Power & Light] and the union, and they’ve all absolutely promised me they would never turn away a single worker whether they were union or nonunion, and I wouldn’t allow it,” Christie told reporters shortly after 3:30 p.m. Friday afternoon.
“I would invoke my powers under the Disaster Control Act to prevent that from happening, but they’ve assured me we don’t have to.”
But a spokesman for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg didn’t reply to emails asking whether his boss would take a similar hard line. A spokeswoman for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo similarly didn’t return phone calls asking the same question.
Christie said Friday that “there was one incident of this in Seaside Heights” since Superstorm Sandy hit.
“First of all, the workers never came to New Jersey, okay? They weren’t turned away when they got here. They heard that New Jersey was a union state, coming from Alabama. When they stopped in Virginia, they called to see what they would do and they were given bad information.”

Ala. utility, Fla. crewman blame electricians’ union for interfering with Hurricane Sandy relief

A New Jersey power company denied Friday that it is turning away nonunion volunteer crews who want to travel great distances to help reconnect power supplies severed by Hurricane Sandy. But an Alabama utility is clarifying that it was the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers [IBEW] — not the company — that turned them away.

And a Central Florida utility worker told The Daily Caller that he and his crewmates are still waiting for the union to back down before they could go to Long Island.
Jersey Central Power & Light spokesman Ron Morano told Cablevision’s News12 on Friday that his company has accepted help from all crews. “We have not turned away any help,” he said. “Absolutely not.”
And IBEW International President Ed Hill said in a statement to The Daily Caller that “in times of crisis all help is welcome and we pull together with everyone to meet the needs of the public. We have communicated this to the office of New Jersey Governor Christie as well.”
But Decatur Utilities in Decatur, Ala. told Huntsville’s WAFF-TV Thursday evening that its crews were denied the opportunity to work in Seaside Heights, N.J. because they’re not affiliated with a union. Some of those workers, the company said, headed home. Others remained at a staging area in Roanoke, Va.
And on Friday the company doubled down, with general manager Ray Hardin telling Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney that “we were presented with documents from IBEW that required our folks to affiliate with the union. And [that's] something that we could not agree to. And it was our understanding, and still is, that that was a requirement of working in that area.”
A Central Florida utility lineman who insisted on remaining anonymous told TheDC in a phone interview Friday that his 12-person crew waited ”all day yesterday” for their bosses to sort through the IBEW’s demands.
“It was like, ‘What’s the hold up?’ he said. “It turns out there was a 300-page contract that the union controlling LIPA [the Long Island Power Authority] wanted everybody to sign first. We don’t have time for that. We’ve got guys ready to go. You need lawyers for this.”
“Get this,” he added: “Because we’re not union [members] — their pay scale is about $47 per hour while ours is about $35 — the union’s problem was that we didn’t make enough money and that my company supposedly had to pay us union scale to participate.”
“We were like, ‘We’re not complaining about money. You can pay us less. We don’t care. Just let us go up there. Two days later, we’re still sitting here.”
“I don’t care if you pay me $5 an hour right now,” the utility worker said. “Would you let us go up there and help? This is bull! We’re good at what we do. Let us do it. This isn’t about money. It’s about helping people who need help.”

“We’ve gone through this with hurricanes in Florida. We don’t turn people away because they’re unionized or not. This is such crap. Let’s get people connected again, and then you union guys can go back to playing this silly game. And that’s what it is — a goddamned game.”
WAFF-TV has not retracted the Thursday story about Decatur Utilities, which sparked the controversy. Two other utilities mentioned in its report, however, said Friday that they had different experiences.
A Huntsville Utilities spokesman told the Mobile Press-Register that some of his employees are on Long Island helping with recovery from Hurricane Sandy.
“We are starting work this morning with Long Island Power Authority,” he told the newspaper. “We were headed to a New Jersey utility but they had all the crews they could handle.”
And a spokeswoman for the Joe Wheeler Electrical Membership Co-op said his crews are already unionized.
“We sent eight guys to Maryland, not New Jersey,” he said. “They have been there since before the storm but they’ve finished work and are headed home this morning.”
The International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers is a unit of the politically powerful AFL-CIO.
Many parts of coastal New Jersey are projected to be without electric power for at least seven to 10 more days.

Reid: Senate Dems Working With Romney Is ‘Laughable’, A ‘Fantasy’

"This weasal needs to go, and fast" MC

Five days before the election, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has ruled out trying to work with Mitt Romney should he win next week.

"Mitt Romney's fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his 'severely conservative' agenda is laughable," Mr. Reid said in a statement on Friday, trying to puncture Mr. Romney's closing election argument that he'll be able to deliver on the bipartisanship President Obama promised in 2008 but has struggled to live up to.

Mr. Reid, a Nevada Democrat and a Mormon, like Mr. Romney, has become the Republican presidential nominee's chief critic this campaign, at one point accusing him of failing to pay taxes — a charge that Mr. Romney has refuted.

With Democrats appearing poised to keep control of the Senate, a President Romney would have to be prepared to work with Mr. Reid, who would set the upper chamber's schedule and determine what bills make it to the floor.

Next President Could Appoint Three Supreme Court Justices

Whoever wins next week's presidential election may shape the Supreme Court for the next generation of Americans, highlighting how important Tuesday's election is to the high court's future constitutional integrity. 

Justices Antonin Scalia and Anthony Kennedy -- both of whom were appointed by President Ronald Reagan -- and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- a Clinton appointee -- will all turn 80 before 2016. Ginsberg is 79 while Scalia and Kennedy are 76.

Obama Crowd Chants “Racist! Racist!” After Bill Clinton Mentions John Sununu

Keep it classy, Democrats.

Bubba at a rally for Obama today in Florida. The crowd started chanting “Racist! Racist!” at the mention of Republican John Sununu. (Palm Beach Post)
The Obama crowd chanted, “Racist! Racist!” today at the mention of Mitt Romney spokesman John Sununu.
CBS reported, via Weasel Zippers:
Appearing in Lake Worth, Fla., the former president cited ex-Secretary of State Colin Powell’s recent endorsement of Obama. That endorsement led Sununu, a leading surrogate for Mitt Romney, to suggest that the move was motivated by race.
“Colin Powell said, ‘I’m going to endorse the president because I think he’s done a good job in a difficult, rapidly changing, not totally controllable world and because Gov. Romney has the same neocon advisors who gave President Bush the push to go into Iraq on bad intelligence,’” Clinton said. “That’s what he said. What did they respond? They put Gov. Sununu out to respond and he said, ‘What do you expect these two guys — Colin Powell wants a black guy to be re-elected.’”
After pausing while the crowd chanted “racist, racist,” Clinton added: “Obama has been a good commander-in-chief without regard to race.”

WOW! 20,000-30,000 Turn Out to See Romney-Ryan in Ohio …(Obama Draws Crowds Less than 4,000)

2,800 supporters turned out to see Obama in Hilliard, Ohio this morning.
4,000 turned out to see Obama in Springfield, Ohio this afternoon.
3,800 supporters turned out to see Barack Obama at his final campaign stop today in Lima, Ohio.
20,000 to 30,000 supporters turned out to see Mitt Romney in Chester, Ohio tonight!
** Carl Cameron just announced on FOX News that 20 to 30 thousand are at the Romney rally tonight in Ohio.
There were long lines to get into the event today.

It was the Mitt Romney’s largest rally to date. (Free Republic)

More… Obama crowd counts yesterday: 2,600 in Green Bay; 4,500 in Las Vegas. Not impressive for the last week of a campaign.

Bill Clinton: “I May Be the Only Person in America, But I’m More Excited About Obama This Time” (Video)

"I believe he knew exactly what he was saying" MC

Nice work, Bubba.

Bill Clinton was doing his best today to push Barack Obama Mitt Romney over the finish line.

At his stop in Palm Beach, Florida, Bill Clinton said,
“I may be the only person in America, but I’m more excited about Obama this time.”

Bill Maher says presidential election ‘the last hurrah for the whites,’ ‘Battle of the Bulge’

HBO’s Bill Maher said during his show’s Friday broadcast that he thinks the upcoming presidential election might be the last time Republicans can rely heavily on support from white voters, whose influence and importance he said is decreasing as the electorate becomes more diverse.

Maher rattled off some statistics to back up a recent claim by South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsay Graham that the Republican Party’s traditional “angry white” voters are becoming a minority.

“Let me give you some more statistics here,” Maher said. “Born before 1945, 2-to-1 voting for Mitt Romney. If you’re born between ‘46 and ‘64, that’s the baby boomers — they’re for Mitt by two points. ’65 to ’78, they’re for Obama by a few, and ’79 to ’93, they’re for Obama, two to one. So it’s almost exactly the mirror image by age. And you know, the National Journal crunched the numbers and said Mitt Romney would need to win 61 percent of the white vote to win, and they said this is the last time anyone will try to do this. That’s how the article ended. I remember Lindsey Graham said something, the quote was,

‘We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business.’”

Maher’s guest, president and co-founder of OurTime.org Matthew Segal, explained that the Republican Party’s “owners” would remain the same, even as the party’s members evolve.

“This is the last hurrah for the whites, is it not?” Maher said. “It’s like the Battle of the Bulge, really.”
Margaret Hoover, one of the Republicans on the “Real Time” panel and the author of “American Individualism: How a New Generation of Conservatives Can Save the Republican Party,” agreed.

Pathetic Obama Now Running Around The Country in a Bomber Jacket

Hey everyone! See my jacket? I’m the president. I’M the president….


Q: When in the last four years have you seen Obama wearing a bomber jacket before now?
A: Never.

He also recently discovered that he’s a really bipartisan guy.

 “I’ve said I will work with anybody of any party to move this country forward,” President Obama told a crowd of 2,800 this morning in Hilliard, Ohio. “If you want to break the gridlock in Congress, you’ll vote for leaders who feel the same way whether they’re Democrat, Republican or independent.”
Yeah, suuuurrrre you are.

 Just vote for me.
Just vote for me.

'Obama is telling kids, f--- your parents' Video reveals shocking rants of White House-backed 'gay' activist

121102dansavageA newly compiled video exposes the chief “anti-bullying” activist endorsed by the Obama administration spewing an obscenity-laced, startling message to “gay” kids in America.

The White House website, under its “Civil Rights” section, includes links and videos recorded by Barack Obama, Joe Biden and others, supporting the mission of “gay” activist Dan Savage’s It Gets Better Project, an effort to help homosexual teens survive bullying during their teenage years.

But a recent video produced by the Faith Family Freedom Fund reveals Savage has touted the White House’s support as proof the president is backing his shocking message:
“That meant,” Savage says of Obama’s participation in his It Gets Better Project, “the president of the United States was telling queer kids, ‘There’s something wrong with your parents, there’s something wrong with your preachers, there’s something wrong with your teachers, and f— those people!’”
The video reveals Savage further blasting those who believe in Jesus as “spiritually abused,” wishing Republicans would die and referring to politically conservative Christians as “pieces of s—.”
The Faith Family Freedom Fund, which is a super PAC associated with the Family Research Council, or FRC, seeks to hold Obama accountable for its endorsement of Savage’s project.
“President Obama and his administration have opened the door for Dan Savage to students across America under the guise of ‘anti-bullying,’” J.P. Duffy, the FRC’s vice president for communications, told WND. “In reality, President Obama has created a bully czar through his support of Dan Savage.”
Savage’s history as an X-rated sex advice columnist and controversial public school assembly speaker has been well documented, including an incident from earlier this year, when Savage told a group of high school journalism students, “We can learn to ignore the bulls— in the Bible about gay people,” then taunted the teens who stood and walked out of his rant, calling them “pansy a–es” as they left.
But the Faith Family Freedom Fund video also reveals that Savage’s venom toward the Bible, Christians, Republicans and even liberals who don’t vote Democrat runs far deeper. Savage sound bites from the video include the following:
  • “Right-wing, bast—, fundamentalist, conservative, evangelical Christian pieces of s—”
  • “They have the Bibble [sic.]; they don’t have logic.”
  • “I wish [Republicans] we all f—ing dead”
  • “Any progressive who votes for a Green [Party candidate], anymore … is a f—ing idiot and should be beaten with sticks.”
The video itself can be seen below:

Fluke Rally Draws 40

"It's time to go back to your irrelevant world" MC


Apparently Sandra Fluke’s momentary celebrity has dwindled from a moment to a nanosecond. You would think that her appeal would be most strongly reflected on college campuses, but even college students are disinterested in her. 

Speaking on the University of Florida campus yesterday to encourage students to vote early for Barack Obama, Fluke – who became famous for whining that Georgetown University, a Catholic university, should pay for her birth control – drew just 40 people. That’s out of 35,000 students enrolled.

Fluke, who complained because Rush Limbaugh called her a s*ut, calls her Youth Early Vote Campus Outreach tour, “It’s On You” and stood by the potato statue to speak.

Other vegetables declined the invitation.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3