Chicago has been called the home of "gangster government." How bad is it? Consider the following facts about the city from which
President Obama rose through the ranks of American public life, from
community organizer and local lawyer to the Illinois state legislature
to the U.S. Senate and finally the Oval Office:
Obama's $787 billion
economic stimulus program included $499 billion in federal spending,
most of which was channeled through state and local governments. Eight
of the 10 states getting the most contracts were heavily Democratic,
with highly unionized state and local government workforces, according
to stimulus award data at
Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper,
has apparently been assigned to take the fall for Benghazigate; you
know - the trumped-up scandal about your government lying to you about
terrorism, al Queda and hateful movie trailers?
I’m not positive butt I think this debriefing may lead to Clapper’s downfall :
This is an excellent time line of events since the attack on Benghazi
from Special Report that includes everything we now know about what
actually happened vs the administration’s response along the way. It is
quite revealing to watch it this way:
A California couple has endured death threats and vandalism after
they posted a Romney sign in their yard. Leftists even threatened the
couple with a Molotov cocktail.
The Tea Party is regularly ridiculed and declared "dead"
by the mainstream press and their elitist allies in Washington and
Hollywood. Not surprisingly, when Tea Partiers show up and rally by the
thousands, they get all but ignored, while 30 Occupy Wall Street crazies
in masks will always get wall-to-wall coverage and admiration. TV shows
and movies take cheap shots at Tea Party conservatives,
The polls completely missed the 2010 landslide. And the polls have no freaking clue just how pissed off the American people are.
Some hack named Walter Shapiro, using the time-tested approach of quoting "anonymous" GOP operatives, suggests that the Romney-Ryan campaign is losing Ohio
and doing so in spectacular fashion. Check out this bit of nonsense,
the rock-hard kernel of stupidity at the heart of the story.
A program that provides subsidized phone
service to low-income individuals has nearly doubled in size in Ohio in
the past year — now covering more than a million people. At the same
time, federal officials say they’re reining in waste, fraud and abuse in
the program.
The Federal Communications Commission announced
recently that reforms have saved $43 million since January and are
expected to save $200 million by year’s end. In Ohio, savings are
expected to be $2.9 million a year.
The savings were realized in
part because the government gave out fewer cellphones to ineligible
people and took steps to avoid issuing duplicate phones.
But the
size of the program in the state — and profits to the increasing number
of cellphone companies involved — has exploded in recent months,
Surely this is all just a coincidence. After the video of the Obama crackhead went viral yesterday, we discovered the Obama Phone website, which showed the Empty Chair in all his glory:
Now if you pay a visit the site looks drastically different. Pretty
much like one of those websites you stumble upon if you entered the
wrong URL. No longer are you treated to the Dear Leader, instead a stock
image rotating whenever you visit. This is the most recent image we
grabbed. In fact, much of the site now look entirely generic, the
ubiquitous Obama presence barely visible.
Hmm. You don’t think they’re embarrassed by their own supporters, are they?
Do you think a congratulatory call from the Whjte House is forth-coming? NOT!
Cincinnati Reds pitcher Homer Bailey tossed a no-hitter against the
Pittsburgh Pirates last night. It was a much-needed victory for the
Reds as they're battling the Washington Nationals for the best record in
the National League heading into the post-season.
Lee forwards a note pointing out that Bailey's not only an ace on the
mound, he's also a top gun when it comes to protecting the Republic:
You just never know who may show up at the Republican Victory Center in Kenwood [a northern suburb of Cincinnati].
Reds Pitcher Homer Bailey showed up last Saturday to encourage the
volunteers to keep up the great efforts for the Republican Party. We
still need volunteers and we are going to WIN this election!
Don’t pay attention to the polls which are aligned to the media. They
want you to believe that the race is over. We need our voters to come
out and vote. So let’s do everything possible to do just that and we WILL WIN!