The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


Dance Along

We Are So Back

Monday, November 12, 2012


By: Devvy
November 10, 2012
...And one lawsuit still pending
I have not watched any media coverage after Romney conceded the election on Tuesday night. Why bother? It's just the same old noise we hear every four years. The talking heads spew nothing but meaningless "should have" or "could have" or "did't do this" while completely avoiding the massive amount of problems with vote fraud in all its forms. Fine, let them talk while we fight.
Also, stop with the "America RIP" rhetoric. That plays right into the hands of the destroyers. It fosters nothing but a sense of defeat instead of I am a warrior and will not give in without a fight. This republic will die if millions fall into the trap of self-defeat and do nothing.
I do have a few things to say about the those who voted for communism, gun owners and Catholics, but that's for another column. If you think I'm not hopping mad, think again. But, first things first.
Romney seems perfectly content to curl up and "accept defeat" when he should be front and center: "Something is very wrong with the numbers. There are too many instances of problems with machines and I will get a recount in five key states". I doubt he will, so now it is up to we the people. Not because this is about Romney, but because it's about once and for all proving election fraud in all its forms decided last Tuesday's race. It's about stopping a stinking communist from unlawfully remaining in the White House.
Our fellow citizens in five key states have to force the issue and it has to be done NOW because any challenge to the vote has to be made within a specified number of days and it varies by state. Once the vote is certified, it's too late. No sporting event, no holiday shopping - NOTHING is more important right now than this fight. If Texas were a disputed state, believe me, even with my plate overflowing, I would be on the front lines. First it starts with the electors and second, stopping Congress from accepting the electoral college vote in January.
Willard has done at least one thing to his credit:
No question every effort was made to keep our military from voting because their vote alone would have defeated the impostor, Soetoro: In this shocking video, "United States Navy SEALs reveal that the SEAL community is not voting for President Obama because of his conduct as Commander in Chief".
That piece of human excrement squatting in the White House allowed four Americans, one our U.S. Ambassador, to be slaughtered over in Benghazi and our active duty military know it. Benghazi is not going away and we have to make it a major issue everyday with the gutless cowards in the Outlaw Congress. Benghazi isn't about political parties, it's about Soetoro deliberately stopping our military from getting to the compound to rescue our people, period. It was more than doable; instead, four Americans were murdered by savages.
There's no question illegal aliens have been voting for decades. Remember the news item I highlighted in my last column: Vanloads of Somalians driven to the polls in Ohio? Take money to the bank they're here illegally. None of them spoke English and were told simply to hit the brown button for the Communist/Democratic Party USA.
Let's look at two things:
"November 7 | Was the election stolen? Remember all those lawsuits by Democrats demanding that any voter identification laws be repealed. Well, now we know why they filed them. They needed to steal the vote in certain key states so that Obama could be reelected.
"Curiously, Obama lost in every state that requires a photo ID to be produced before voting. A list of closely contested state elections with no voter ID, which narrowly went to Obama include: Minnesota (10), Iowa (6), Wisconsin (10), Nevada (6), Colorado (9), New Mexico (5) and Pennsylvania (20). This amounts to a total of 66 electoral votes. When added to Romney’s total of 205 electoral votes, that would give Romney 271 electoral votes, enough votes to win even without Ohio or Florida.
"Romney also likely had the states of Florida and Ohio stolen from him, which don't require photo IDs. Ohio requires a non-photo ID. Would a library card do? Florida “requests” a photo ID, but doesn't require it. So what happens if they request a photo ID and the illegal alien Haitian doesn't have one? Do they just count the vote anyway?"
"The University of Colorado Department of Political Science Electoral Vote projection is THE most accurate presidential election model in our history. They were the ONLY source that correctly called the 1980 Reagan/Carter results. They have correctly modeled EVERY presidential election since with their projected electoral totals never off by more than 1%.
"Their method is NOT a standard political poll process. They include surveys, but those are only 1 of many variables in a complex algorithm that includes key economic, employment and social measures. They build their models state by state to assure sufficient granularity for top accuracy. It is mathematically possible that statistical error could cause them to incorrectly project ONE state. But it is mathematically impossible for them to incorrectly project more than one. Their 2012 model projected Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia for the Romney/Ryan ticket. The results reported by those secretaries of state were different.
"Add to this the survey data showing the Democrat ticket losing support from 2008 among Blacks, Jews, Catholics and Independents, and the results reported for the above-named states are mathematically impossible."
What has to be done it won't get done without boots on the ground. Romney conceded Florida on Thursday. Shame on him. Willard owes it to all the people who donated money and got out there to support him to challenge the vote. Florida is rampant with vote fraud; surely he knows it by now. Monday: Call his election office and tell Mr. Romney to stop the pity party and challenge the vote. He's got the money. If he sees enough people want him to audit the vote, he just might decide to fight back. Here is the contact information for phone or email. Let me also add Romney conceding Florida has no bearing on the electoral college.
My email box was full of stories from people all over the country who had problems with those machines. The links below are a drop in the bucket as I saved nearly 100 news reports.
* Tens of thousands report voting problems
* Ohio Residents Told They Already Voted When They Showed Up At the Polls Tuesday
* Massive Voter Fraud In Broward County, FL
* Election Intimidation, Irregularities, And Broken Machines
* Complaints about voter IDs, ballots, long lines in election
* Ohio Voting Machines Only Allow Vote for Obama
* Philly GOP: Court ordered Poll inspectors being ousted for Dems
* Did this dirty trick get Obama re-elected?
* Undercover Video: Obama workers enable double-voting across state lines. Remember those numbers from my last column: "Nationally, one out of every eight voter registrations is inaccurate. Approximately 2.8 million Americans are registered in two or more states. Somewhere around 1.8 million registered voters are dead."
* Letter from Rep. Allen West to elections stupidvisor; he allegedly lost his reelection bid. You'll see something that happens every damn election: the numbers don't add up. A prime example of why auditing the vote is key to exposing the fraud.
Now, are we going to just walk away or are we going to step up to the plate and stop another election stolen by massive fraud? We don't have any time to waste. We need to get the word out. Even if you don't live in one of the states below, maybe you know someone who does. Networking works.
Approximately 60 million people voted for Romney. That's a lot of very angry people after what happened. Let us take our anger and put it to work in proving election fraud in five key states. It has to start on Monday and the hell with Monday Night Football.
Volunteers are desperately needed in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Florida.
Here is the plan - can you step up to the plate in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Florida? Florida isn't listed, but it will be an easy state to prove fraud.
"Citizen Activists of Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Virginia must IMMEDIATELY contact their respective state GOP party, and (if possible) the slate of GOP electors who were chosen at their state party conventions this past year.
"These two groups have legal standing in the respective states to legally challenge the results reported by the Secretary of State. The presidential voting was NOT for the president/vice president ticket. The voting was for the electors pledged to vote for the ticket in December. Romney/Ryan didn't lose last night. The electors pledged to them in each of the key states were robbed of their election.
"There's time to have a recount observed by trained election observers and representatives of the parties. There's time to get a look at the ACTUAL results of the voting in each of the key states.
"Somebody from each state needs to step forward and run with this. Let me know if you need any advice. HOOAH! Please contact Alan via the PolitiJim contact page."
People in those key states can call the Secretary of State's office Monday and find out who are the electors chosen by the GOP last year besides calling the State GOP headquarters. Get your group, organization or just yourself to contact every elector in those states and demand they challenge the vote. Tea Party groups network in those states and get the word out. Stand up and fight. Don't walk away and allow fraud to steal this election - again. Show that evil waste of human skin, George Soros, we will not roll over and take it, again. Make your voices heard in Wisconsin, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Florida. There are millions of you mad as I am. Please, start the fight first thing Monday morning.
If a half dozen electors in each of those five states are flooded with phone calls telling him/her that if the impostor is allowed to stay in the White House four more years, the destruction to this republic and them will be complete. Appeal to their own self survival. We're tired of cowards. Always be polite, but don't hold back. If you or your group does this, please let me know. We need to make sure this fight stays in front of the American people. It won't by the MSM or cable networks like FOX, but we have the Internet.
Leo Donofrio was the first person to challenge ballot qualifications for Barry Soetoro aka Obama and John McCain back in 2008. Leo is an attorney in New Jersey who has educated millions of us about the true definition of 'natural born citizen'. Leo also brought to light the legal remedy for removing Soetoro: quo warranto.
Mario Apuzzo, also an attorney has spent probably thousands of hours writing and clarifying the 'natural born citizen' clause of the U.S. Constitution. Liberty Legal Foundation attorney Van Irion has also worked tirelessly on eligibility lawsuits only to be shot down by gutless cowards on the bench:
"On October 1st the Supreme Court denied our eligibility petition to review the Georgia Obama natural born citizen ruling. No opinion. No explanation. No indication whether or not Obama’s appointed judges are involved in making the decision.
"It was once “never doubted” that natural born citizens, and candidates for President, must have two citizen parents. Now our citizenry is so ignorant of our history and our Constitution that even judges don't know their own law. When we explain the law and history in legal briefs, they refuse to enforce it. This latest decision by the Supreme Court is simply lawless."
Excuse me for being unladylike, but screw you Chief "Justice" John Roberts and the rest of the cowards who sit on "America's highest court."
Montgomery Blair Sibley has also been fighting this noble cause. The Blair House in Washington, DC., where a vice president and his family reside is the Blair House named after his ancestors. Montgomery also represented the "DC Madame," Deborah Jeane Palfrey, who allegedly committed suicide. Anyone who believes that will believe anything. She was murdered to keep her mouth permanently shut.
Montgomery filed a lawsuit that is still active and it is based on the quo warranto statute. In order to fully understand this if you haven't had access to the many pieces on the Internet, you can read about it at the links below:
If you do nothing, the destroyers win. Montgomery has stayed at this and has the only case left. You might say the last man standing. He also has three more cases to file. As a presidential candidate, there's no question of standing. Below is his new memo and the plan. Montgomery has laid out the case in painstaking detail and time line. He is fully up to speed on everything associated with the fraud camped in the White House and the con Soetoro has pulled - the greatest con against the American people in the history of this republic - besides the "Federal" Reserve Banking Act of 1913. 
 "My quixotic run for President is over. My obligation to challenge the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama, II to be President is not. The window to challenge Obama’s eligibility to be President is rapidly closing. Once he is sworn-in on January 20, 2013, the Courts will likely – though incorrectly – rule that only Congress can remove him.

Veterans Day Tribute

Iraq And Afghanistan War Veterans Tribute

Vietnam War Veterans Tribute

 Korean War Veterans Tribute

World War 2 Veterans Tribute

World War 1 Veterans Tribute
 Civil War Veterans Tribute

Rep. King: Petraeus ‘going to have to testify one way or the other’

During Saturday’s broadcast of “The Steve Malzberg Show” on ABC Radio’s Washington, D.C. affiliate WMAL, New York Republican Rep. Peter King, the chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, was adamant that former CIA Director David Petraeus should testify before Congress despite his sudden resignation.


“As far as I’m concerned, the intelligence committee has to interview Gen. Petraeus. Whether or not he’s head of the CIA is almost irrelevant to him testifying,” King said. “He’s the only one who would have the facts that we are looking for, so he’s going to have to testify one way or the other.”
Petraeus, who resigned Friday after acknowledging an extramarital affair, was scheduled to appear before the House and Senate intelligence committees on Nov. 15 to testify about the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, which resulted in the deaths of the U.S. ambassador and several other Americans.
King expressed skepticism about the circumstances and timing of Petraeus’ resignation.
“The main issue is: Why was the investigation launched in the first place?” King asked. “There’s more here. This story does not add up. There is something missing in the entire story. I don’t see any good explanation coming out of this. There’s no way you can defend what the White House and the administration is saying. It just doesn’t make sense, and that’s the point I’m making.”
The congressman, who is also a member of the House intelligence committee, said it was “really hard to believe” that President Barack Obama was unaware of the investigation into Petraeus’ behavior until this week, as the White House has claimed.
“I mean think of the consequences of monitoring the e-mails of the CIA Director by the FBI – almost a competitive agency, in a way – and not telling the President about it, not telling the Congress about it. And then suddenly, on the night of or day or two after the Election, whichever time-frame we want to use, it becomes so important that it’s disclosed and Petraeus is out the door.”
King further questioned why Congress wasn’t informed about the investigation, as is customary when sensitive investigations are launched.
“There’s a lot of issues here. Was Gen. Petraeus aware of the investigation? Was he aware of it back on Sept. 14, when he gave Congress the version of the Benghazi attack, which has been disproven since then?” King asked.
“Is the fact that Gen. Petraeus basically broke with the White House version of what happened [in Benghazi], did somebody in the White House then drop the story on him? These are all the things that are really very, very pertinent,” he added.
CBS News’ Mark Knoller reported on Twitter that acting CIA Director Michael Morrell will testify in place of Petraeus. A House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staffer has confirmed to The Daily Caller that Petraeus will not testify.
“We cannot allow him not to testify,” King said. “He has to testify. It’s as simple as that.”

Paula Broadwell Says Consulate Attack Aimed to Free Libyan Militia Members Held at CIA's Secret Benghazi Prison

Yet when it all comes out, this is going to make Watergate look like some cute, boyish prank- believe it.

I guess it's possible they were also mad about the YouTube video- lol

You probably wouldn't think that Al Qaeda types involved in the highly-successful raid on our Benghazi consulate would have chosen a 9/11 date of attack for any other reason than historical significance/celebration/revenge- most anybody would have expected heightened American security on that day, so if you're trying to launch a surprise attack to liberate your jihadi buddies, that probably wouldn't be the day to do it.

Yet the woman involved in the Petraeus affair
-author and Army counter-terrorism expert Paula Broadwell- seems to have betrayed the presence of just such a prison at the Benghazi complex 
(loose cannon, this one), claiming the CIA actually sees a prison-break as the primary driver of the attack:

Broadwell, a former counterterror operative, co-authored a bestselling biography of Petraeus. She discussed the book during a keynote speech on Oct. 26 at a University of Denver alumni symposium. 

(speech video in full -here-

During a question and answer session, Broadwell was asked about the September 11 attacks against the U.S. mission in Benghazi. She stated: 'Now I don’t know if a lot of you heard this, but the CIA annex had actually had taken a couple of Libya militia members prisoner. And they think that the attack on the consulate was an effort to try to get these prisoners back. So that’s still being vetted.'

The existence of a U.S. prison or CIA detention center in Benghazi would be a new development in the debate surrounding the attacks there. The information does not appear to be publicly known.

Well I dunno- they seemed pretty focused on finding, raping, and killing Ambassador Stevens to me. But if there was a CIA detention center at the compound, that also would bring an elevated level of defensive preparations- or so you'd think.

Alas, it's become glaringly obvious that US defensive posture at the US consulate was laughably weak in Benghazi on September 11th 2012, as Obama ignored desperate pleas for security upgrades for weeks. Our people on the ground were reporting the town to be ringed by Al Qaida training camps, yet the facility was insufficiently defended for even a basic diplomatic post (in a place as full-of-nuts as that). 

The presence of a CIA prison in there -presumably holding high-value targets, not your garden-variety Islamists- just makes it all the more gobsmacking that the Obama Administration could basically leave the place undefended. It doesn't matter how 'secret' they thought it was, all it takes in today's Libya is a rumor to bring the worst people in the country to your doorstep, while the Benghazi consulate's turn-tail Libyan security 'guards' were known to be compromised by Al Qaeda anyway.


All I know is that if the Gee-Oh-Pee doesn't possess the gumption to press Dear Leader up-against-the-wall on his Benghazigate LIES relentlessly, tirelessly, and driven with a determination that delivers justice, there's going to be political HELL to pay- you listening, lame-stream Republicans?

Not only did Obama and his bumbling crew botch this on every level imaginable, they're lying their asses off about it, and are now even involved in an all-out post-election effort to silence those who know the truth. Yet when it all comes out, this is going to make Watergate look like some cute, boyish prank- believe it.

Petraeus Mistress Suggests Benghazi Attack Was Aimed At Secret CIA Prison

Former CIA Director Gen. David Petraeus may have told his alleged mistress Paula Broadwell what really happened in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 when terrorists murdered U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans. 

Broadwell, whose alleged affair with Petraeus forced him to resign last Friday, revealed during an October 26 speech at the University of Denver that Libyan terrorists may have attacked the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi on September 11, 2012 in order to take back Libyan militia members the CIA Annex had taken prisoner.
Furthermore, Broadwell confirmed that the CIA Annex in Libya had requested reinforcements and could have “reinforced the consulate and the CIA annex that were under attack.” Broadwell also said Petraeus and administration officials knew within 24 hours the possible motives behind the terrorist attacks.  
In January of 2009, the Obama administration ordered secret interrogation camps abroad to be closed. Broadwell's comments about the CIA Annex having captured Libyan militia members may reveal some of these overseas prisons may still be operational.

Is this what Obama meant by 'revenge'?

'After we win this election, it's our turn – payback time'

When Barack Obama said on the campaign trail, “Voting is the best revenge,” was this what he meant?
A quote allegedly by Obama senior adviser Valerie Jarrett has been spreading like wildfire online lately: “After we win this election, it’s our turn. Payback time. Everyone not with us is against us, and they better be ready, because we don’t forget. The ones who helped us will be rewarded; the ones who opposed us will get what they deserve. There is going to be hell to pay. Congress won’t be a problem for us this time. No election to worry about after this is over, and we have two judges ready to go.”

The quote, however, is suspect and is at best four steps removed from Jarrett herself.
Though repeatedly widely in hundreds of blogs and even the website of a Philadelphia newspaper, the original source of the quote appears to be a blog site called The Ulsterman Report.

Yet even “Ulsterman” doesn’t claim to have actually heard the words spoken.
The blog merely quotes an unnamed source called “Wall Street Insider,” who quotes an unnamed source in Chicago, who was quoting an unnamed representative from Jarrett’s office, who was allegedly quoting Jarrett.

Obama’s “revenge” remark came at a late-campaign stop in Springfield, Ohio, when he mentioned Republican Mitt Romney’s name and the crowd booed.

“No, no, no, don’t boo. Vote,” Obama told the crowd. “Vote! Voting is the best revenge.”

After the comment prompted criticism, Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki told Politico the president was referring to revenge against GOP challenger Mitt Romney’s “scare tactics” in recent ads.

“The message [Obama] was sending is if you don’t like the policies, if you don’t like the plan that Gov. Romney is putting forward, if you think that’s a bad deal for the middle class, then you can go to the voting booth and cast your ballot,” Psaki told reporters aboard Air Force One. “It’s nothing more complicated than that.”


Letter: Menendez Must Be Investigated

Sen. Bob Menendez / WC
New Jersey Republicans are accusing Sen. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) of having violated Senate ethics rules by failing to disclose or seek Senate permission for air travel and lodging provided by a wealthy campaign donor.

The Middlesex County Republican Organization is asking the Senate Ethics Committee to launch an investigation into Menendez based on public records and media reports indicating the senator failed to disclose and seek permission for a series of flights to Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic between 2010 and 2012.

Records indicate Menendez made at least four trips on a corporate jet owned by Salomon Melgen, a Florida ophthalmologist who has donated more than $220,000 to Democratic candidates and committees since 1993. Melgen gave at least $12,600 to Menendez during that period.

“It does not appear that Senator Menendez’s apparent acceptance of private jet travel and luxury lodging was permitted by Senate gift rules,” the letter states. “Nor does it appear that Senator Menendez disclosed acceptance of this travel and lodging on his financial disclosure form—as he would be required to do even if the gifts were otherwise permissible.”

Melgen owns a private villa in the luxurious Casa de Campo resort in the Dominican Republic. Menendez is a frequent guest of Melgen’s and has participated in what one Dominican government official described as “sex orgies” with “higher-class” prostitutes according to reports from the Daily Caller

The Caller recently interviewed two Dominican women who claimed Menendez paid them for sex earlier this year.

Senate rules allow members to accept reimbursement from a private party for transportation, lodging, and other expenses related to official business as long as the activity is formally approved by the Senate Ethics Committee.

“There is no indication that the Melgen Jet travel was undertaken by Senator Menendez for any purpose connected with his official duties of office, and even if it was undertaken for an officially-related purpose there is no indication that the travel was appropriately approved and publicly disclosed as required by Senate Rules,” the letter states.

The only apparent record of reimbursement for the flights is a payment of $5,380 to Melgen’s company from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) for air travel on May 24, 2010. Reports indicate that Menendez, who was chairman of the DSCC at the time, travelled from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico on Melgen’s plane to attend a fundraising event with Puerto Rican donors.

Senate rules also permit members to accept travel and lodging as gifts of personal friendship. However, senators must obtain written approval from the Ethics Committees for all gifts exceeding $250 in value and list all such gifts on their annual financial disclosure report.

Menendez’s disclosure reports between 2010 and 2012 contain no mention of the flights and lodging, indicating that the senator did not receive committee approval for a personal gift exemption.
“Under any analysis, there is reason to believe that Senator Menendez has accepted a prohibited gift of private air travel,” the letter states.

If Menendez did receive approval for the gifts, but failed to disclose them anyway, it could warrant a criminal charge for making false statements on a federal government filing.

The Senate Code of Official Conduct requires members to refrain from “improper conduct reflecting on the Senate.” It is unclear if this includes the solicitation of prostitutes.

Senate Resolution 338 authorizes the Ethics Committee to investigate allegations of such conduct, and “recommend disciplinary action” if necessary.

“If Senator Menendez has indeed engaged in improper conduct contrary to Senate ethics rules and standards, he should be sanctioned appropriately,” the letter states.

The Senate Ethics Committee did not return a request for comment.

“I don’t know anything about it,” Menendez spokeswoman Tricia Enright said by email when asked for comment on the letter.

Enright did not comment on the allegations.

Jesse Jackson: Blacks Deserve Payback For ‘Investment’ In Obama

Jessie Jackson thinks that black Americans deserve payback for their “investment” in President Obama. Nobody tell him that they’ve been getting it for four years already – black unemployment has skyrocketed to 14.3% under his leadership. His answer has been food stamps and free birth control.
The Rev. Jesse Jackson on Saturday said that President Obama’s reelection was “a great victory,” but that it would be incomplete with a reconstruction of urban America and an investment in the communities where the blacks who voted overwhelmingly for the president live.
“We’re happy and full of pride,” in the president’s reelection, Jackson told the crowd at the Saturday morning forum at Rainbow/PUSH headquarters, 930 E. 50th St., “but our houses remain raggedy … our schools remain closed.”
Despite attempts at voter suppression in states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, Jackson said, blacks turned out en masse to vote, enduring waits that stretched into hours in many places. “We waited, we voted, we believed,” Jackson said. “Now we want to get well.
“We voted early, we voted long. Our votes won,” he said.
Rev. Jackson, who spoke longer, louder, and more forcefully than he has in some time at the Saturday morning Rainbow/PUSH meeting, asked the crowd, “What do we want? We want, we want, we want, we deserve, we deserve … a return on our investment. (Read More)

HOLY VOTER FRAUD! Dem Poll Watcher Kicks Out GOP Inspectors in Philly (Video)

Audio was just released of a Democratic poll watcher in Philadelphia kicking the GOP inspectors out of Philadelphia’s 20th Ward, First Division.
Barack Obama won 99% of the vote in several Philadelphia wards.
“I don’t care what the law says, I say! I’m not turning them away… they aren’t sitting here at this board.”
Listen for yourself:

From the video: This took place on Tuesday, November 6, 2012. Election officials in Philadelphia’s 20th Ward, 1st Division attempted to prevent court-appointed Republican minority inspectors (regarding minority party) from doing their job to monitor elections. The officials in the precinct went as far as to say they “do not care what the law says.”
And, just think, for months before this election we had Democratic officials whining about Republicans wanting to bring back the Jim Crow laws.

MORE DEAD BODIES Discovered in Sandy’s Wake – Media Yawns – Obama Golfs

 "Hey Chris Christie, how does it feel to be played" MC

They’re finding more dead decomposing bodies in Hurricane Sandy’s wake.
But it’s not really news. The media couldn’t care less.
And Obama’s golfing.

The only reason the latest victim was found was because the stench was so great in the neighborhood.
The New York Post reported:
Hurricane Sandy’s latest victim may also be her loneliest.
Cops found the body of David Maxwell in his Staten Island home on Friday after it lay undiscovered for 11 days — with his neighbors thinking he had fled before the storm.
The 66-year-old lived alone with his cat — which also died — in the modest yellow, two-family house on Mapleton Avenue in Midland Beach. The home now stands in a flooded wasteland of trash, ruined furniture, mold and mildew.
“It’s so horrible,” said neighbor Dorothy Matthews, 71. “He was alone in the world except for his cat and his partner in the nursing home.”
“I don’t know who called it in, but it was probably someone who thought the smell came from rotting flesh,” she added. “It smelled so bad out here the past few days.”
The death of Maxwell, who friends said was a Marine who served in Vietnam, is the 23rd in the borough attributed to Sandy.
Citywide, Sandy’s death toll hit 43 yesterday as a 77-year-old Rockaways man was added to the list.
Maxwell’s partner, James McCormick, 72, recently suffered a stroke and resides in the Carmel Richmond Nursing Home.
McCormick’s caretaker, Irene Fontanez, came to the home yesterday to retrieve Maxwell’s book of stamps — his only prized possession.
“We were wondering why he hadn’t visited or called in so long,” she said. “He shouldn’t have been left here for so long.”
Neighbors said they checked on Maxwell, an avid stamp collector, the day the storm struck, but no one answered the door of his first-floor home, so they assumed he fled.
There is exactly one media report on this latest discovery.
Being Democrat has benefits.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3