WARNING: Liberals, this blog could be hazardous to your mental health because I'm politically incorrect.
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson
Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.

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Sunday, April 21, 2013
Fox News Destroys Libtard Media In Boston Bombing Ratings! Terror Attack Ratings Prove Fox Is Now 'The Most Trusted Name In News'
“SHOCKING? Not really. Anyone with a half functioning brain has noticed that CNN and BSNBC don't report the news, they make it up according to whatever their liberal bias wants to be true. The libtard media makes a lot of excuses for what is happening in the news, they do not report the news. I guess "Fair and Balanced" is so much better to Americans than "Leaning Forward and Bending Over” for Hussein is. I got to admit, I occasionally watch CNN just to see Wolf Blitzkrieg drooling all over himself, praying he stays employed. And watching Tingles spit all over his desk and guests is kind of funny too. Then you have Megan Kelly and Brett Baier. Come on. Who can even come close to them? Not that lineup on BSNBC. Martin Bushit, Tingles
Matthews, Al Sharpnuts, Tingles Matthews part 2, this new girl Chris Hayes, and that same guy Rachel Maddcow, and then there is Larry Odumbass pulling up the rear(end)? Are you kidding? Sprinkle in a little Andrea “Crypt Keeper” Mitchell and Up-Chuck Todd, and this station is un-watchable. Unless you’re a libtard of course. After all, BSNBC have a little bit of everything in their hosts. Racists, lesbians, brain drunk ex-alcoholics, dark skinned Englishman, and some gays sprinkled in. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Ah yes, a libtards dream team. And then you have CNN, or Constipated Neutered Nagging from the left. Don’t want to waste too
much time with them. I must admit that I enjoyed watching Pierced Organ trying to explain gun control and our Second Amendment Rights. I think he's still upset because England lost the war. And by the way, when are you leaving asshole. Pierced Organ is nothing but a foreign hemorrhoid CNN needs to get rid of. And then there’s John King, who made the false call on an arrest. CNN lost it's credibility, if they even had any with that one. I am surprised that CNN holds on to Jump the Gun King who has been a continual failure in the ratings. It's not easy to be CNN and keep apologizing to ethnic and racial groups who are overly sensitive. After John's major screw up, I
would hope new CNN President Jeff Zucker is kicking himself for taking that f**king job in
January. I always said the few who watch CNN and MSNBC do so only for the entertainment value given by their clown hosts. Neither one can compete with Fox. BSNBC and CNN are both washed up. The American people are tired of their day to day pro Marxist Hussein propaganda. I heard BSNBC and CNN are going to ask Hussein for help. “But, but, but, you're the President, cant you make them watch us? You know, sign an executive order or something”? Don’t put it past them. My source for that is as reliable as John King’s. Every day Fox's numbers are higher than CNN and BSNBC combined! And let me add, that also goes for the intelligence of their reporters. Even though, I have to say, I’d like to see Fox get rid of Shepard Smith. He is annoying. And Geraldo, please. His radio talk show is terrible and he is annoying to watch. Let him go look for Capone’s treasure, and when he finds it, then put him back on. Geraldo, Shep Smith, Bob Beckle, and Alan Colmes. I would not shed a tear if Fox fired all three. See, I find fault with Fox too. I am fair and balanced. Bottom line, if you actually want 'news' go to FOX, if you want people rattling off their insane pro Hussein opinions and racist nonsense, go to BSNBC or CNN. And remember, if you LEAN FORWARD far enough, you will at some point simply be showing everyone your ass.” MC
In the wake of the horrific Boston marathon bombings on Monday afternoon, television viewers flocked in large numbers to the big three cable news outlets for coverage of the story. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC all saw large growth in their total and demo viewerships throughout the night. Fox ended up winning the key 25-54 demo and total viewership for the entire day; CNN won the demo during the 8-11 p.m. primetime hours. Within the hour immediately after the news broke, Fox News dominated in both total viewership (1.96M) and the demo (542k), but then during the first full hour of coverage (4-5 p.m. ET), CNN began to eat into Fox’s lead, climbing to within 8,000 demo viewers.
During primetime (8-11 p.m.), CNN overtook Fox in the demo by a margin of 1.32M to 1.20M, but Fox remained on top in total viewers with 3.92M.
For the entire day, Fox placed first in both demo and total viewership (1.84M total / 516k demo); CNN came in second (1.19M total / 501k demo); MSNBC in third (527k total / 182k demo)
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