The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Obama Nominee Who Defended Cop-Killer To Head DOJ’s Civil Rights Division Is Defeated. Barry Calls It A “Travesty”

Finally, let's hear it for the GOP in the Senate.

 Officer Faulkner's memorial plaque...placed where he fell.

Via Roll Call:
Seven Senate Democrats joined Republicans to block President Barack Obama’s pick of Debo P. Adegbile to lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division amid a controversy over his legal defense of convicted cop killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Adegbile’s nomination needed a simple majority to cut off debate but the chamber voted 47-52 against him.

 "So Obowel calls it a "travesty" that this cop killing defender got booted?  Wow, this must have really pissed Barry off. I'm curious, did they have to wake Barry to tell him? Anyway, no Osama Bin President, the travesty was that you nominated him. In a just world he would never have been nominated in the first place. Anything that this Racist in Chief calls a travesty must be good for the nation.You know what the travesty is Barry, the travesty is the way your trying to load this government with commies, terrorists, murderers, and racists. The "travesty" is this American hating community organizer and his destructive "policies". Be honest, he wasn't going to head the "Civil Rights Division at Justice". Call the position for what it really is, the DOJ's "Make Whitey Pay" Division. That's more what you and that sorry ass racist in the DOJ Eric Panther Holder had in mind. And Holder must be pissed. This guy was perfect for the job. Face it, this POS worked hard to deny civil rights to Faulkner and his widow. He demonstrated a lack of understanding of justice and a willful disregard for victims. Now he got what he deserved. Of course this will be portrayed on BSDNC and the other asskissing, commie, alphabet channels as having been a "racially motivated" GOP "obstruction, but who the f**k cares, it goes into the win column anyway. I have no doubt that President Mullah and Panther Holder have someone equally despicable waiting in the wings. After all, these are the only people they know." MC

Another Edition Of "Let's Play The Race Card"

mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.
ED SCHULTZ: I think Graham is from South Carolina, everybody down there hates the president, unless you’re black. Right? All the conservatives in South Carolina they can’t stand President Obama so obviously it’s popular for him to go after the president.
Special Ed you are just like your great uncle Sgt. Schultz, you know ...

"Need any more proof that Special Ed "Know's Nussink". Sorry Ediot, everyone either hates Barry or will eventually hate Barry. The LIV's will just be a little slow to come around, but as they finally face the fact that they were betrayed and stupid, they will turn on him. And it won't be pretty. As for me Ediot, I was so busy hating Barry for being a corrupt, lying, racist fruad, and an asshole, that I didn't even notice he was black, and I still hate him. I would really like to know where you get your information from, and who your "rapid response" people really are? More than likely made up names is my guess, with no accounts or accountability. Tell you what Special Ed, take you bullshit information, and your rapid response people, and shove it where the sun don't shine. I don't know how much they are paying your sorry ass to spew forth your bullshit, but it's past time BSDNC did a Piers Organ on you. Just do us a favor Ediot and do something your good at like beating up on a family member or your dog. Is that protection order against you still in effect? Inquiring minds would like to know. 

Well let's see Ediot, looks like you shot yourself in the foot again. I believe the only sitting black US Senator is Tim Scott, from where, South Carolina, and a Republican, and a conservative.

Moochelle and Mama Mooch Robinson to Spring Break in China

Ireland, Hawaii, Martha's Vineyard, Africa...
Hey let's do China for a change.  

Daily Mail"President Obama and his family have come under heavy scrutiny for the unprecedented high travel costs during his time in office - and a week-long trip to China for four members of the First Family, members of the Secret Service and other members of the White House staff will likely cost several millions of dollars.The president's pricey travels have become so controversial that Judicial Watch was forced to sue the Secret Service and Defense Department to get them to turn over records on the amount of taxpayer money used to fly the First Family all over the world - in many cases for vacations or fundraisers - over the last two years of his administration.“The Obama administration is in cover-up mode on the costs of the Obamas’ travel. The Secret Service has, in contemptuous violation of law, simply stopped answering our Freedom of Information inquiries,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It seems that our ‘king’ does not want taxpayers to know how much he’s spending on his unnecessary travel.”   According to Judicial Watch, it cost more than $11 million for the president and his wife to travel to Africa to attend Nelson Mandela's funeral in December of last year. According to the New York Daily News, the Obamas were only in Africa for 'less than 13 hours.' But that trip was nothing compared to a 2013 visit the Obamas made to the Dark Continent, which reportedly cost tax payer more than $100 million.In June, the first lady went to Ireland for a two-day trip. The cost to taxpayers: $5 million."Read More  
You can see the whole Earth from the Moon!

"We do not have a "First Family" in this country. What we have is a group of High Rolling Welfare Recipients living in our House!" MC

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

  "Hillary Clinton is putting on a little weight.

She'd better be careful...  if she gains 10 more pounds,
Bill's going to start hitting on her."

—David Letterman

Quote of the Day:

Don Cherry, Canadian hockey Commentator for CBC  Television, was asked on a local live radio talk  show, what he thought about the allegations of torture of  suspected terrorists. His reply:  "If hooking up one rag-head  terrorist prisoner's testicles to a car battery to get the truth out of the lying little camel shagger will  save just  one Canadian life, then I have only three things  to say: 'Red is  positive, black is negative,  and make  sure his nuts are wet."  His reply prompted his ejection from  the studio, but to thunderous applause from the  audience.


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3