The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Colin Powell Joins The "I See Racists Everywhere" Crowd.

Via Mediaite:
Appearing on MSNBC, former Secretary of StateColin Powell savaged the Republican Party of which he says he is still a member for catering to “elements” that are overtly hostile to people of other races or nationalities. Powell told MSNBC’sAndrea Mitchell that there are groups within the GOP who “demonize people who don’t look like the way they’d like them to look.” He added that, for this reason, he believes the GOP needs him more than the Democratic Party needs him.
Speaking with Mitchell about the need for immigration reform, Powell said that reforming the system was critical. “We are an immigrant nation,” Powell said. “People wonder if we’re still the great country that we pretend to be, or we present ourselves to be. The answer is yes.” [...]
“There are certain elements of the party who go out of their way to demonize people who don’t look like the way they’d like them to look like or came from some other place,” Powell said. “I think the party has to deal with this.”
Keep reading…
"And to think I actually used to respect this patriot turned racist. As a General, Colin Powell had my respect. And now that is the end of that. Colon Powell has squandered his legacy to pander to the "I see Racists everywhere" crowd. Powell has decided to join the likes of Jessah Jackass and Al Sharpnut. "Appearing on BSDNC"? You are now discredited. I had enormous respect for Gen. Powell during the First Gulf War. His overall strategy and leadership allowed the war to be ended in a relatively short time with comparatively few allied casualties. Unfortunately, his competance in as a military General did not carry over to his political intellect to make accurate intelligent judgments about people or situations. He has sold out to the Democraps and has been spewing their lies and rhetoric, just so he can be thought of as a "good" black in their eyes. 

“There are certain elements of the party who go out of their way to demonize people who don’t look like the way they’d like them to look, like or came from some other place". You just don't get it, do you General? You may not realize it Colin, but you just described the Democrap Party, not the conservative party. In fact, the party of demonization is, and has always been, the Democrap party. Why is it that Justice Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson, Herman Cain, Condoleeza Rice, and other well respected black conservative's are hunted and attacked just because of their beliefs and principles? Any Black Republican Conservative is just as racist to them as a white person. Black Republican Conservatives are literally demonized by Democraps. How is it a man with your intellegence not see that, and then lower yourself to their standards and become another one of their tools. I remember a time, way back when, that a number of Americans, of all colors, were calling for you to run for the presidency. Knowing what I know about you now, Thank God you didn't answer that call.

I want to know, when is Colin going to explain to all the black Americans why they can't get jobs due to all the amnesty given to illegals, who will take those jobs and will do better than most

Debbie "Was-A-Man" Schultz Shows Her Stupidity Again.

"Black History Month A Time “To Reflect” On Obamacare, Voter ID Laws…"
-Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Via DNC:
Screen shot 2014-02-01 at 10.02.01 AM

" I was always wondering what to reflect on during Black History Month. Now, thanks to Debbie Was-a-man Schultz, it's all cleared up. We need to reflect on Obowelcare and voter ID laws. OK, wait, I'm reflecting. Conclusion: Obamacare is a bad idea and voter ID is a good idea. There, done reflecting. Just when you thought this wacko jerk couldn't get anymore stupid, she does. Was-a-man and the Democrap Party ought to reflect on how they treated the black people over the years. As you know all democraps were not KKK, but all KKK were democraps. That is something they are using Common Core to rewrite that little inconvenient fact right out of history. Then there was George Wallace, a forced segregationist democrap. And LBJ, another democrap who wanted to convince blacks to vote democrapic by economically slaving them and keeping them poor. This must have slipped your mind Was-a-man. Just keeping ramming your race baiting, socialist political bullshit into society. You won't be happy until it explodes in your frightening face. Poor Debbie. To be that ugly and stupid too. Shame.

Black History month has evolved into an annual 4 weeks of racist whining, with racist tools on BSDNC and all the other fast talking racist shake down artists. And who knew black history month needed a white girl to tell us all what it's about? I wish libtard white people would just let the blacks celebrate black history month in their own way, and not keep having to show them how it should be done. Not black? Then shut the f**k up about being black. You aren't. You're just "want them" to stay on the democrap plantation. To you, they are nothing but votes. A means to an end. They aren't people in your eyes, and you could give a rat's ass about them otherwise. What the black people should really reflect on during the month, is how the democrap party has given blacks the worst unemployment numbers for black people ever in the history of this country, while under this administration. How the democraps need you to stay a self described and imposed victim and not getting out and helping yourself. Reflect on the fact the Democraps vote for abortion that kills more black baby's than any other race. Reflect on how their "War on Poverty" has impoverished tens of millions of black people. Truth is, your losing by voting Democrap. What black people should be reflecting on are the accomplishments of the following African Americans:

Frederick Douglass
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 
Col. Allen West
Dr. Thomas Sowell
Dr. Walter Williams
Condoleeza Rice
Dr. Benjamin Carson
Justice Clarence Thomas

These are the real people that deserve respect and attention. Not luminaries (lunatics) like Al Sharpnuts, Jessah Jackass, Jeramiah Wrong, Louis Farrakhan and other members of the racial grievience community. And you shouldn't listen to the race baiting politics of Melissa Harris

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

  I was enjoying a cup of hot coffee the other morning while my 8-year-old grandson wolfed down a bowl of sugar somethings.

Between bites, he said, "Grandpa, Groundhog Day is coming, and after that it'll be President's Day!"

"You're right, young man," I said. "I know all about Groundhog Day. What happens on President's Day?"

He's a pretty sharp young lad, and I expected to hear about Washington and Lincoln and so on.

"Well, Grandpa, on President's day, Barack Obama will go outside, and if he sees his shadow, we get three more years of bullshit."

Quote of the Day:

    “Opportunity created by affordable, quality health insurance allows families in America to make a decision about how they will work, or if they will work.” _ Jay Carney


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