The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Good Morning Deploreables

It is Wednesday 9/27/2017

President Trump Wrong. Roy Moore Wins GOP Runoff In Alabama…

Good Job Alabama!!!

Dear GOP,
We're on to your Bullshit and we're not going to take it anymore.
The Base You've Taken for Granted

Now this is some damn excellent news. I can smell the panic in the DC swamp from here. And it smells like victory. Take that Sen. McTurtle. FU Paul Ryno. 2018 is coming you GOP bastards, so just keep right on telling us all about how you can't balance the budget, repeal Obamacare, or build the wall, but how you are going to cram amnesty down our throats. A message has been sent. Getting rid of Strange and Corker in one day, shit, I think I'll have a drink.

I don't know if this was part of a strategy as some are saying, but if not Mr. President, you made a huge mistake, and you misread this one big time. You bet on the wrong horse. I don't know who in the White House advised you on this, but you do, and action needs to be taken because they are part of the swamp. This may sting a bit, but dammit you need to listen to WE THE PEOPLE. That’s all I got to say on this.

Trump: I’m “Ashamed” By NFL Protests…

You speak for me Mr. President. Thankfully we have a President who doesn't go on an apology tour or buckle to the leftist media. So now defending the honor of our country and the people who served is called "preoccupation". The only ones that are pre-occupied is the MSM on President Trump. For once we have a President who speaks the truth that we, ourselves say to each other. This taking a knee has changed from f**k the cops, BLM, and Screw America,  to, we hate Trump in one fell swoop. Awesome job Mr. President. You have them on their collective heels and it happened so fast that all they could do was react without even honestly knowing why they did what they did. 

  • New Survey: 64 Percent Of Americans Say NFL Players Should Stand For Anthem

    Via Daily Caller:
    Nearly two-thirds of Americans say NFL players should stand and be respectful during the playing of the national anthem, according to a survey released on Monday.
    A survey by Remington Research Group found that 64 percent of voters agree with President Trump and want players to stand for the anthem. The survey also found that 80 percent of voters want less politics in sports, while 51 percent say they are watching less football than in previous years.
    Among those watching less football, 69 percent pointed to “Players using the NFL as a stage for their political views” as the primary reason why.

     A whole month of non-stop 24/7 media and liberal support and they still can't get the majority of Americans to support their anti-American agenda, there is hope for us yet! Ah, but the media will not cease the stories of "bravery" and "pride" of these pigskin pigs, while it demeans those in the nation who pray, who love America and who honor cops and the military. The media is the instrument of evil liberal forces and should never be watched or believed. They themselves have given us reason never to trust them ever again. As for the NFL, they act like politicians, "Who cares what the people think?" We'll do what we damn well please. Well, screw them and their anti-american kneelers. Bottom line, it's he owners who set the rules for the team, and they can either make them stand up for the anthem, or, send them packing. It's up to the owners to either tolerate this stupidity or stop it, PERIOD! But alas, it's all about the almighty dollar, and it appears they have made their decision. They'll reap what they sow.

    Remember, 34% side with the avowed communists. These are America's liberals, who would turn our nation over to the UN if given even a remote chance to do so. These are the football players and their management, Pelosi, Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee, Schumer, no doubt McCain, Graham, Ryan, McConnell, Collins, Hollywood, and 90% of media. The rest of us LOVE America. Yeah, 36% have their heads up their asses. Perhaps there is a country that suits them better?


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