The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Barry Doesn't Like Drama.

 “If I had known [about the website problems] ,” the steaming president reportedly said, according to the New York Times, “We could have delayed the website.”
All of which begs the real question: how could he not have known?
“People don’t like to tell him bad news,” says an ex-White House staffer. “Part of it is the no-drama culture.”

"That's a load of bullshit. Barry knew. He just lied. Just like he's done all his life. Pathetic. Heat in the kitchen getting too hot for poor little Barry. Must be time to light up another joint and maybe take some more time off and work on the golf swing. They didn't want to disturb him while he was making his tee time would be more believable. There may be something to this though. Let's see, Barry went to bed when we were under attack in Benghazi rather than face the drama. He walked out of the room during the Bin Laden raid and played cards with Reggie rather than face drama. He works less than an hour or two a day and refuses to deal with his cabinet, his military leadership, etc. as it's too stressful. He let's Valerie Ferrett handle running the presidential office as the drama is just too much. Geez, I thought being a community organizer is all about drama. The only drama Obowel likes is the self-serving kind of 'it's all about me', where he puts his arrogance, bitterness, and narcissism on display for all to see. An executive with this kind of personality disorder would be out of a job in most organizations. And yet in the highest office in the land, we have Barry's staff afraid of telling him the truth. Talk about amateur hour. Remember that during the Normandy invasion, Adolf Hitler was sleeping comfortably in his bed not knowing what was going on in France. His henchmen did not wish to wake him and give him bad news so they left him alone. Sound familiar? For somebody who doesn't like "drama" he creates it continually and thrives on it. He is legally insane and should be removed. He's a criminal and should be arrested. He's a fraud and he's a traitor, and is not qualified to be president. Period!

There hasn't been a day since he took office that he hasn't created drama for the people of this country. This fraud lives to cause us misery. All I can say is that all those who voted for the little

Hey, Sorry For Saying Someone Should “Shit” In Sarah Palin’s Mouth

"Sorry Bashit, once you fling shit, you can clean it up, but it still smells like shit. If you don't like the negative feedback, try just one time to think before opening your mouth. Hey, I know it's getting pretty tough over there at BSDNC. You got Eddie "I know nothing" Schultz screaming at the top of his lungs like he is trying to get the bartenders attention for a drink. And Rearend All still tripping over his 10 word vocabulary, old Tingles Matthews drooling out the side of his mouth giving us the impression he is having a stroke. Yeah, I know it's been tough, but to say someone should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth, oh naughty, naughty Bashit. If there's anybody who knows what it's like to have a mouthful of shit, well, it's definitely you Marty. Who is the shit head now? So you say your gonna change? Why change Bashit? Your foul mouth just confirms what all sane people already know about you left-wingnuts. You could care less if you offend anyone. All you care about is the Cause. Oh, you'll continue to bash her Marty. You'll just use milder language for a month or two until you feel everyone has forgotten, and then, right back at it with your foul mouth. A lying asshole says he is sorry and will never do it again. Fool us once shame, on you, fool us twice, shame on us.

The only reason he gave this piss poor acting job of an apology was because someone at BSDNC made him. Not sincere enough for me. Marty needs to make a good act of contrition, which should be to swim back to England where he came from. Maybe even use Piers Organ as a float. He could

Picture, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

Picture of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 

Quote of the Day: 

"...last week the Obama presidency began crumbling. Some may be disappointed, and may see him in heroic terms, withering like a character in an ancient tragedy.
A few of us saw a backbencher from the Illinois state legislature, a guy who took orders, then rode to the White House on a personality cult, finally exposed.
Obamacare, his health care plan rammed down America's throat without a bipartisan consensus, not only became a political embarrassment, it became a political disaster.
The Obamacare website continued to implode, Americans lost their health insurance even though he repeatedly promised them they wouldn't. Period.
The word "liar" was suddenly attached to his name, because of the cynical, untruthful promise he repeatedly made, and once Obamacare began collapsing, his fellow Democrats began to run in panic." --John Kass


Teleprompter Fail 1

Teleprompter Fail 2

Teleprompter Fail 3