The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Saturday, March 11, 2017

Good Morning Deplorables

It is Saturday 3/11/2017

Sessions Gives Pink Slip To Virtually All U.S. Attorneys Appointed By Obama


Via Washington Examiner:
Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Friday asked the remaining 46 U.S. attorneys appointed by President Obama to resign.
According to the Justice Department, those resignations will “ensure a uniform transition.”
“Until the new U.S. attorneys are confirmed, the dedicated career prosecutions in our U.S. Attorney’s Offices will continue the great work of the department in investigating, prosecuting, and deterring the most violent offenders,” said spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores in a statement Friday afternoon.

 About damn time.  This is the second piece of great news about Sessions today. He also said that he was looking at appointing a special prosecutor to investigate Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch. This is how it went down:


And they gave them the weekend to clean out their desk and office. I would have given them 10 minutes and told them to...

Congressional Black Caucus Foundation Received Over $500K In Taxpayer-Funded Gov’t Grants

Via Free Beacon:
The Congressional Black Caucus Foundation was awarded more than $500,000 in taxpayer-funded government grants since 2010, records show. Seven of its leaders additionally paid themselves six-figure salaries, according to the group’s most recent tax filings.
The CBC Foundation, a nonprofit that is separate from the Congressional Black Caucus, carries a mission of advancing “the global black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and educating the public.”
"The Congressional Black Caucus, carries a mission of advancing “the 
global black community by developing leaders, informing policy, and 
educating the public.”

So the stupidest people in Congress are going to educate us, isn't that wonderful.

And she heads the Caucass!

Do members of the Congressional White Caucus receive similar personal financial benefits...
oh wait...

I guess now it's "black politicians matter". Why isn't this racist? I have ONLY one question, why do we continue to support any activity based on race, religion or national origin? Doesn't the Constitution forbid such? I'll be willing to bet this 'foundation' has been sliding money to BLM and other nefarious activities. And how much of those tax dollars went to the Congressional Black Caucus's Anti-Cop 'Police as Pigs' painting they wanted hung in the Capitol?

Is this the shit we throw our f**king tax dollars away on? Makes you wonder just how much more money is spent on stupid shit like this, doesn't it? 500k? That's a lot of mental health treatment for our vets that are currently killing themselves. 

The CBC is nothing more than a money laundering slush fund. 500K is chump change, you know the real figure is in the millions. No more damn it. The NAACP, CAIR, Affirmative Action, National Black Caucus, Congressional Black Caucus, etc., anything that requires a certain skin tone or religion needs to be banned from any and all government and state buildings and laws. This is way out of hand, they are stealing and cheating the rest of the country. How come we never hear the Asian community complaining about "reparations"? Enough is enough. Stop the funding to this racist organization down now.


O.J. Simpson could be released from prison as early as October, and the buzz in the reality TV industry is that some producers are getting ready to scramble to sign him.

Calling all the Kardashian girls, OJ may be getting out soon! Get in line.

A reality show? Really? What the hell is this reality show going to be about? OJ searching for the "real" killers of Nicole, Ron? And maybe throw Casey Anthony in there to as she searches for the killer of Caylee. I'm sure if the reality show doesn't work out, there's a great future for OJ at MSNBC or CNN, with Casey Anthony as his co-host? And Robert Blake as the man on the street. 

The only saving grace is the Goldman and Brown families will haunt him every day for the rest of his life and take every dollar they are entitled from him.


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