The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

Democrat House and Senate Members Call for Investigation of Popular Philanthropist and North Pole Businessman

It is reported today that leading Democrat House and Senate members are calling for an congressional investigation of North Pole Businessman and Philanthropist,  S. Claus, on allegations of a possibly conspiracy with American Retailers such as Wal-mart, Target, Macys and many others involving profiteering.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Cal) accused Mr. Claus of conspiring for years by way of a made up holiday to enrich himself as well as already wealthy retail and related industry CEO's.  
"This conspiracy involves duping small businesses and households to spend their already stretched resources, money that could be otherwise used to support a government the people want and demand." Pelosi announced. "This is Big Business Trickery and Greed at it's worst and we plan pressure congress to look into it throughly."
Even more egregious accusation were leveled at Mr. Claus by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano . "For years NORAD has monitored Mr.

RIP Hero General “Stormin’ Norman” Schwarzkopf 1934 – 2012

"Thank you for your service to this great country.Rest in peace General Schwarzkopf. Godspeed". MC

MSNBC’s Touré: ‘I Have a Right to Know…Who Has a Gun and Who Doesn’t’

"BSNBC and their leftist hosts wear me out. This guy as proven himself as an ass-wipe many, many times. And again he doesn’t disappoint. Really, how does someone that stupid feed himself or even breath. I love how these people talk like these problems of the inner city, resulting from poor parenting, irresponsible fathers knocking up 5 different women, not getting married, nor financially taking care of their children, makes their problems "our" problem. And by the way libtard, care to enlighten me as to where your right to know anything about your neighbors is guaranteed in The Constitution or ensuing Amendments? The only rights you have are the rights to remain black, stupid, and a racist. Touré then explained that firearms are the leading cause of death in nearly every age category. Really? Lets see that statistic proving that little bit of bullshit. Do some research. The leading cause is automobile accidents, but liberals never let facts get in the way of their opinion. I hate it when libtard's make these blanket statements, the media spreads them, & the feeble minded liberals buy it without one moment’s thought as to if that is really true or not. Hey everybody, Touré is not a gun owner. Hey bad guys, here is your mark"! MC

A weekly publication in New York, The Journal News, has come under fire for publishing the names and addresses of pistol permit holders in two New York counties. On Thursday, the publication got some help from a couple of MSNBC hosts who defended the paper’s actions.
During Thursday’s edition of “The Cycle,” co-host Touré argued that he has every right to know the identity of every gun owner around him.
“I have a right to know, I think, to know who has a gun and who doesn’t,” Touré said. “Maybe I don’t want to go there, maybe I don’t want my kids going there.”
MSNBCs Toure: I Have a Right to Know...Who Has a Gun and Who Doesnt
He went on to claim that guns are far more likely to be used against friends and family than against home intruders.
“We treat guns as a private choice, but they are really a public matter in that having a gun impacts the local

Holy Schlitz, I Actually Agree With a Matt Damon Comment

"He must have been Bourne stupid". MC

Here’s what the Libtard said:

Via Politico:
Matt Damon is shown. | Reuters
“We’re at a point where politicians don’t really get any benefit from engaging with long-term issues. Instead, it’s all about the next election cycle. Those guys in the House don’t do anything now but run for office. So unless they can find some little thing that zips them up a couple of points in the polls, they’re not interested.”
Remarkably, we agree on this point, but for different reasons and with entirely different long-term visions in mind.

What’s the answer? Term limits? I don’t think so. That would only ensure that we go head to head every cycle, spending bundles of cash, with a terrible ideology that shouldn’t be a part of our landscape in the first place.

No, like the penishead said, we need to think long-term. Our culture doesn’t get shaped from the government down. Our government is a representation of our education from the bottom up.
It sounds trite, but it is imperative to retake the schools, organizations, pop culture and journalism. Every kid you can mentor, do it. Even if it’s just a one-time small conversation.

USA Today Poll Finds 54% Have A Favorable Opinion Of The NRA – Leftist Heads Exploding Coast To Coast….

WASHINGTON -- A majority of Americans support stricter gun laws in the aftermath of the Newtown school shooting, but most oppose banning assault weapons, a move that is backed by President Obama as a step to curb gun violence, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans now say they favor stricter gun laws, up from 43% in October 2011. And the American public, which favored enforcing existing gun laws over passing new ones by a 60%-35% in 2011, now is split on the issue, with 46% favoring enforcing current laws and 47% favoring passing new ones.

In terms of specific laws, however, the ban on assault weapons, which are a favorite target of gun control advocates — including Obama -- hasn't gained any significant support, according to the poll. Forty-four percent support such a move and 51% are against it. In October 2011, 43% supported an assault weapons ban and 51% said they were against it.

National Rifle Association President David Keene said he wasn't surprised by the uptick of respondents who

Sotomayor Ruled in Favor of Muslim Inmate’s Ramadan Dinner But Rejected Christian Hobby Lobby’s Appeal for HHS Exemption

"Another Communist/ Socialist/ Islamic Fascist Sympathizer in our government; just move along, there is nothing new here. But remember, she is a “WISE LATINA” that was only wrong 70% of the time (i.e. 70% of her decisions were reversed by a higher court). But in a libtard world, being right 30% of the time gets you a supreme court nomination. Where I came from, a 30% grade was not considered outstanding, but hey, we have to dumb things down for people like here. If you cannot see what is taking place before your eyes then you my fellow Americans are blind. If what you see is not blatant partiality in its highest regard then again you are plain ignorant. This goes by the name payback. It’s their form of paying back what was given to them in mass voting/ money.What better way to break your opponent than by making him/her betray they’re core beliefs". MC

Justice Sotomayor ruled in favor of Muslim inmates but ruled against Christian business owners.

The Supreme Court denied a request by Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned company, to shield the company from the controversial contraceptive mandate. Justice Sonia Sotomayor rejected a request for an emergency injunction that would have shielded employers from the mandate. Hobby Lobby could face fines of up to $1.3 million a day if they do not comply to the Obama mandate.

Yet, as Laura Ingraham pointed out, in a previous case Sotomayor ruled for a Muslim inmate who was


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