The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left. -- Ecclesiastes 10:2 (NIV)

When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty. Thomas Jefferson

Liberalism: Ideas so good, you have to be forced to accept them.


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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

People Who Criticized My Failed Stimulass Bill “Have Had To Eat Those Words”…

motivational quote | BEAWESOME

In a speech marking the five-year anniversary of his $831 billion economic stimulus plan, President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that his plan, passed one month into his presidency, succeeded and that his critics were proven wrong and “have had to eat those words.”
Obama also touted his auto bailout and green energy initiatives as major successes.
“Anybody who had dire predictions for the auto industry and said, ‘We couldn’t do it. Manufacturers couldn’t bring jobs back to America.’ Every time they say that, they are proven wrong,” said Obama.
Keep reading…

Obama is a expert on wasting money.

Yeah, that's gotta be it.

Do you have any suggestions for more? Getch'yer blank template right ...

"I really don't know how much more of this "success" I can stand. This is the same jackass who claim's his healthcare disaster is a bump in the road, and brags about how great people will see Obowelcare in a couple of years. He is so wrapped up in himself that he doesn't even understand reality. Yet idiots elected this loser twice. In Barryland, the libtard LIV's will  believe anything this POS says. Barry could rob a bank, shoot the place up and have it all captured on surveillance cameras for the world to see, and then say he didn't do it, but it was George Bush. And 50 percent of the asshole's in the country would believe him. That's sad. 
Bloomberg | The Obama administration let $385 million in taxpayer ...

Truth is this jerk and his administration have been nothing but a failure in everything they have

Meet Barry For Only $3

But, but, but, this wasn’t supposed to happen if we raised the debt ...

We’ve accomplished so much together over the last several years, and none of it would have been possible without you, Drew.
On November 4th, America will elect the last Congress I will work with as President, and I’m going to do everything I can to help support the Democrats who are going to fight for an America where everyone has a fair shot at success.
Today, I’m asking you to do the same. Chip in $3 or whatever you can to help Democrats, and when you do, you will be automatically entered to meet me in D.C. later this month.
I won’t be on the ballot this fall, but these midterm elections will have an outsized impact on what we’re able to get done while I’m in office.
There’s so much more we can be doing to create opportunity for our family members and neighbors. We cannot afford to move back or stand still. This year has to be a year of action for all of us.
Pitch in to elect more Democrats today:
Barack Obama

"I am sending in my $3.00. Would I ever want to be picked by this fraud to meet him. The things I have to tell him. But now that I think of it, $3.00? That's a little steep for the chance to hang with this foreigner. Nah, not worth it. I'm better off taking my chances on a lottery ticket. Besides, I could probably meet Biden for a nickel. This moron lies so much, the picture will be with a wax figure of him. This idiot can try all the scheme's he wants to try and buy the 2014 mid-term elections. It ain't gonna help. If the 2014 November election's goes the way it should go, Barry will be the biggest limp dick, I mean lame dick, wait lame duck to ever hold office. I guess the LIV's still haven't figured out the only "redistribution of wealth" is from their pockets into Obowel's, and now it's only $3 at a time. What a bunch of stupid, f**king idiots! I hope whoever the "winner" of this libtard raffle is, realizes that they will be on the hook for taxes for this so-called "meet Barry in D.C." fantasy trip. Ya gotta feed the the federal beast you know. 

What a POS embarrassment of this great nation. I hope Ted Cruz introduce's a bill that has every penny that asshole gets goes straight to all the f**king debt he's racked up. Thanks to his policies, $3.00 is worth about a negative $2.75. Can't even buy a gallon of gas with $3.00. A president

Picture's, Joke, And Quote Of The Day

"Feel free to share"

Picture's of the Day:

Joke of the Day: 


Quote of the Day:

    "The failure of the stimulus was a failure of the neo-Keynesian belief that economies can be jolted into action by a wave of government spending. In fact, people are smart enough to realize that every dollar poured into the economy via government spending must eventually be taken out of the productive economy in the form of taxes. The way to jolt an economy to life and to sustain long-term growth is to create more incentives for people to work, save and invest. Let's hope Washington's next stimulus plan is aimed at reducing the tax and regulatory burden on American job creators." --WSJ


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